Europe, Boring Until it's Not

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by SuburbanFarmer »

Okeefenokee wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Okeefenokee wrote:
It was reported in the local news the following day.

Kill yourself.
Find the word "rape" in that article. Then drink bleach.
Learn how to read and follow a story line, then jump in a river. The woman was drugged and didn't know she'd been raped until a rape kit was done, and that hadn't been done yet. Once it had been done, it was determined that she was raped by at least two men.

You can go kill yourself now, before another victim of a muslim gang rape comes around for you to mock.
....according to Gotcha thx.

I never mocked her. Wanna see what that looks like?

Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.
Local idiots were rallied, and demanded justice, cops arrested 6 Arabs in the vicinity, then dropped charges.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by StCapps »

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by ssu »

Btw the US Army participated again just couple of days ago in excersizes here in Finland.

Somewhat telling that it didn't break the news barrier here anymore. Even in the armed forces videos the interviewed foreign soldiers were Norwegian, of whom there were far fewer than the US troops. Seems that it has become an annual excersize for the US Army.

Hard to actually spot the American Stryker vehicles and US soldiers shooting the Javelin ATGM.

And now, some positive feedback from Europe about the Trump administration:
(Trump's) newfound warmth toward NATO has spread to the Baltics.

“We’ve had more meetings with top Trump officials than we had with Obama officials in eight years,” one Baltic diplomat said, to the ready agreement of others in attendance. "Continued American assistance and NATO security cooperation in Estonia is critically import to deter Russian aggression," said Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCaul, who visited the Baltics as part of a congressional delegation last week.Baltic officials take comfort in the national security team of National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, CIA Director Mike Pompeo and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

"They're good guys - better than the Obama team, actually,” one of the officials said, warming to the new team because of their accessibility.
Of course, then there is Trump himself and his tweets...and his previous stances. But people have simple gotten used to this. Notice how the administration reacts to this.
“The only problem is they have limitations," in that they enact policy, but don't make it. "That depends on Donald Trump and whoever he last met with," one of the officials said with a laugh, repeating a phrase oft used in Washington.

The officials said Trump officials are trying to reassure us of the strength of the alliance, whatever is coming out of the White House, one of the diplomats said. “The administration officials tell us, don't worry, and the lawmakers say, we know you're worried, and we're worried too, but we're on your side,” the official said.

There’s a wariness about what Trump might say when he attends the upcoming NATO summit, or what he might tweet, and a near-universal derision among diplomats here toward Trump’s perceived lack of consistency, loyalty to a given viewpoint or self-control. That was best summed up in one senior diplomat’s description of Trump’s upcoming visit, saying “at least he’ll have adult supervision.”The officials spoke on condition of anonymity in order to speak frankly about the still-evolving White House policy toward NATO, Russia and the Baltic nations.

Others are ready to ignore the Trumpian drama, and give his policymakers a chance.

“We don't ignore the tweets, but we can't act on tweets. We act on real life and there is real commitment from the U.S.,” a senior Baltic defense official told The Daily Beast. “Relations with the U.S. are brilliant!”Lithuanian defense minister Raimundas Karoblis told The Daily Beast in an interview that there was fear among his public that a Trump administration might “betray” Lithuania and the other Baltic nations to Russia, which has tried to push the idea that they are indefensible.

But after meetings with Mattis and others, “we don’t have a moment of doubt,” Karoblis said.
See Russia's NATO Neighbors: We're OK With Trump, Actually

Worth remembering when the Trump hating media will portray the Trump-NATO relationship as very strained.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Okeefenokee »

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.
Digital stone, motherfucker.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by BjornP »

GCF, guilt by association is stupid no matter who does it. Afaik, this woman isn't associated with any far right movement other than the one currently co-opting her plight, so if you are assuming that all aspects of the story is fake news by virtue of right-wingers sharing it on their blogs, you shouldn't.

I already pointed to that the blogs some of the resident knobheads quote as "evidence" are simply making things up. Even when they don't need to. But that is similarly not evidence that immigrants from Muslim majority countries don't make up most of the sexual crime stats across europe. Right-wing bloggers crafting fake news, is not evidence that this particular woman was not raped by six immigrant men.

In other words, the evidence of dishonesty is not evidence that an event people are being dishonest about did not occur.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Montegriffo »

BjornP wrote:GCF, guilt by association is stupid no matter who does it. Afaik, this woman isn't associated with any far right movement other than the one currently co-opting her plight, so if you are assuming that all aspects of the story is fake news by virtue of right-wingers sharing it on their blogs, you shouldn't.

I already pointed to that the blogs some of the resident knobheads quote as "evidence" are simply making things up. Even when they don't need to. But that is similarly not evidence that immigrants from Muslim majority countries don't make up most of the sexual crime stats across europe. Right-wing bloggers crafting fake news, is not evidence that this particular woman was not raped by six immigrant men.

In other words, the evidence of dishonesty is not evidence that an event people are being dishonest about did not occur.

The dishonesty in this case seems to come from the fact that the police not being able to gather enough evidence to go to court is being used to ''prove'' that the Govt' has a policy of covering up these attacks.

Somehow, despite there being a Conservative government this is part of a left wing plot to flood the country with rapists and terrorists.

It's not only dishonest but it has led to innocent men being violently attacked by far right vigilantes.
Considering the fuss some people make when trash cans get kicked it's ''surprising'' that I appear to be the only person condemning street thugs assaulting random ''brown'' men.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by BjornP »

All the more reason not to fall into the guilt by association trap.

Someone saying: "This story couldn't be true, it must have been made up by right-wingers who hate brown people to justify their bigotry" is as fallacious as saying: "Any story that doesn't prove that Muslim men are rabid rapophiliac, sharia loving, suicide bomber wannabees is fake news by the globalist, leftist elites".
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Alexander PhiAlipson »

Rest assured, all--when enough time has passed, the BBC shall make a new hit television series and all will be made right again. ;)
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Montegriffo »

BjornP wrote:All the more reason not to fall into the guilt by association trap.

Someone saying: "This story couldn't be true, it must have been made up by right-wingers who hate brown people to justify their bigotry" is as fallacious as saying: "Any story that doesn't prove that Muslim men are rabid rapophiliac, sharia loving, suicide bomber wannabees is fake news by the globalist, leftist elites".
Sure. I've not said that the story couldn't be true though only that the police found no evidence which would lead to a conviction. There is still an ongoing investigation and things might change.

I haven't seen anything to prove it was a government policy to let rapists go free so they don't have to defend their immigration policies.
Nor is there proof that there is a media blackout.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by SuburbanFarmer »

Montegriffo wrote:
BjornP wrote:All the more reason not to fall into the guilt by association trap.

Someone saying: "This story couldn't be true, it must have been made up by right-wingers who hate brown people to justify their bigotry" is as fallacious as saying: "Any story that doesn't prove that Muslim men are rabid rapophiliac, sharia loving, suicide bomber wannabees is fake news by the globalist, leftist elites".
Sure. I've not said that the story couldn't be true though only that the police found no evidence which would lead to a conviction. There is still an ongoing investigation and things might change.

I haven't seen anything to prove it was a government policy to let rapists go free so they don't have to defend their immigration policies.
Nor is there proof that there is a media blackout.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

Formerly GrumpyCatFace