MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Who will be the Democrat Nominee for POTUS

Poll ended at Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:48 pm

Creepy Joe Biden
Bernie 'the Commie' Sanders
'Nipple Stud' Cuomo
Gavin Newsome
No votes
Tulsi Gabbard
Sensible Shoes Klobachar - OUT - Karens now for Biden
No votes
Hildaghost Clinton
Total votes: 10

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by Zlaxer » Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:24 pm

“James Carville” wrote:So long as [Mitch] McConnell runs the Senate, it’s game over. There’s no chance we’ll change the courts, and nothing will happen, and he’ll just be sitting up there screaming in the microphone about the revolution.

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:54 pm

clubgop wrote:
Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:04 pm
Now they’ve put 400 million people on house arrest. You can choose to believe that they’re just being REALLY FUCKING CAREFUL because 300 people died, or you can realize that they’re full of shit (as always), and this thing is the next Spanish Flu. Even more, you can be pretty sure that it’s a bio weapon that the idiots released upon the world.
SIFCLF screenplay. You can believe all that stuff or you can realize China west of the coastal cities is a third world dictatorship capable of an outbreak like this all by itself. The bio weapon part is also pretty dumb this is like claiming TB is a bio weapon.
As I pointed out previously, western scientists have identified 4 sections of HIV code in the Coronavirus - which is in a different biological family. The chances of this happening randomly are virtually nil.

But continue with your trolling please. It brings joy to us all.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by clubgop » Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:55 pm

Zlaxer wrote:
Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:24 pm
“James Carville” wrote:So long as [Mitch] McConnell runs the Senate, it’s game over. There’s no chance we’ll change the courts, and nothing will happen, and he’ll just be sitting up there screaming in the microphone about the revolution.
Talking bout Sanders? He's just being truthful. If the GOP keeps the Senate which looks likely they won't be able to approve judges.

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by clubgop » Fri Feb 07, 2020 8:16 pm

SuburbanFarmer wrote:
Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:54 pm
clubgop wrote:
Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:04 pm
Now they’ve put 400 million people on house arrest. You can choose to believe that they’re just being REALLY FUCKING CAREFUL because 300 people died, or you can realize that they’re full of shit (as always), and this thing is the next Spanish Flu. Even more, you can be pretty sure that it’s a bio weapon that the idiots released upon the world.
SIFCLF screenplay. You can believe all that stuff or you can realize China west of the coastal cities is a third world dictatorship capable of an outbreak like this all by itself. The bio weapon part is also pretty dumb this is like claiming TB is a bio weapon.
As I pointed out previously, western scientists have identified 4 sections of HIV code in the Coronavirus - which is in a different biological family. The chances of this happening randomly are virtually nil.

But continue with your trolling please. It brings joy to us all.
Omg this is even better. Bullshit conspiracy theory. :lol:

There is a similarity in the spike protein sections however two of those section are exactly similar to bat coronavirus exactly as people think the origin is. And the other 2 only one is most similiar to HIV and is so short that renders the comparison meaningless. It's like saying because we both have b's in our names they are similiar. This has yet to be peer reviewed for a reason. Please keep embarrassing yourself about your lack of knowledge about any and all things China, biology, everything the hell else. It brings joy to us all.

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by AverageJoe » Fri Feb 07, 2020 9:03 pm

Speaking of conspiracy theories, I did kind of enjoy Beck's take on the Ukraine last night.

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by Zlaxer » Sat Feb 08, 2020 4:45 am

clubgop wrote:
Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:55 pm
Zlaxer wrote:
Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:24 pm
“James Carville” wrote:So long as [Mitch] McConnell runs the Senate, it’s game over. There’s no chance we’ll change the courts, and nothing will happen, and he’ll just be sitting up there screaming in the microphone about the revolution.
Talking bout Sanders? He's just being truthful. If the GOP keeps the Senate which looks likely they won't be able to approve judges.
Carville ranting about Bernie.

I posted this because he slipped up in his rage. He claims Bernie is not the DNC, but then states the DNC needs control of courts to invoke “change”.

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by AverageJoe » Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:00 am

I never thought I'd see the day a major US political party go into full nose dive. Its interesting to see the amount of fear and self loathing now that Bernie has a real good chance of picking up the nomination. You can see they finally get that all those years of courting socialism/communism is have blossomed in their party and are pushing them aside to gain power.

Christ, Chris Matthews was in full panic mode on TV the other night about the prospect of Bernie. Now Carville is raging, which honestly is nothing new for him. Still you can see folks like this trying to keep a brave face and trying to keep the party together while letting their trepidation slip out.

Old, real Democrats are terrified right now. Their monster they invented to take down Republicans has gone full crazy and turned on them.

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Feb 08, 2020 10:13 am

clubgop wrote:
Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:19 pm
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:15 pm
Capp's Biden antics will probably never be forgotten. :lol:
Not sure why he got so invested.
I dunno. I am not even sure why it is so painful for him to just admit he was wrong. It's not that big of a deal.

I don't even get the surprise that Bernie is so popular in actuality. All people had to do was ask around and pay attention. Don't watch the television to understand what is happening, lol.

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by StCapps » Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:13 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Sat Feb 08, 2020 10:13 am
I dunno. I am not even sure why it is so painful for him to just admit he was wrong. It's not that big of a deal.
It's not painful, it's just too early to write him off, and you are super eager to jump the gun so that you can claim to be the one who called it first, if it happens.

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by heydaralon » Sat Feb 08, 2020 12:55 pm

SuburbanFarmer wrote:
Fri Feb 07, 2020 6:09 pm
heydaralon wrote:
Fri Feb 07, 2020 5:36 pm
SuburbanFarmer wrote:
Fri Feb 07, 2020 3:56 pm
We added some jobs (probably fewer than new workers, but ok, and wages just barely beat inflation. Boom times indeed.
What would make you happy?

You always think America is about to collapse. I am guilty of this quite a bit too, but something to consider is that whatever numbers/graphs/proof is presented, Zero Hedge will always say (and has been for years) that they are wrong and that the end is near. I read a book about a UFO cult written by a psychologist back in the day. The cult leader said that the world would end at a certain time. When the world didn't end, it did not shake their faith. Rather they doubled down. To me, that seems like what Zero Hedge and similar constituents want. There are dogmatic Trumpists and SJWs that think everything will work in their favor. But it seems equally perverse to just want things to take a nosedive just to be vindicated.

Eventually, the economy will go to shit, but this is not indicative of Zero Hedge's unique perspective. Undergrad economists are aware of the boom/bust cycle.
Honestly, I’m not looking forward to any sort of collapse. My priority is seeing through bullshit, and attempting to be prepared.

I can’t stand the constant drumbeat about them greatest economy ever’, because I know it’s false. It’s doctored numbers, insane levels of money printing, and propaganda, while the elites siphon off all the wealth they can hoard. I give absolutely zero fucks about political affiliation - I just hate the swamp/the elites/the game/whatever.

Similarly, I was among the first to recognize the Coronavirus threat. Not because I’m paranoid, but because I noticed the absurd overreaction of the elites in response to it. They knew it was serious right from the beginning.

Now they’ve put 400 million people on house arrest. You can choose to believe that they’re just being REALLY FUCKING CAREFUL because 300 people died, or you can realize that they’re full of shit (as always), and this thing is the next Spanish Flu. Even more, you can be pretty sure that it’s a bio weapon that the idiots released upon the world.

My motive is not to watch the world burn. It’s to point out the sparks, and hopefully save a few of us from annihilation.
Where is your evidence that it is a bioweapon run amok beyond that one non peered reviewed article? If we are going that route, I have dozens of non peer reviewed articles proving Creationism. I have no idea how bad the virus will be, but I also remember Swine flu, SARS etc.

Additionally, I don't really get why Zero Hedge is some extra trustworthty source. While I share your scepticism of US media and Chinese media, as other users have pointed out, Zero Hedge has numerous ties to the Russian govt/intelligence services. Why would you trust the Russian govt especially? They aren't exactly known for their press freedom.
Shikata ga nai