Social Justice Warriors Thread

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by heydaralon » Fri Apr 05, 2019 12:49 pm

MilSpecs wrote:
Fri Apr 05, 2019 12:47 pm
Ph64 wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2019 4:21 pm
MilSpecs wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2019 6:16 am
There was a movement for a long time to get full time SAHMs more respect, which would have moved a lot more women towards equality. The result was a backlash towards job security for those women. This board is constantly railing against women receiving any share of family pay for their job.
"against women receving ANY share of family pay for their job"?

A SAHM, it married, gets a free place to live, all utilities paid for, all food paid for, probably some money for clothes, maybe a vacation here and there, etc. Is that not "some share" of "family" pay?I

I mean I understand wanting respect for what she does, and it could be a bad relationship, but I know a lot of guys that basically hand their paycheck over to "the wife" every other week, she pays all the bills, pays the mortgage, etc... And then bitches about how he doesn't do enough. "Respect"? Goes both ways, right?
My husband does exactly that. My paycheck goes to the family as well. I do all the financial work, which means if things go south it’s all my fault. Also with the kids, the house, everything. That’s what I complain about. Not the disproportionate amount of work but being responsible for most of our life. Just like he feels responsible for our standard of living. I might have made as much as him, but he can’t do what I do. Actually, you guys can - you just don’t want to because it’s scut work and we’ll do it. You may have heard some version of this before. ;)

As far as getting free stuff - not remotely equal. Out of curiosity, do you go to work and expect to get a place to live and a few vacations and that’s good enough for you? Do you expect to get some kind of financial security? Retirement savings, equity in your home, etc. Nobody ‘gives’ a sah parent anything. The deal was that I gave up the professional life I would have had and half the resources belong to me. The key to the marriage is that I would hand that half over to him without hesitation if he needed it. The family comes first and my husband is my closest family member. That’s what the younger generation missed learning, and it can’t be said enough. Your spouse is your closest relative.
Not true. If your spouse is your closest relative, you are probably committing incest and creating some 'tard babies. In fact, your spouse should not be closely related to you at all...

You are doing something wrong.
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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by MilSpecs » Fri Apr 05, 2019 1:19 pm

California wrote:
Fri Apr 05, 2019 3:07 am
MilSpecs wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2019 6:16 am
SuburbanFarmer wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2019 5:46 am
I’ve actually seen a surprising number of women doing the sign holding for power crews in the last year or two.
For years.

I don't measure our progress by the percentage of us who go for yet another low paying job. We could stay waitresses and receptionists if the point is to stay down. We need to rise up.

There was a movement for a long time to get full time SAHMs more respect, which would have moved a lot more women towards equality. The result was a backlash towards job security for those women. This board is constantly railing against women receiving any share of family pay for their job.
That's because its not a job

The way my schedule works I'm a SAHD every Wednesday and Thursday, as well as the times I use my vacation to be a SAHD when my wife has work trips she has to travel for. I'll take that ANY day over actually going to work, and that's coming from someone who has a well-paying, easy job that he actually likes.

Especially now that both kids are in school? Please.
If you stayed home to raise the kids until they went to school, you’d be unlikely to ever get to where you would have been if you hadn’t given up your career. And with little kids it’s much easier to go to work.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by heydaralon » Fri Apr 05, 2019 1:36 pm

If the woman wanted an amazing career, she shouldn't have agreed to have children. Those things conflict. Duh. I wanted to be a male model for Men's Fitness, but I don't exercise and eat cheetos all day. Its not fair! Same thing.

If you don't want to take care of your kids, then you shouldn't have em. Don't try to pawn it off on the husband either. Child-rearing is and should be women's work.
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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by MilSpecs » Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:06 pm

heydaralon wrote:
Fri Apr 05, 2019 1:36 pm
If the woman wanted an amazing career, she shouldn't have agreed to have children. Those things conflict. Duh. I wanted to be a male model for Men's Fitness, but I don't exercise and eat cheetos all day. Its not fair! Same thing.

If you don't want to take care of your kids, then you shouldn't have em. Don't try to pawn it off on the husband either. Child-rearing is and should be women's work.
You must have been an enormous pain in the ass to raise.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by heydaralon » Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:07 pm

MilSpecs wrote:
Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:06 pm
heydaralon wrote:
Fri Apr 05, 2019 1:36 pm
If the woman wanted an amazing career, she shouldn't have agreed to have children. Those things conflict. Duh. I wanted to be a male model for Men's Fitness, but I don't exercise and eat cheetos all day. Its not fair! Same thing.

If you don't want to take care of your kids, then you shouldn't have em. Don't try to pawn it off on the husband either. Child-rearing is and should be women's work.
You must have been an enormous pain in the ass to raise.

Big time. But what I'm saying is true. I'm an anti-natalist so I won't be having any of my own.
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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by MilSpecs » Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:15 pm

heydaralon wrote:
Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:07 pm
MilSpecs wrote:
Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:06 pm
heydaralon wrote:
Fri Apr 05, 2019 1:36 pm
If the woman wanted an amazing career, she shouldn't have agreed to have children. Those things conflict. Duh. I wanted to be a male model for Men's Fitness, but I don't exercise and eat cheetos all day. Its not fair! Same thing.

If you don't want to take care of your kids, then you shouldn't have em. Don't try to pawn it off on the husband either. Child-rearing is and should be women's work.
You must have been an enormous pain in the ass to raise.

Big time. But what I'm saying is true. I'm an anti-natalist so I won't be having any of my own.
Karma exists, so you never know.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by heydaralon » Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:19 pm

Karma? What do you mean? I'm going to get bad luck for not having kids? If I had never been born, that would be preferable to the current situation. Non Existence> Existence. No Pain> Any Pain whatsoever. I should become CEO of a fortune 500 company any day now from all the good karma I have accrued from not creating children. Ganesh the elephant god smiles upon me, as does Shiva.
Shikata ga nai

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by heydaralon » Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:22 pm

Why do people who believe in Karma have the worst Karma of all? Like, those Indians who believe it have to wipe their own ass with their bare hands. Their karma doesn't even grant them potable water or toilet paper. What did they do in their past life that made them so unfortunate now? Maybe they were all concentration camp guards or something. Who knows.
Shikata ga nai

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by MilSpecs » Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:29 pm

heydaralon wrote:
Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:19 pm
Karma? What do you mean?
It means the odds are high that you’ll have one just like you. Hopefully your parents will be around to enjoy it.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by heydaralon » Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:35 pm

MilSpecs wrote:
Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:29 pm
heydaralon wrote:
Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:19 pm
Karma? What do you mean?
It means the odds are high that you’ll have one just like you. Hopefully your parents will be around to enjoy it.
Not gonna happen. I wouldn't consign another person to certain lifelong misery like that hence my good karma. The best life still doesn't compete with nonexistence. Think about the untold billions of sperm that travelled toward your mother's egg. Each of these sperm could have formed a slightly different person than you. And in that case, you wouldn't exist and would be free of all the misery of being alive (and if you are a Christian the possible eternal misery that happens once you die and go to hell). Yet you do exist, and I do too. The odds are very against this. We almost got away clean, but unfortunately we exist, even though the chances of that are in the billions. That means that every person who exists essentially got a losing lottery ticket in a super duper power bowl. I would never perpetuate an unfair game like that. I have to live with these facts, but I'd never ask a child to. I'm cold, but not dry ice cold.
Shikata ga nai