If Mexico is going to pay for the wall, why does Trump need money from Congress?

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Re: If Mexico is going to pay for the wall, why does Trump need money from Congress?

Post by Fife » Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:37 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:22 pm
Border apprehensions is a shitty metric.

It is cheaper to build a wall than to pay for yet another fifteen million foreign invaders.

Get fucked.
False dichotomy fallacy -- and there's not a fucking thing you can say to dispute that, bub. Not one fucking thing.

"Muh Wall" just proves you're another sucker who doesn't know border security from a hole in the ground.

I've got border security in the bag, and I'm 100x times more serious about it than all of you wannabe cowboys.


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Re: If Mexico is going to pay for the wall, why does Trump need money from Congress?

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:41 pm

Fife wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:37 pm
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:22 pm
Border apprehensions is a shitty metric.

It is cheaper to build a wall than to pay for yet another fifteen million foreign invaders.

Get fucked.
False dichotomy fallacy -- and there's not a fucking thing you can say to dispute that, bub. Not one fucking thing.

"Muh Wall" just proves you're another sucker who doesn't know border security from a hole in the ground.

I've got border security in the bag, and I'm 100x times more serious about it than all of you wannabe cowboys.


Oh, I am sure it's going to be fucking fantastic with another fifteen million cholos invading our country, Fife. What was I thinking? I should worship money like you do in order to see the light.

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Re: If Mexico is going to pay for the wall, why does Trump need money from Congress?

Post by Montegriffo » Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:42 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:22 pm
Fife wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:11 pm
Muh Wall is such a sap play.

Border apprehensions is a shitty metric.

It is cheaper to build a wall than to pay for yet another fifteen million foreign invaders.

Get fucked.
OK then, exactly what metric did Trump use to show there is a national security emergency?
Was it predicted votes in 2020?
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: If Mexico is going to pay for the wall, why does Trump need money from Congress?

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:44 pm

Montegriffo wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:42 pm
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:22 pm
Fife wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:11 pm
Muh Wall is such a sap play.

Border apprehensions is a shitty metric.

It is cheaper to build a wall than to pay for yet another fifteen million foreign invaders.

Get fucked.
OK then, exactly what metric did Trump use to show there is a national security emergency?
Was it predicted votes in 2020?
He doesn't need a metric. We just had two ten thousand plus strong caravans attack our borders. There is another caravan organizing right now in Honduras.

Our entire welfare system is going broke.

The working class is ruined.

We don't need any more God damned Mexicans here taking jobs, not paying income tax on shit, committing crimes, and then living off our tax money via welfare fraud. This has to stop.

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/0 ... next-week/

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Re: If Mexico is going to pay for the wall, why does Trump need money from Congress?

Post by heydaralon » Sat Jan 12, 2019 4:04 pm

If you oppose Trump, you are pro rape and bro bankrupting actual worthwhile people in the US. These people who have value work to support lowlife welfare recipients who are ruining America. If you don't like America, or if you have an issue with our country staying financially solvent, then don't support keeping our borders strong. If you hate the fact that workers are spending their hard earned dollars via taxes subsidizing filth, then the wall and a draconian immigration policy is a no brainer. Again, open borders/lax security folks are pro rape. This is indisputiable. They are quite revolting when you strip away their ideology. They should be referred to as such, another no-brainer.
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Re: If Mexico is going to pay for the wall, why does Trump need money from Congress?

Post by heydaralon » Sat Jan 12, 2019 4:13 pm

Let's break this down into 2 stripped-bare categories of voters:

1) I am a worker. I am not on welfare. I think that we need to actually fix this country before we even talk about letting legal immigrants in, to say nothing of the revolting illegals who contribute nothing more than rape, theft, and murder. I actually make this country a better place.

2) Fuck America. I am not a worker. I am a heavily indebted gender studies major. I hate AmeriKKKa. I don't value work, family, or nation. I am a lowlife. Slavery was bad, so people who pay taxes and contribute to funding me should pay more to more scumbags who have no business in our country. I am fine with letting in the entire third world, because I am a piece of subhuman shit. I do not understand that borders and conservative values that I despise are exactly what keeps our country from turning into Mexico. I am fine with America collapsing and I hope the illegals rape innocent Americas because we need more diversity. Did I mention I was a piece of Shit?

I just compiled 2 behavior and mental profiles of both sides of this debate. Personally, I think side 1 is a more reasonable and sustainable side, to say nothing of the fact that it is exponentially more moral than side 2. If you take side 2, you are probably someone who is a burden on your society and a lowest common denominator piece of shit.
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Re: If Mexico is going to pay for the wall, why does Trump need money from Congress?

Post by Montegriffo » Sat Jan 12, 2019 4:16 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:44 pm
Montegriffo wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:42 pm
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:22 pm

Border apprehensions is a shitty metric.

It is cheaper to build a wall than to pay for yet another fifteen million foreign invaders.

Get fucked.
OK then, exactly what metric did Trump use to show there is a national security emergency?
Was it predicted votes in 2020?
He doesn't need a metric. We just had two ten thousand plus strong caravans attack our borders. There is another caravan organizing right now in Honduras.

Our entire welfare system is going broke.

The working class is ruined.

We don't need any more God damned Mexicans here taking jobs, not paying income tax on shit, committing crimes, and then living off our tax money via welfare fraud. This has to stop.

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/0 ... next-week/
Really? How many of those 20,000 refugees crossed the border?
You know the answer to illegal immigrants working tax-free. Prosecute the employers. Why won't Republicans do that? Is it because of their sponsors in the business world not wanting to lose their cheap workforce?
If it makes you so mad go after the merchant cunts you hate so much and stop fucking demonising the immigrants like some petty dollar store Nazi.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: If Mexico is going to pay for the wall, why does Trump need money from Congress?

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Jan 12, 2019 4:17 pm

Montegriffo wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 4:16 pm
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:44 pm
Montegriffo wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:42 pm

OK then, exactly what metric did Trump use to show there is a national security emergency?
Was it predicted votes in 2020?
He doesn't need a metric. We just had two ten thousand plus strong caravans attack our borders. There is another caravan organizing right now in Honduras.

Our entire welfare system is going broke.

The working class is ruined.

We don't need any more God damned Mexicans here taking jobs, not paying income tax on shit, committing crimes, and then living off our tax money via welfare fraud. This has to stop.

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/0 ... next-week/
Really? How many of those 20,000 refugees crossed the border?
You know the answer to illegal immigrants working tax-free. Prosecute the employers. Why won't Republicans do that? Is it because of their sponsors in the business world not wanting to lose their cheap workforce?
If it makes you so mad go after the merchant cunts you hate so much and stop fucking demonising the immigrants like some petty dollar store Nazi.

You have 66 million people in your country. Imagine if every 1 in 5 people you see every day was an illegal invader who is there living on your welfare, not paying into the system, and then taking your jobs because employers can get tax-free labor with probably no consequences.

You have no concept of the problem that besets us. Your nation has never allowed so many immigrants in.
Last edited by Speaker to Animals on Sat Jan 12, 2019 4:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: If Mexico is going to pay for the wall, why does Trump need money from Congress?

Post by heydaralon » Sat Jan 12, 2019 4:21 pm

Fife wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:37 pm

False dichotomy fallacy -- and there's not a fucking thing you can say to dispute that, bub. Not one fucking thing.

"Muh Wall" just proves you're another sucker who doesn't know border security from a hole in the ground.

I've got border security in the bag, and I'm 100x times more serious about it than all of you wannabe cowboys.

How does that work? I mean, you hate every aspect of government from what I can tell. Fine. But take your ideology to its logical conclusion. If you hate government and all the things that entails, why not hate borders too? Most libertarians think borders are a human rights violation and that free movement is a human right. I would argue that many of your opinions about the state go farther than theirs in your contempt for all things it does. How is it that you are against every aspect of govt, but also want a deliniated border? If you do think borders are a necessity, how do you maintain them without the state you seem to hate? After all, lettuce will be cheaper if we let illegals pick it, and any attempts to curtail this are just the state strangling the rights of business to enhance their profits, the same way protectionism does.

Taxation is theft. Borders are paid for by taxation.
Last edited by heydaralon on Sat Jan 12, 2019 4:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Shikata ga nai

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Re: If Mexico is going to pay for the wall, why does Trump need money from Congress?

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sat Jan 12, 2019 4:22 pm

Well we obviously can’t survive without some sort of final solution to this problem. I mean, we certainly can’t demand that employers stop hiring them. That would be communism. Or something.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

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