Civil War Doomsday Clock

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Ph64 » Sat Oct 27, 2018 7:19 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:47 am
Otern wrote:
Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:31 am
So, we have two pretty similar events this month:

One Trump supporter sent a bunch of packages that looks like mail bombs. It gets a shitload of attention in the media, as it should. People are talking about it. Everyone and their grandmother knows about the story.

And, earlier this month, another guy sent letters containing ricin to Trump and Mattis. Not a single word about it in Norwegian media. And barely mentioned in mainstream media in general. Right into the memory hole.

To me, it looks like the ricin letters were a larger threat, but let's assume the pipe bombs do in fact have a functional trigger mechanism, and proper explosives. Why the massive disparity in coverage of these two events?

At the very least, the events should both have equal amount of coverage, if the mainstream media actually cared about neutrality and providing factual and balanced information.

How the media handled these two events, is way scarier than some nutjobs sending dangerous letters to political opponents.
I guess that the difference is that no one thinks the first example of domestic terrorism was inspired by the words of the President.
Interesting. See, I don't have a Twitter account, so the only time I see the Presidential Tweets is... From the media. I do have fakebook, but I rarely login, haven't posted in ages, and 95% of my "friends" are unfollowed so I don't get their meal pictures, leftist articles/rants about Trump, etc.

Pretty sure has at best maybe 5% of the national population following him on twitter, where exactly do you think the other 95% get their "knowledge" about what he's tweeted?

But, by all means, let's blame it all on him, and not the media that magnified his reach into being elected into office and is still going bonkers over every stupid thing he tweets magnifying him even more. Ever heard the phrase about Hollywood actors busted for drugs or whatnot, "even bad news is good publicity"?

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by The Conservative » Sat Oct 27, 2018 7:22 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:57 am
You say divisive media,
I say divisive President,
tomarto, tomayto,
tomayto tomarto,
let's call the whole thing off.
The president does not control the media, the media controls the story being published.

Just because Trump Tweets and gets his side of the story out, you call him divisive.

If he played the game and let the press walk all over him you’d have no issue...

The president is taking control of the story and people like you and the press hate it, because you nor them can control him how you or they seem fit.

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Fife » Sat Oct 27, 2018 7:24 am


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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Otern » Sat Oct 27, 2018 7:25 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:57 am
You say divisive media,
I say divisive President,
tomarto, tomayto,
tomayto tomarto,
let's call the whole thing off.
You realize it's possible that it's both of them, right?

Divisive Trump inspired the retarded pipe bomber.
Divisive media inspired the retarded ricin bomber.

Yet. And this is the important thing. Why have the media forgotten about the ricin, and never really reported on it other than a few easy to ignore notices? While they're talking about the pipe bombs ALL day, and international media is talking about it all day too.

Honest question, did you learn about the ricin attack on the media you follow, or did you learn about it here. And if you learned about it here, what's your thoughts about having to learn about it here, and not on the media you follow?

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Montegriffo » Sat Oct 27, 2018 7:25 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:35 am
It's just the typical hypocrisy of liberals.

Monty didn't care that leftists sent actually deadly packages to people on the right. Only bomb hoaxes to people on the left matter because it's politically convenient.

Same thing in our forum too. Rules for "civility" they demand to protect themselves, but then violate them constantly against posters like myself.

Liberals do liberal stupid shit. I am past it, personally. I just accept these people are lost souls, NPCs if you will, and beyond help.
What I didn't do was speculate wildly, make up stories about false flags or try to lay blame anywhere other than on the loons responsable for sending them.
Nor did I engage in ad hom attacks in one paragraph followed directly by claiming victim status in the next.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by clubgop » Sat Oct 27, 2018 7:39 am

jediuser598 wrote:
Sat Oct 27, 2018 1:28 am
You know I'm pretty hard on the media, even know a journalist I put my concerns to, but I didn't really sympathize with them til now. With you fucking idiots as the audience, what are they supposed to do? They don't win regardless, because you don't know the truth at all, you don't want the truth you want something that confirms/furthers your world view. Facts don't mean shit to you.
There you go, take up for the corporate media, eat up all their narratives cause those mean rascally Republicans made you. You never had sympathy, you just slathered their balls with your saliva out of list, but now a tinge of sympathy enters the mixture. Sure, go with that.

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by clubgop » Sat Oct 27, 2018 7:42 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Sat Oct 27, 2018 7:25 am
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:35 am
It's just the typical hypocrisy of liberals.

Monty didn't care that leftists sent actually deadly packages to people on the right. Only bomb hoaxes to people on the left matter because it's politically convenient.

Same thing in our forum too. Rules for "civility" they demand to protect themselves, but then violate them constantly against posters like myself.

Liberals do liberal stupid shit. I am past it, personally. I just accept these people are lost souls, NPCs if you will, and beyond help.
Nor did I engage in ad hom attacks in one paragraph followed directly by claiming victim status in the next.
Bitch that is all you do. It is SOP for you. Call me names, say shit about my countryman, then when I fight back in kind you run and cry to Martin about it. English Flaggot! You are the embodiment of a cry bully bitch.

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Montegriffo » Sat Oct 27, 2018 7:50 am

Otern wrote:
Sat Oct 27, 2018 7:25 am
Montegriffo wrote:
Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:57 am
You say divisive media,
I say divisive President,
tomarto, tomayto,
tomayto tomarto,
let's call the whole thing off.
You realize it's possible that it's both of them, right?

Divisive Trump inspired the retarded pipe bomber.
Divisive media inspired the retarded ricin bomber.

Yet. And this is the important thing. Why have the media forgotten about the ricin, and never really reported on it other than a few easy to ignore notices? While they're talking about the pipe bombs ALL day, and international media is talking about it all day too.

Honest question, did you learn about the ricin attack on the media you follow, or did you learn about it here. And if you learned about it here, what's your thoughts about having to learn about it here, and not on the media you follow?
Of course it's both of them, the song parody was meant to convey that.

I first heard about the ricin attacks on BBC radio.
I think this is a bigger story because the suspect is such a Trump nut. I'm not saying I support blaming Trump directly because at the end of the day a nut is a nut who ever inspired them.
The media and politicians from both sides are all causing the division and these attacks are the result of that.
If I controlled the media I'd be talking about the really poor mental health services and being grateful that he was caught before anyone got hurt.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Fife » Sat Oct 27, 2018 7:54 am


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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Fife » Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:00 am
