Personality Test

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Speaker to Animals
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Re: Personality Test

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Sep 18, 2018 6:10 am

All of this is stuff, however, is but a diversion from the most important issue of developing a final solution to the extrovert problem.

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Re: Personality Test

Post by katarn » Tue Sep 18, 2018 6:31 am

GloryofGreece wrote:
Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:29 pm
Can you explain the "J" judging in Briggs typology? So how do I use that aspect of my personality vs. say "P" perceiving? I think of myself as very judgmental in my own evaluation of my personal downfalls and mistakes etc. but way more tolerant an at least don't treat people differently when it comes down to in person. I teach kids so theres that too. I mean for example i think being gay is morally wrong and against nature. I don't have a problem teaching gays though or interacting with them in varies capacities.
In addition the theory behind the typology StA posted, J and P more practically refer to organization under the models that are an update of the original MB, like the 16 Personalities one. J's are more disciplined and structured- they're the people with a checklist of things to do, whereas P's are more open and improvisational with their time. The P's are the ones who make plans at the last minute; the J's are the ones with a calendar filled out a month in advance.
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Re: Personality Test

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Sep 18, 2018 6:34 am

J - people who schedule sexy time on a calendar.

P - surprise passionate sexy time in the heat of the moment.

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Re: Personality Test

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Sep 18, 2018 6:40 am

I suspect a relationship works better when the two people compliment one another on the J-P spectrum. If both are P, then there is no direction or focus to their lives. If both are J, then they will struggle with passion and spontaneity.

Where conflicts are most likely I think is on the thinking-feeling spectrum, though you can deal with that pretty well through openness and communication.

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Re: Personality Test

Post by GloryofGreece » Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:42 am

katarn wrote:
Tue Sep 18, 2018 6:31 am
GloryofGreece wrote:
Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:29 pm
Can you explain the "J" judging in Briggs typology? So how do I use that aspect of my personality vs. say "P" perceiving? I think of myself as very judgmental in my own evaluation of my personal downfalls and mistakes etc. but way more tolerant an at least don't treat people differently when it comes down to in person. I teach kids so theres that too. I mean for example i think being gay is morally wrong and against nature. I don't have a problem teaching gays though or interacting with them in varies capacities.
In addition the theory behind the typology StA posted, J and P more practically refer to organization under the models that are an update of the original MB, like the 16 Personalities one. J's are more disciplined and structured- they're the people with a checklist of things to do, whereas P's are more open and improvisational with their time. The P's are the ones who make plans at the last minute; the J's are the ones with a calendar filled out a month in advance.
That helps to understand to. Thanks. The way you and StA are describing it and what Im reading about makes me think that Im a INFP and not an INFJ. But every-time I took the test *(took it 3-4 times over past 10 years) I get INFJ. Plus i like the nickname for the type, "Mystic" and "Counselor" etc. but the other type is "Idealist" which I think of myself as well. Anyway its interesting.
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Re: Personality Test

Post by Kath » Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:06 am

I first took this test in the 80's, when it was a week-long class with the final day being the test, which took hours and hours - super comprehensive. I've tested the same since, every time I've taken it - numerous times.

I'm a solid INTJ with ENTJ being super close, with a near 50/50 split between extrovert versus introvert. Introvert almost always wins, but a couple of times it's been a deadlock. It's the bi-polar talking, really.

FYI -Nerd is also INTJ. We love staying home.

I took a similar-ish type of test in HS - it was a couple hundred questions that would indicate areas of interest, which supposedly gave guidance on a possible field/career. My results were interesting - even the test maker couldn't explain it when my teacher wrote to them.

The test results were four letters, with the original combination being the most likely area of interest. You could re-arrange the letters to come up with other areas of interest. In my case, none of the combos provided any results. Lol... The only thing the test maker came back with, "likely too many interests to narrow it down."

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Re: Personality Test

Post by Martin Hash » Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:05 pm

It's not like these personality tests mean anything real, it is you answering the questions after all. How hard is it to predict someone likes order in their life if the question is "Do you like order in your life?" Some of the tests have someone else answering questions about you, the Hexaco test mentioned by Glory for example; can you imagine your chagrin reading those results!? Nobody's going to pay money for an ebook, course, or exclusive club after being told that they're absolute cretins, as viewed by an outside observer.

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Re: Personality Test

Post by GloryofGreece » Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:26 pm

This is also interesting and helpful I think especially where emotion and politics meet. Jonathon Haidt's work.
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Re: Personality Test

Post by DBTrek » Tue Sep 25, 2018 1:45 pm

As long as we don’t have too many ETSP/ITSPs around this place.

The fact that so many here are just a hair away from ENTP is unsurprising.
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Re: Personality Test

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Sep 25, 2018 1:59 pm

DBTrek wrote:
Tue Sep 25, 2018 1:45 pm
As long as we don’t have too many ETSP/ITSPs around this place.

The fact that so many here are just a hair away from ENTP is unsurprising.
We don't really have any extroverts except Carlus, but he's probably trolling us. I cannot believe any of you are extroverts.