The Intellectual Dark Web

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Re: The Intellectual Dark Web

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue May 29, 2018 5:47 pm

DBTrek wrote:
Tue May 29, 2018 5:43 pm
Well, obviously it’s not as effective when everyone has one “share” of America - but the idea of enfranchisement stands. Consent of the governed by the goverened, etc.
That's not really what they meant.

They limited enfranchisement for a reason. The founders were terrified of democracy. Popular enfranchisement was seen by them as fucking suicidal. And it is.

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Re: The Intellectual Dark Web

Post by DBTrek » Tue May 29, 2018 5:50 pm

I’m talking about the general enfranchisement aspect of democracy, not the American founder’s intent.
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Re: The Intellectual Dark Web

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue May 29, 2018 6:14 pm

General enfranchisement is what leads to the violence.

That, combined with the religious belief that all of us are literally equal, is a really dangerous combination.

The way human society works is that a few will possess far greater talent and intellect. They will pull civilization towards greater prosperity. Their very existence is a rejection against the religious precepts of progressivism (which arguably is a kind of religion). The most important precept is that we are all equal. These religious folks will stop at nothing to rationalize away differences in outcomes based on vague discussions of institutional discrimination or some unfair social structure. For now.

Eventually the radical notion that we are all literally equal comes to the executions. The Khmer Rouge would execute you for being too smart. The French revolutionaries would cut your head off for being too successful at business.

The other version of this is what you saw in Germany. Only the people of a racial group are equal. The people of other groups who are more successful could only be so through guile and deception. So they had to be liquidated.

You are seeing it now being leveled against whites in America.

This shit doesn't end well unless you abort it in embryo, else probably not at all without major conflict on par with the Spanish Civil War.

In universities right now, female intellectual failures congregate in fake academic programs to teach students that men actually should be exterminated. We are talking about the men who by nature seem to compete much more handily in real academic disciplines like engineering and mathematics. Right now, your death sentence is limited to your access to an education in some cases, maybe a job. But where do you think that ends? If these people continue to amass power, where exactly do you think the average batshit feminist would draw the line? Where do you think the We Wuz Kangz crowd would draw the line?
Last edited by Speaker to Animals on Tue May 29, 2018 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Intellectual Dark Web

Post by DBTrek » Tue May 29, 2018 6:20 pm

“Everyone is literally equal” doesn’t lend itself well to hierarchy or division of labor, conceptually. But if you hate roads it’s probably a great way to go, eh Fife? No gods, no masters, all that.
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Re: The Intellectual Dark Web

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue May 29, 2018 6:31 pm

DBTrek wrote:
Tue May 29, 2018 6:20 pm
“Everyone is literally equal” doesn’t lend itself well to hierarchy or division of labor, conceptually. But if you hate roads it’s probably a great way to go, eh Fife? No gods, no masters, all that.
But when you reject the idea that we are all literally equal, what exactly do you think should be the consequences with respect to your support of the concept of general enfranchisement?

Not everybody is smart enough to be a scientist. Not everybody can be a doctor. Not everybody is good at business.

But everybody is qualified to govern a nation?

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Re: The Intellectual Dark Web

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue May 29, 2018 6:35 pm

I would also contest the idea that the self-government by the people is necessarily synonymous with general enfranchisement. We operate under that assumption as if it's a self-evident truth, but it certainly wasn't a self-evident truth to Americans until the beginning of the 20th century, really. Nor has it really resulted in success. The wider the enfranchisement, the more state power advanced, the more the welfare state advanced, the more degeneracy gained ground.

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Re: The Intellectual Dark Web

Post by DBTrek » Tue May 29, 2018 6:38 pm

You guys are catching up to me, not the other way around. I said long ago, on DCF, that democracy was a fool way to run things, then offered examples of how no one in their every day professions takes a consensus of what everyone in the building thinks should be done before acting. Surgeons don’t poll the hospital on how to proceed with an operation. Airline pilots don’t poll the passengers on which altitude to fly at. Democracy leads to mediocre results at beat, two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner at worst.

But in general, if you want to quell open rebellion and large blocs of disenfranchised humans itching to topple your regime - then democracy is a good way to achieve that.
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Re: The Intellectual Dark Web

Post by Hwen Hoshino » Wed May 30, 2018 12:12 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Tue May 29, 2018 3:19 pm
DrYouth wrote:
Tue May 29, 2018 3:15 pm
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Tue May 29, 2018 2:00 pm
The end of democracy in the modern era has shown two paths: communist dictatorship or some form of fascism (i.e. Spain, Portugal, Chile, etc,). In other words, the army takes over.
Oh great...
Pardon me for not being all enthousiastic about military coup.
When the army took over during the second part of the French Revolution they promptly started separating people from their heads.
The army can just as easily jump into the leftist fray as they can halt the madness and return to order and propriety... or they can leap into a reactionary frenzy... trying to get everyone under the knuckles of some tyrant or another.

No need to throw the baby of liberty out with the bathwater....
No need to roll back to the bad old days of a plutocratic nobility and the great unwashed masses...
We have universal education and there is no particular reason to get down on democracy...
But we need to shed some light on the stupidity of postmodernism and the vacuousness of most of what our universities are passing for academia, the injustice of much of what passes for social justice... and the paralyzing effects of victim mentality.

On this front the "intellectual dark web" seems to have some of the best and brightest.... unlike the other media platforms and the mainstream intellectual class.
Well, to begin with, you are fucking far off the mark here historically. The army took over in France with Napolean restoring some semblance of sanity to the place. The army took over in Russia and promptly exterminated their equivalent of our cultural Marxists (Trotskyites). The army took over in Spain and mass buried the communists.

The guiding ideology of the army goes either way. For instance, right now we see the army taking over Venezuela. But after many decades of Marxist governance and command, the army is thoroughly communist now.

I didn't say it was a great outcome, just better than democracy. Democracy is what leads to the bloodbath, not the army taking over. The army takes over to put an end to it, usually by slaughtering the cultural Marxists.

I mean.. seriously.. where the fuck do you think the left's politics lead anyway? Don't lash out at me for daring to mention the consequences of your own politics.
And how the fuck would you take away all the guns in America so you can live your life in fear?
DBTrek wrote:
Tue May 29, 2018 6:38 pm
You guys are catching up to me, not the other way around. I said long ago, on DCF, that democracy was a fool way to run things, then offered examples of how no one in their every day professions takes a consensus of what everyone in the building thinks should be done before acting. Surgeons don’t poll the hospital on how to proceed with an operation. Airline pilots don’t poll the passengers on which altitude to fly at. Democracy leads to mediocre results at beat, two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner at worst.

But in general, if you want to quell open rebellion and large blocs of disenfranchised humans itching to topple your regime - then democracy is a good way to achieve that.
You could have represenatative government with campings encouraging the uninformed not to vote. By uninformed i mean those who don't know basic shit both sides should know.

The difference is that those certain professions in most cases cannot eliminate human beings from the workforce, take away kids from the parents, draft you...

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Re: The Intellectual Dark Web

Post by C-Mag » Wed May 30, 2018 12:31 am

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Re: The Intellectual Dark Web

Post by Hastur » Wed May 30, 2018 12:55 am

Interesting discussion. Pinker is on the same wavelength as Hans Rosling. It sounds like Enlightenment Now would be a good companion piece to Factfulness: ten reasons we're wrong about the world - and why things are better than you think. I will put it on my reading list.

The IDW guys need to get better mics though.

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