New Laws

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Martin Hash
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Joined: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:02 pm

New Laws

Post by Martin Hash » Mon May 20, 2013 11:29 am

How do you know when a new law or regulation is needed? It’s not enough for a new law or regulation to simply ensure “safety” or “save lives” because liberty comes first – the right to do and think whatever we want without interference from other people or Government. That’s what the U.S. Constitution says and that’s what I’m signed up for. In fact, the word “liberal” is derived from “liberty,” and I’m certainly a Liberal. Therefore, any new law or regulation must be treated like our judicial system treats someone accused of a crime – improper without overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It’s Government’s job to regulate and pass laws, and I generally support them but there are lots of people (primarily Democrats) who do not understand the preeminence of liberty. They don’t seem to understand that the burden-of-proof is on them to justify a new law or regulation is needed. The less the law affects other people, the less justification is needed, but if a new law or regulation crosses into other people's personal space then that law is going to require extraordinary supporting arguments.

“Gun Control” falls into this category – people, it’s not enough to say others can’t have guns just because YOU don't want them. You must clearly identify why a new gun control law is more important than individual liberty then provide indisputable evidence that the law will achieve that goal. And enough with the amateur Constitutional scholars pontificating "what The 2nd Amendment really means" - if you're not a licensed attorney, shut up. (I don't own a gun nor do I ever want to need to own a gun but if I HAVE to own a gun THEN, by god, I better be able to to.)
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