Binge watching Star Trek TOS

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High Plains Biker
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Binge watching Star Trek TOS

Post by High Plains Biker » Wed Jul 24, 2024 6:53 pm

Currently re-watching the original Star Trek...despite the lack of budget, much of the writing was fantastic.
The Enterprise Incident is an amazing episode, Joanne Linville was a gorgeous Romulan milf lol. I'll take this as a win after having to suffer through Spock's Brain.
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Re: Binge watching Star Trek TOS

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:16 am

I didn’t really appreciate it as a kid - I was all about TNG. But going back now, it was amazing. The writing was far beyond anything else on tv in the 60s.
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Martin Hash
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Re: Binge watching Star Trek TOS

Post by Martin Hash » Thu Jul 25, 2024 9:10 am

TOS was during the time of science fiction short story magazines (pulps). There was a lot of writing talent to draw from, and after a scriptwriter had done 1 or 2 original ideas, they would leave and another experienced writer would do some episodes. Today’s writer’s rooms are mundane & amateurish by comparison.

p.s. I watched TOS by sneaking down the hall after bedtime (it came on @ 9). It was scary, especially the aliens like Dr. Spock. I played Dr. McCoy during recess in 3rd grade.
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High Plains Biker
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Re: Binge watching Star Trek TOS

Post by High Plains Biker » Thu Jul 25, 2024 10:00 am

I grew up in the 70's when it was syndicated. I distinctly remember my 5th birthday, my parents gave me a Star Trek themed party. Spock was easily my favorite character. I got a Spock kite and one of those plastic phaser guns where you pull the trigger and it has the little flying disc/frisbee thing.

Star Trek and Batman with Adam West were on every night.

Shatner was supposedly a line counter. If Nimoy or Kelley got more lines than he, Shatner would demand rewrites on the scripts. He was the star and he knew it! It made working with the other main cast difficult at times. My goodness, Shatner is 93 years old.
Catholic, conservative, veteran, prepper, gun owner, Rosary extremist, if I wasn't on a watch list, I'd be insulted!