Star Trek Enterprise Strategy for Living

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Martin Hash
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Star Trek Enterprise Strategy for Living

Post by Martin Hash » Tue Jun 22, 2021 8:21 am

Star Trek started as a show with the theme: “To seek out new life, and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before.” No single sentence out of entertainment better exemplifies what many traditionalists consider to be MAGA. A handful of reoccurring crew members of the Star Ship Enterprise would travel the universe, going from galaxy to galaxy, experiencing strange new things every week, then wrap it up in an hour, and good luck next episode: no baggage, no continuing storylines, nor troublesome ancillary characters. Places also disappear when no longer needed as a plot device. Remarkably, in a microcosm, you can use this same strategy for your own life.

The world, the U.S., within a state, within a community, even within a single Walmart, has become the equivalent of the universe for the Star Trek Enterprise strategy. Most people out there are the equivalent to aliens: they dress differently, have different values, even different logic; you can’t really interact with someone in a mask who thinks magically, and has goals that often perversely interfere with your own. Just listen to the conversations around you: half the time it’s in a different language, and if you can recognize English, nobody is saying anything you even begin to comprehend anyway. Instead, you should view a shopping experience as beaming down into an alien environment. Don’t frequent the same place too often, or the local inhabitants will begin to recognize you. Humans will totally ignore something they have no familiarity with, your single visit to a restaurant for example, but if you begin to frequent the place, you risk becoming entangled. This strategy extends to all life’s experiences: you plan you arrival to be as unobtrusive as possible, accomplish the task you had in mind, avoiding local interaction, then escape back to the Enterprise to prepare for next week’s mission; and certainly don’t bring any aliens back with you.
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Re: Star Trek Enterprise Strategy for Living

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Tue Jun 22, 2021 9:04 am

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Re: Star Trek Enterprise Strategy for Living

Post by C-Mag » Tue Jun 22, 2021 9:48 am

It's kind a funny putting together your Balkanization post with this one.

Basically, I'm still on planet earth, we see aliens come here to look at the strange homo sapiens in their native habitat. We know the aliens think they have evolved beyond our primitive ways. But we also see that our primitive ways are sustainable, and the aliens are on a path of destruction.

It's important not to let too many aliens colonize the primitive lands, or they will destroy the native habitat and inhabitants as well. Sure, living amongst the aliens on the alien planets of Portland, Seattle and Washington DC can be fun, and profitable living off the inherent corruption, but again, it is a path of destruction.


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