Recognizing Wisdom

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Martin Hash
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Recognizing Wisdom

Post by Martin Hash » Wed Jun 02, 2021 12:10 pm

Advice & recommendations comes from all directions by people claiming to be experts. There is so much of it, and it’s so often conflicting that people don’t know who to believe. It would be better if there was some way to tell if the person giving you advice was truly competent & qualified. Wealth isn’t an accurate measure of wisdom because it basically falls from trees, so you must use other indicators of good judgment: follow the old biblical observation, “by their fruits ye shall know them:” goals achieved, things accomplished, and places gone. Assume the opinion-makers follow their own advice so see how it turned out for them?

Of course, as logical as this seems, most people still use fame as the measure of validity. Fame-worship & wealth-worship consume all the credibility, leaving little room for truth; the opposite actually because famous-wealthy people have an inflated sense of their own importance after being treated as elites for so long. Ignore them and anyone else’s advice or opinion who’s own life leaves something to be desired, whose homes are a mess, have been nowhere & done nothing. That’s why it’s better to keep you own counsel in most occasions; however, should you come across a highly accomplished and experienced individual who’s life is totally in order, they probably deserve some credence.
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