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Martin Hash
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Joined: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:02 pm


Post by Martin Hash » Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:07 am

When people have a motive to work, normally they can produce at least enough to survive, and in our modern age of mechanical leverage, the productivity of a single individual far exceeds their basic needs. In fact, members of our society are so productive that we can consume amounts in vast excess of the food, heat, and shelter we actually need to sustain us. We have multiples of everything, and collect superfluous accoutrements in unwieldy quantities, so-much-so that capitalism and consumerism have become synonymous. There is nothing innately wrong with this system of economics - on-the-contrary, it uniquely satisfies our base cravings for accumulation of wealth.

Marxism ("from those according to their ability, to those according to their need") and its more virulent manifestation of Communism, on-the-other-hand, allow only a small segment of the population, people at the top, the luxury of ambition, greed, and covetousness - stifling their population’s motivation, and subsequently suppressing productivity. Lowered productivity means fewer goods are available, which drives up demand and prices. Inflation is the hallmark of Marxism, and if inflation is not allowed because of government mandate, then the goods will simply cease to become available at all. I have traveled the world and witnessed examples first hand.

From an engineering, managerial, and legal perspective, productivity is the key component of societal bliss - at least a vibrant society focused on progress and scientific knowledge. A productive society is a healthy society - all other economic and social factors must bend to the scion of productivity.
Shamedia, Shamdemic, Shamucation, Shamlection, Shamconomy & Shamate Change