TV Comic Books

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Martin Hash
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TV Comic Books

Post by Martin Hash »

When I was a kid, the one kind of comic book I didn't buy was the ones with real pictures on the cover, usually TV shows, but I couldn't tell you which ones because my young mind dismissed them so fast, I never considered their titles. Kids are like that, they want drawings. As a father taking my kids to comic book shows, while they were buying what they wanted, I casually looked through the “el cheapo” boxes to see if there was a treasure in there. Not unsurprisingly, the “10 for a $1” comics had lots of ones with real pictures for covers. At some point, I quit skipping them and started examining them, up to the point where I was actually buying 1 or 2 occasionally.

I also got to wondering why comics based on TV shows were ever written? Were the fans of Gilligan's Island so loyal they just couldn't get enough? The licensing had to be more expensive than the comic companies own intellectual properties, and under tighter scrutiny. I think this crossover stuff was something unique for its time, when TV was just coming to its own, with no better entertainment out there; no video games, no Social Media, no plethora of organized activities. Kids watched Bonanza, played some catch, rode their bikes, and bought a Bonanza comic book off the rack at the drugstore.

What makes the TV comic books so nostalgic is that they are from the period when I watched TV. I saw those shows and I recognize those actors. I've never read the stories of even one of comics; normally, I don't even crack them open, just admire the cover. My goodness, the TV shows themselves are beyond hokey at this point; I can't even sit through one of the programs on the retro channels, let alone read an even hokier story. Then, about 10 years ago, those television show based comics with photographic covers disappeared out of the thrift boxes. Maybe other old guys like myself also started collecting them, or maybe there just weren't that many?

Fantastic Voyage.jpg
Honey West.jpg
I Spy.jpg
Its About Time.jpg
Jace Pearson of the Texas Rangers.jpg
My Favorite Martian.jpg
Star Trek.jpg
The Man From Uncle.jpg
The Monkees.jpg
The Wild Wild West.jpg
The Young Lawyers.jpg
Land of the Giants.jpg
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Martin Hash
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Joined: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:02 pm

Re: TV Comic Books

Post by Martin Hash »

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