Ox Cart.JPG
Those countries that evolved a millennium in 50 years are clinically schizophrenic: one half live like any resident of the 21st century, and the other is an anthropologist's wetdream. In Myanmar, for example, the 3 stages of evolution pass by on the roadway like one of those Darwinian monkey-to-man graphics: oxen pulling carts, primitive engines pulling carts, and modern trucks blasting by both of them. It's bizarre and somewhat sad: how can people who live like the Middle Ages hope to make a living? But apparently they do, though their houses in the countryside are little more than bamboo stilts covered by palm-leafs & woven grass walls, with the ox living underneath. We saw countless examples, and there was no outward sign of degradation, and far less trash.Motorized Ox 1.JPG
The weird motorized carts are ubiquitous, loud, and haul people as often as products. They move around the cities & roads doing all the things carts have always done except they don't have to whip the oxen. Their design is the essence of simplicity, just the basics, no allotment for safety. Every time I saw one, the engineer in me couldn't help but be impressed: these desperately poor people had modernity dropped upon them without any sort of preparation, and the harsh transition sparked the development of a very unique but highly serviceable transportation solution. In fact, I got the feeling those motorized oxen were a status symbol.Motorized Ox 2.JPG