Plastic Surgery

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Martin Hash
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Plastic Surgery

Post by Martin Hash »

I live in one of those neighborhoods that people who sell expensive stuff send catalogs to: just the cost of printing some of these things has got to be more than a lot of people earn in a year. Mostly, we throw them out because they always sell status which is something my wife, Gwynne, and I seem allergic to, but sometimes we keep the coffee-table size “Homes for Sale” books just to see what our neighbors are selling their houses for. There was one catalog that I just couldn't throw out, in fact, I couldn't stop thinking about it: it was a catalog for plastic surgery. I had all kinds of questions? Is there a plastic surgery hierarchy: do people with more money get the expensive liposuction while the relatively poor rich only have their eyelids tucked? How many years do those Laser Treatments take off: do customer's think, “this is a great deal if I amortize it.” I kept wondering who in my neighborhood is getting plastic surgery, and I began squinting at neighbor's faces whenever Gwynne & I met someone while walking the dog.
Plastic 2.JPG
Plastic 1.JPG
Bizarrely, there's 2-4-1 deals, really, I mean it: for example, get one Botox, Filler or Mole Removal and the next one's free, and you get 20% off the first Body Sculpting and 50% off the second. Unfortunately, after a moment of interest, it turns out I had confused what they meant by “mole removal,” so no sale; my son, Heath, will just have to keep removing our moles. I'm embarrassed to admit it but, frankly, if Gwynne got a fanny lift, I probably wouldn't notice, and even if I did, what would I say, “dear, your butt looks sexy.” No, really, my wife is grandma material, there's not a thing she could do, plastic or otherwise, that would make one difference to me or the kids. Well, maybe? She's pretty short: I'll look to see if they have a coupon for that.
Plastic 3.JPG
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Re: Plastic Surgery

Post by MilSpecs »

It's easy to tell if someone's had Botox or fillers - just wait for them to smile or stand with the sun behind you when you talk to them (assuming they're not wearing sunglasses). I know people who have Botox regularly, and some who have their veins injected. I haven't noticed fillers, but I'm assuming some of them do. There's only one person I know of who had a boob job. I can't blame them, either, considering the huge value our society places on youthful good looks. Not everyone has the blessings of good genetics. It's easy for us to say we don't want help if we don't really need it (and you don't need it, Martin, and neither does your wife - you both look good and are in good shape).
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Re: Plastic Surgery

Post by heydaralon »

Ginny Sacs had a 98 pound mole removed from her ass...
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Re: Plastic Surgery

Post by Okeefenokee »

heydaralon wrote:Ginny Sacs had a 98 pound mole removed from her ass...

When Ginny hauls ass, she's gotta make two trips.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.

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Re: Plastic Surgery

Post by Ex-California »

My wife's friend just got botox and it made her look better. I don't like when my wife spends money on it when she gets it once a year or whatever but then it gives me carte blanche to buy another surfboard or guitar.

I wouldn't mind if she got a boob job if I actually got to do more than look at them, but at this point, i'm not getting to play with her boobs anyway so why spend the money?
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Re: Plastic Surgery

Post by heydaralon »

Okeefenokee wrote:
heydaralon wrote:Ginny Sacs had a 98 pound mole removed from her ass...

When Ginny hauls ass, she's gotta make two trips.
When Ginny goes camping, the bears have to hide their food from her!
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Re: Plastic Surgery

Post by Okeefenokee »

Who's tits is California talking about and why can't he play with them?
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.

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Re: Plastic Surgery

Post by Ex-California »

Okeefenokee wrote:Who's tits is California talking about and why can't he play with them?
My wife
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Martin Hash
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Re: Plastic Surgery

Post by Martin Hash »

California wrote:
Okeefenokee wrote:Who's tits is California talking about and why can't he play with them?
My wife
Hey, aren't you the same guy who doesn't wear any underwear?!
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Re: Plastic Surgery

Post by Ex-California »

Martin Hash wrote:
California wrote:
Okeefenokee wrote:Who's tits is California talking about and why can't he play with them?
My wife
Hey, aren't you the same guy who doesn't wear any underwear?!
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