Weakness of Liberty

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Martin Hash
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Weakness of Liberty

Post by Martin Hash » Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:51 am

For Liberalists, Emergent Order is our theory, and Market Forces is our implementation, and as usual, the practice isn't as pure as our imagination. Specifically, Market Forces are subject to 3 main weaknesses: monopoly, barrier to entry & accelerating accumulation of wealth. All eventual certainties unless there's intervention, which is government's responsibility as part of the adversarial relationship between government vs. business. In the case of monopolies, we have anti-monopoly laws, but they are currently being underenforced: just look at your lame selection of broadband providers.
In the case of barriers to entry, government regulatory agencies have been captured; just look at the pharmaceutical industry. And in the case of accelerated accumulation of wealth, well, I don't really have to give the example because it's obvious.

This isn't a new phenomenon, aristocracies have exploited this weakness of Capitalism throughout history, and the solution isn't new either: high marginal tax rates. But the modern aristocracy, the Nouveau Aristocracy, has been particularly successful in neutralizing this threat. They have succeeded in indoctrinating a whole Party, the Republicans, with an inaccurate, knee-jerk perception of "taxes," that has infused all of society. Instead of teaching the inadequacies of Free Market systems & how to address them, we as a nation actually idolize vast accumulations of wealth!

But all this propaganda is going to backfire on the Nouveau Aristocracy because you can't fool all of The People all of the time, and eventually The People will over-react with a draconian solution like socialism. During the last rise of the aristocracy in early 20th Century America, we had a strong socialist upswell & we're having it again. I cannot believe the traction an ugly OWG like Bernie Sanders got: apparently there's a whole generation that's giving up on liberty. Blame the Republicans.
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