Start with fact that no President and his staff cannot simply handle the multitude of things he ought to handle in 24 hours. No matter how smart anyone would be, there simply isn't the time. Or then you would have to have an absolutely astonishing 2nd tier people who can make the best possible judgement call about the options on everything on the issues that come to the desk of the President. Which isn't going to happen.Martin Hash wrote:It's noticed on this forum. Are we so much smarter than the people leading the U.S.? (In fact, that could be. Find the smartest U.S. leader, I want to talk to them for 10 minutes.) Probably there's something else going on: conservatism, nest-lining, empire-building, palm-slicking. Unfortunately, even though all of those things are understandable, they aren't admirable. What happened to the admirable, trustworthy people?
I've always found it odd and macabre this idea of the President doing something, then he is rushed to the situation room to make the "judgement call" on if to attack some person (target) in some wedding or so (a window of opportunity). Then he says yes or no, and goes back to meet people. And the POTUS has shown he is the most powerful person in the World. And everybody is OK with this, as if it is how you either fight a war or how an US President works.