Yes. Criticising them can be perceived as grossly offensive.Montegriffo wrote:Do you somehow imagine Muslim hate preachers get a free pass?
Where on earth did you get that idea? I expect all self-identified victim groups to line up in court claiming to be grossly offended.Montegriffo wrote:Maybe you think that only the Jews are protected?
Do you really, really, think that that video in any way shape or form stirred up hatred against anyone. Besides the originator, of course.Montegriffo wrote:Perhaps you think it is ok for one part of society to stir up hatred against another?
I'm upset over the fact that a joke video, that isn't forced upon anyone, can get you convicted of a speech crime that also obviously was not committed.Montegriffo wrote:Could be that you are hyperventilating over some dickhead getting fined for being grossly offensive?
If you think this is not a bad precedent and you won't see a lot worse coming down the road because of this I almost feel sorry for you and your lack of imagination. Prepare to be boiled, little frog.