Europe, Boring Until it's Not

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Speaker to Animals
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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed Feb 07, 2018 7:02 am

I remember when they reintroduced wolves in Idaho back in the 90s when I was stationed there. The ranchers and farmers were livid, but the environmentalists had their way. The warnings apparently came true. Now there are way too many fucking wolves and they are causing a lot of problems for people.

I think in their zeal to cast humans as wanton exterminators of dindu nuffin species, people often neglect the possibility that there were reasons we got rid of some predators species..

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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by C-Mag » Wed Feb 07, 2018 7:18 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:I remember when they reintroduced wolves in Idaho back in the 90s when I was stationed there. The ranchers and farmers were livid, but the environmentalists had their way. The warnings apparently came true. Now there are way too many fucking wolves and they are causing a lot of problems for people.

I think in their zeal to cast humans as wanton exterminators of dindu nuffin species, people often neglect the possibility that there were reasons we got rid of some predators species..

Damn right there was a reason Wolves were AGGRESSIVELY controlled wherever they are found. They are great killers and kill for fun too.


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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by JohnDonne » Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:53 pm

Montegriffo wrote:
JohnDonne wrote:Tolerance of the sort where one side remains quiet while the other side slaughters millions of innocents is not any tolerance I would subscribe to. To tolerate is to consent, yet the animals are given no choice, the people demanding tolerance take it from them, the very thing they so greedily ask for.
Tolerance does not include death threats to chilren just because their parents produce award winning cheese. I've never bought Fen farm products before but I'm going to now as a gesture of solidarity. If there's any left of course, this hateful militant vegan campaign has been the best thing that could ever happen to their business, they are going to have to increase production to keep up with demand now :clap:
Talk about counter productive :oops:
You're right, it's not tolerant to threaten people or their families with death for killing animals. But then, vegans never claimed to be tolerant of all kinds of behavior as far as I know. Intolerance is as much a part of society as tolerance, and for good reason. Society doesn't tolerate human slavery, for instance.

But as a calculation of asymmetrical warfare it is entirely consistent with veganism. The idea in this case, I assume, is to intimidate the farmer through threats to cease the violent practice which he actually engages in. The farmer, the vegans may say, by continuing his violent industry while under threat, is then responsible for endangering his family and essentially using them as human shields to cover his morally criminal activity. If he really wanted to secure his family's safety he would stop murdering cows. Note that his bovine victims are not given such options, they are considered his to dispose of because of their declared inferiority rather than because of their behavior.

Do I agree with tactics of violence? No, I happen to believe reason is the best way to bring about societal change in a stable manner. But I have no sympathy for the farmer for this reason. The farmer is the clear initial aggressor against the cows and their children, that a thug threatened to do to him what he is actually doing to others is unfortunate, but since he merely has to stop murdering and enslaving these creatures for his families safety to be secured, he is the master of his own situation, whereas his victims do not have that option.

But you keep saying "tolerance" like vegans have some obligation to accept everything as it is, when veganism as a radical movement is itself a call for "intolerance" by its very nature. Just as the civil rights movement was about making it against the law to discriminate, AKA not "tolerating" discrimination.

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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:00 pm

I am a meat eater. That's how I got strong and how I beat the chronic pain. I will fucking bury you vegan faggots in mass graves before I give up eating meat.

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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Montegriffo » Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:08 pm

All good points I'm sure but it strikes me as the same hypocrisy shown by ''pro-lifers'' who murder abortion doctors.
I think the best possible way to spread the vegan lifestyle would be to persuade people of the benefits rather than threaten dairy farmers who follow all the best practises of their trade.
Very few male calves are killed at birth these days, if they don't raise them themselves beef farmers buy them and raise them to maturity.

I think a better use of your time would be to go after farmers with very poor standards of animal welfare. Broiler chickens and intensively farmed cattle who spend their whole lives in sheds without ever seeing the light of day. In which case I would happily join you on the picket line comrade.
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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:11 pm

I'll tell you how to do it: find a way to simulate animal protein and fat from plant sources that is easy to cook and tastes good. Make a protein that has the better assimilation than animal protein for muscle hypertrophy. It has to be low carb too. Zero carbs, really.

Dude's would turn vegan over night if you did that.

Otherwise.. lol.. nope.

I don't want to look like a male vegan, do you? Wait. Don't answer that.. :lol:

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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:24 pm

I mean.. just looking at my typical meal plan.. It's already mostly vegetables. But I still need like 150-200 grams of protein in there, and I definitely don't need additional carbs on top of those I get from regular vegetables. Some of that high-carb stuff is great for when you are bulking. Oatmeal for instance is one of my favorites. But I can't eat that every day without getting fat. I have to cycle high carbs throughout the week to avoid getting fat.

A typical chicken breast has about 1.4 grams of fat, 25 grams of protein, and 0 grams of carbs. Only 0.4 grams of that 1.4 grams of fat is saturated fat. That's perfect. That's what puts muscle on me and helped me to burn off most of the fat I accumulated when I was bulking for a long time (really bad idea, don't ever do that).

I shit you not, if you could show me a vegan food source that has that nutritional profile, I would seriously look into switching for a while.

But there is also the issue of protein synthesis. Obviously, this food source needs to be supplemented with all the amino acids it is missing to match what you get from meat, but I can get the amino acids.

I just don't see it happening. The only way you can sort of make it work is through protein powders or something, and that's not real food. It's a terrible way to maintain your muscle and strength.
Last edited by Speaker to Animals on Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by JohnDonne » Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:26 pm

Hastur wrote:
JohnDonne wrote:
Hastur wrote:Yea. And some people still think genocide is a valid solution to stop suffering.
Genocide? You mean not breeding animals? Those are two different concepts, sorry mate, I know english is tough.
So the Nazis should just have prevented the jews from breeding until they were extinct and it would have been totally acceptable. Got it.
I didn't say we would actively prevent the cows from breeding, simply that we wouldn't force them to, and we are under no obligation to facilitate it. The idea in your head of millions of cows in concentration camps is not how its going to go down. As veganism reaches critical mass the demand will decrease and thus the supply will follow. By the time legislation takes place, the cow population will be a fraction of what it is now. Some cows may be hardy enough to live in the wild depending on the terrain, some cows will be taken care of on farms as one would look after pets. After a few generations the population dwindles to a trivial number, or they eventually go extinct.

But when you have to invoke concentration camps to defend your brutality against cows it really makes you look small and petty.

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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Montegriffo » Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:28 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:I mean.. just looking at my typical meal plan.. It's already mostly vegetables. But I still need like 150-200 grams of protein in there, and I definitely don't need additional carbs on top of those I get from regular vegetables. Some of that high-carb stuff is great for when you are bulking. Oatmeal for instance is one of my favorites. But I can't eat that every day without getting fat. I have to cycle high carbs throughout the week to avoid getting fat.

A typical chicken breast has about 1.4 grams of fat, 25 grams of protein, and 0 grams of carbs. Only 0.4 grams of that 1.4 grams of fat is saturated fat. That's perfect. That's what puts muscle on me and helped me to burn off most of the fat I accumulated when I was bulking for a long time (really bad idea, don't ever do that).

I shit you not, if you could show me a vegan food source that has that nutritional profile, I would seriously look into switching for a while.

But there is also the issue of protein synthesis. Obviously, this food source needs to be supplemented with all the amino acids it is missing to match what you get from meat, but I can get the amino acids.

I just don't see it happening. The only way you can sort of make it work is through protein powders or something, and that's not real food. It's a terrible way to maintain your muscle and strength.
Nuts are a very good source of protein unless you are avoiding fats.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Okeefenokee » Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:31 pm

JohnDonne wrote:
C-Mag wrote:Militant vegans send death threats to farmer whose cow had triplets


Poor guy just trying to run a dairy and he gets death threats. But looks like he's kept his sense of humor. :lol: ... s-7281299/
You’re breaking my heart Carlus, that poor milk drinking baby and his retarded family! He just wanted to impregnate cows and steal their babies, drink and sell their milk and slaughter them all when they become inconvenient. And now he appeals to the crowd when his precious health is threatened? And the dim witted news outlets are taking his side? Man, that really yanks the heartstrings. Might come a day when he has to give up the slaughter altogether, or face being on the other side of the blade.
What a fucking surprise.


Monty, tell your neighbor we got another threat coming in from Oregon. He can't pump gas, though, so it'll take him a while to get there.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.
