Europe, Boring Until it's Not

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by ssu » Fri Nov 17, 2017 2:18 pm

kybkh wrote:Maybe it's not reached your neck of the woods yet, but when you walk down the street and the culture has drastically changed in less than a decade, not necessarily for the best, you begin to ask what the end game is. In Europe, it's pretty apparent at this point.
Maybe in your neck of the woods Independence from another country doesn't mean a thing. The UK has been your ally and trusty sidekick for a long time now. There's not one single British politician urging that the rebel colonies ought to be returned back to the Queen.

I don't think that Nukedog would invite to Texas some Mexican ultra-nationalists who want Texas returned back to Mexico...because they are nationalists too and share common values. Inviting some Russkie neonazis to celebrate Finnish independence is equivalent to it. Has to be a joke or simply ignorance from the part of the Swedes far-right organization.

It just underlines that these groups aren't true patriots, don't know much about history, they don't love their actual country and it's actual heritage. They long for some utiopia that has never existed and are actually internationalists now just on the right (and not on the left) who are binded by common twisted World view.

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Nov 17, 2017 3:18 pm

ssu wrote:
kybkh wrote:Maybe it's not reached your neck of the woods yet, but when you walk down the street and the culture has drastically changed in less than a decade, not necessarily for the best, you begin to ask what the end game is. In Europe, it's pretty apparent at this point.
Maybe in your neck of the woods Independence from another country doesn't mean a thing. The UK has been your ally and trusty sidekick for a long time now. There's not one single British politician urging that the rebel colonies ought to be returned back to the Queen.

I don't think that Nukedog would invite to Texas some Mexican ultra-nationalists who want Texas returned back to Mexico...because they are nationalists too and share common values. Inviting some Russkie neonazis to celebrate Finnish independence is equivalent to it. Has to be a joke or simply ignorance from the part of the Swedes far-right organization.

It just underlines that these groups aren't true patriots, don't know much about history, they don't love their actual country and it's actual heritage. They long for some utiopia that has never existed and are actually internationalists now just on the right (and not on the left) who are binded by common twisted World view.

Unfortunately what you just described is exactly what about half the American population is now doing, and some of them are in this forum defending it.

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by ssu » Fri Nov 17, 2017 5:28 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote: Unfortunately what you just described is exactly what about half the American population is now doing, and some of them are in this forum defending it.
I think there is and there has been allways a struggle for control of the right between conservatives and the radical right. The two don't actually mix, just like there is a divide on the left between mensheviks and bolsheviks. The radical right / far right portrays itself to be the torch-bearer (sometimes literally) of the right, and actually gets help from the left, which is eager to paint every aspect of the right, of conservatism or patriotism as a far-right phenomenon.

Yet let's not forget that patriotism and the idea of a nation state is something universally accepted, an idea that have a lot of popularity also with a suprising percentage of the left. The leftist idea of the workers of the World uniting and shredding the "capitalist" nation-state idea wasn't at all successfull.

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Nov 17, 2017 5:51 pm

ssu wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote: Unfortunately what you just described is exactly what about half the American population is now doing, and some of them are in this forum defending it.
I think there is and there has been allways a struggle for control of the right between conservatives and the radical right. The two don't actually mix, just like there is a divide on the left between mensheviks and bolsheviks. The radical right / far right portrays itself to be the torch-bearer (sometimes literally) of the right, and actually gets help from the left, which is eager to paint every aspect of the right, of conservatism or patriotism as a far-right phenomenon.

Yet let's not forget that patriotism and the idea of a nation state is something universally accepted, an idea that have a lot of popularity also with a suprising percentage of the left. The leftist idea of the workers of the World uniting and shredding the "capitalist" nation-state idea wasn't at all successfull.

I think you see a conflict that doesn't really exist. A new identity is emerging in Europe amongst people that stems from the white identity forged by Americans in the 18th and 19th centuries. Tribalism is not only acceptable in those circles but encouraged. But by the nature of tribalism, there are varying degrees of difference. Right now, European people face a common enemy trying to undermine them and dispossess them of their nations. A common enemy allows them to reach across otherwise hostile borders to work together.

End the reign of the marxist-globalist coalition and I am sure Russian and Finnish nationalist can go right back to hating one another. Until then.. you really need to bury the hatchet and look towards the far greater threat.

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by ssu » Fri Nov 17, 2017 7:12 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote: I think you see a conflict that doesn't really exist. A new identity is emerging in Europe amongst people that stems from the white identity forged by Americans in the 18th and 19th centuries.
White identity? Uh... actually being white is bit odd when something like 98% of the people fit in to that category...of being white. Believe me, there's not much sense of togetherness that Finns have with Russians, Greeks, Italians or Spaniards of being white. It's like saying we are all Europeans. Yeah!!! :?

After all, you are the country with huge racial minorities and where "whites" won't be the absolute majority in the future, yet I think it's only Nuke that has lost his mind about it. The reason is that you live there, you can put everything into perspective, and hence perhaps it's easier to portray Europe as the continent where "all is lost". Yet never underestimate just how different the countries are here. Poland is totally different from France and so on.
Speaker to Animals wrote:End the reign of the marxist-globalist coalition and I am sure Russian and Finnish nationalist can go right back to hating one another. Until then.. you really need to bury the hatchet and look towards the far greater threat.
Neonazis love Putin. Pro-Putinism doesn't fly here ....or in the Baltics. It would be like asking the tiki-torch people and antifa to bury their hatchet and look towards the far greater threat.

And anyway, how long have we had the bankers and this Ponzi-scheme built on debt? And the Marxists... they have prospered because of the Soviet Union. The immigration problem you can handle simply by limiting immigration.

Sorry, but those that think Russia under Putin is a saviour are simply his useful idiots.
Last edited by ssu on Fri Nov 17, 2017 7:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Nov 17, 2017 7:13 pm

The people you are bitching about are literally European Identitarians.

Criticize them if you want, but don't pretend like they don't exist one post after you just bitched about them.

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by ssu » Fri Nov 17, 2017 7:23 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:The people you are bitching about are literally European Identitarians.

Criticize them if you want, but don't pretend like they don't exist one post after you just bitched about them.

Now they might exist, yet with the media focus on them they look bigger than they are. And as I've said, one broken window with them marching and a counter-protest will be headline news here. Just like with antifa, occupy Wall Street, black bloc (and I forget what they were called before that), the media will say this is the new coming of (the 60?).

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by TheReal_ND » Fri Nov 17, 2017 8:21 pm

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by TheReal_ND » Fri Nov 17, 2017 8:42 pm

It shows the Nordic Resistance Movement, a nationalist group in Sweden, giving speeches outside at some kind of event. The videographer interviews various non-whites and leftists badmouthing the nationalists.

What is the logic from these non-whites who instinctively oppose the nationalism of native Swedes? Their sole argument is that the nationalists are not “tolerant” enough of the presence of tidal waves of foreigners who are demographically displacing them. They constantly say that “this is 2017” and can’t believe such people – nationalists – still exist. ... ve-swedes/

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by C-Mag » Fri Nov 17, 2017 9:32 pm


A Blueprint for the future of Europe ?
In October European Intellectuals drafted a Manifesto for Europe


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