Europe, Boring Until it's Not

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Montegriffo » Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:02 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:
Montegriffo wrote:
TheReal_ND wrote:Hey Monte, I've been meaning to ask you how you will be voting. Understandably I know it won't be May, but are there any good candidates? Please don't say Corbyn.
Until quite recently I was fairly satisfied with the way May was running the country but her election campaign has been terrible and she has been avoiding speaking in public and refused to appear on the leaders debate on TV. She has been nicknamed ''the Lady not for turning up'' :lol:

Corbyn is an unashamed 1970's socialist with crazy ideas about refusing to re-new our nuclear deterrent and re-nationalising the railways. He is promising to spend,spend,spend without telling anyone where the money is coming from except some vague statements about taxing the ''rich''. I have never voted Labour and could not vote for this fool.

Tim Fallen the Liberal Democrat leader comes across the best of the 3 major candidates. I like his honesty and the fact he wants to stay in the EU and legalise the growing and use of cannabis amongst other things like putting 1 pence on income tax to spend exclusively on the NHS. He is the real radical not Corbyn in my mind. However he is a born again God botherer who refused for several years to say that he did not consider homosexuality to be a sin despite voting against the Tories homophobic ''section 28 bill'' back in the time of Maggie and Major and also voted in favour of gay marriage.

So to answer your question I'll probably support the Green party as usual because I couldn't vote for any of the others with a clean conscience.
Dude weed and fags. Holy fuck our political compasses are retarded.

Don't know anything about your greens m8. I actually kind of liked Jill Stein myself, memes aside. Cheers.
Our greens are maturing as a political party and now have policies on a wide selection of issues. Some batty socialist ideas about running the economy etc but some more grounded ideas about other things. They get precious little air time to promote themselves but managed to get their first MP elected last time around in Brighton which is kinda like our version of San Francisco. They refuse to have a single leader and share the post with 2 people one bloke and one chick. I like them but like any minority party they can promise the world because there is no chance they will ever win and have to implement their policies. They are currently running at 6% in the polls which is double UKIP's 3%.
Nuttel of UKIP is a nasty piece of shit but his party's day in the limelight is over so we don't have to worry about him.

Obviously these descriptions are tainted with the bias of the Monte Stream Media and may not reflect the opinions of the rest of my countrymen.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:07 pm

I was having a civil conversation with you and then you went and insulted UKIP

Why does UKIP perform so fucking poorly anyway? What's wrong with them?

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Montegriffo » Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:25 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:Image
I was having a civil conversation with you and then you went and insulted UKIP

Why does UKIP perform so fucking poorly anyway? What's wrong with them?
Sorry about that. My anti xenophobic bias showed it's ugly face.
UKIP are too extreme for the British public. They served their purpose in forcing Cameron's hand about having a referendum on the EU but now they have no reason left to exist. Farage is far more popular over there than he was here and their latest leader is ignorant and divisive and will return to obscurity where he belongs on Friday.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:29 pm

Montegriffo wrote:
TheReal_ND wrote:Image
I was having a civil conversation with you and then you went and insulted UKIP

Why does UKIP perform so fucking poorly anyway? What's wrong with them?
Sorry about that. My anti xenophobic bias showed it's ugly face.
UKIP are too extreme for the British public. They served their purpose in forcing Cameron's hand about having a referendum on the EU but now they have no reason left to exist. Farage is far more popular over there than he was here and their latest leader is ignorant and divisive and will return to obscurity where he belongs on Friday.
I don't know who the current leader is and it sounds like he's bombing from what little I've seen, still, Farage is a civic nationalist as is Trump. If civic nationalism is too extreme for Brits.... dude, I barely knew you dad


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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:36 pm ... 5594315777

Footage from some stupid attack in England. Waste in'it?

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:43 pm

The Identitarian movement in Europe looks interesting. I don't know much about them, though. Some of their videos are good.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:47 pm

France has a literally Hitler youth identitarian camp. Haven't looked in to it much but it's basically the opposite of France. I'll post if I come across again.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Montegriffo » Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:52 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:
Montegriffo wrote:
TheReal_ND wrote:Image
I was having a civil conversation with you and then you went and insulted UKIP

Why does UKIP perform so fucking poorly anyway? What's wrong with them?
Sorry about that. My anti xenophobic bias showed it's ugly face.
UKIP are too extreme for the British public. They served their purpose in forcing Cameron's hand about having a referendum on the EU but now they have no reason left to exist. Farage is far more popular over there than he was here and their latest leader is ignorant and divisive and will return to obscurity where he belongs on Friday.
I don't know who the current leader is and it sounds like he's bombing from what little I've seen, still, Farage is a civic nationalist as is Trump. If civic nationalism is too extreme for Brits.... dude, I barely knew you dad

You'd have liked him, lifelong Tory voter who would have voted leave if he'd still been around last year. A Liberal Conservative though with no time for racist views.

Paul Nuttall is an ineffective leader who can't even get the name of his opponent right in the TV debate. ... 43831.html
Ukip's leader has been left red-faced after twice getting the name of his debate opponent wrong.

Paul Nuttall repeatedly referred to Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood as "Natalie".

It is not clear whether Mr Nuttall was confusing Ms Wood with Natalie Wood, the US actress, or Natalie Bennett, the former leader of the Green Party.
He also lied about being at the Hillsborough stadium disaster where nearly 100 football fans died in a crush and losing friends there.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Jun 07, 2017 5:00 pm

You'd have liked him, lifelong Tory voter who would have voted leave if he'd still been around last year.
Who? Nuttal? I like traditionalist Tories 'tis true but the current rendition is oven worthy imo.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Montegriffo » Wed Jun 07, 2017 5:09 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:
You'd have liked him, lifelong Tory voter who would have voted leave if he'd still been around last year.
Who? Nuttal? I like traditionalist Tories 'tis true but the current rendition is oven worthy imo.
Nah, my Dad. I was taking your post literally.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.