Europe, Boring Until it's Not

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by StCapps » Sat May 06, 2017 12:53 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:They are gassing you, dude. Women of your generation have a lot of sex with a relatively small percentage of men.
I'm aware. But what genetic evidence is there that women have been less faithful than men throughout history by a notable margin? I'm genuinely curious if there is more than just speculation to back up that supposition, because I've yet to come across it.
Last edited by StCapps on Sat May 06, 2017 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat May 06, 2017 12:55 pm

I have this female friend where we can be really honest. It's cool because I get to see how women think and what they do behind our backs. She shows me a lot of the stuff her friends are into and what they are up to (they often don't even keep it secret from one another).

They hook up a lot. I mean.. if 1 sexual partner for them is as detrimental as 19 sexual partners is for us.. most of them are totally unsuitable for marriage. I don't need to get into details, but a lot of females in your generation are total sluts, including ones I would not have guessed.

You need to find a friend like this who will discuss this shit. They want intelligence too. It's a mutually beneficial relationship. Plus, she can weed out bad chicks for you and direct you towards some good ones.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Okeefenokee » Sat May 06, 2017 12:56 pm

StCapps wrote:Pretending that everyone who disagrees with you is a bigot, the left's guide to argumentation. Those Islamic refugees are a lot more bigoted on average than the people who want restrictions on importing refugees, so if you don't want any bigots allowed, you might want to start there as opposed to your own citizens who have properly assimilated to the culture already.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat May 06, 2017 12:57 pm

StCapps wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:They are gassing you, dude. Women of your generation have a lot of sex with a relatively small percentage of men.
I'm aware. But what genetic evidence is there that women have been less faithful than men throughout history by a notable margin? I'm genuinely curious if there is more than just speculation to back up that supposition.

For instance, in England, surnames are very localized and parish records can establish alleged paternity going back really far. But after the advent of DNA testing, we can see that LOTS of men who share a particular surname lack the corresponding y-chromosome. Yet parish records indicate quite clearly they should have a different y-chromosome. The only explanation is infidelity. I can't remember the exact cuckoldry rate they calculated in that particular research offhand, but it's pretty fucking high.

I wonder if our wanting women to feel for us as deeply as we can feel for them really blinds us to their true nature, honestly. Again, it's not a good or a bad thing by itself. It's just how things are. It doesn't make women evil. We do bad things too. But we should want to be cognizant of those bad things and not live in a fantasy world, lest we spend most of our resources laboring day and night for some other man's bastard child. Female infidelity is really bad, and if we don't acknowledge it, society can't socialize young women properly -- which is what we see today.

And if you see this pattern coming to play going back centuries before suffrage was a thing.. it's kind of clear why "refugees welcome" really just means lots of young males while Syrian women are sold on sex slave markets by ISIS. The idea that these policies are truly "altruistic" is ridiculous.
Last edited by Speaker to Animals on Sat May 06, 2017 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Okeefenokee » Sat May 06, 2017 12:59 pm

Montegriffo wrote:
StCapps wrote:If monte really cared about having too many bigots in Britain, he wouldn't be so pro-Islamic immigration. He's full of shit.
I'm pro refugees from war zones, I don't care what made up God they worship. If they are fleeing Assad or ISIS or any other lethal regime they should be offered sanctuary in any stable country.....
Not pro-Islamic.... pro-refugee.
Not one of them will you ever house under your own roof. You just want to virtue signal with no cost.
Last edited by Okeefenokee on Sat May 06, 2017 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Fife » Sat May 06, 2017 1:04 pm

Webb never knew what was habbening.


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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Ph64 » Sat May 06, 2017 1:08 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
StCapps wrote:The infidelity rates I'm seeing show that men stray more often than women. Or they at least admit to it more often.


Not really. It's actually overwhelmingly on the side of females.

That's another eye-opening lesson from genetic research. We can estimate historic cuckoldry rates through genetic tests associated with surnames. Women are actually very unfaithful. Far more than us. And with us, men tended to just bang a prostitute if they did something like that. What women do is far, far worse.

Women are very good at hiding it. I can tell you that much. But the DNA tells a different story. There is a reason why feminists are fighting to make it illegal for a man to get a paternity test on "his" baby..
I remember having this conversation long ago with a couple women - it's obvious that a woman NEVER has to wonder if that child she pushed out is "hers" or not, it's a given (outside of artificial means with modern medicine). A man can never be 100% certain. Yet, of course, if he question it and wants a test it's "you don't trust me, therefore you don't love me".

And then of course I'd have to say that every woman that has cheated on me and/or had another guy already lined up (at least thinking of cheating if the hadn't already) - those are the ones that started accusing me of cheating on them or looking to (of which it was never true).
"People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome."

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat May 06, 2017 1:15 pm

If you guys want to discuss female infidelity in an evolutionary psychology thread, that's cool. The main point I am making here is that these "refugee welcome" policies are hardly compassionate. They arise from collectivized selfish interest on the part of females, supported by the hopelessly fruitless support from weaker men who comprise most of the males on the left.

The vast majority of "refugees" to Europe are men.

This is what happened to the females:



This crap espoused by Monty is nothing more than a beta virtue signaling attempt to gain affirmation from females. If you want compassionate foreign policies.. you probably need to limit decisions to men. Just saying. The idea that any of this garbage is compassionate, and those of us opposing it "hate brown people", is fucking ridiculous.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat May 06, 2017 1:31 pm

These are the refugees that Europe's governments gave the European people:


Mostly military-aged males.

This is what happens to the women left behind:


I don't think women in Europe directly feel the threat those Muslim men pose. I do think that European women would certainly feel directly threatened if that was millions of young females, however..


I am just sick and tired of the false-moralizing from the left. Let's be honest about what is happening here. If that was millions of young women migrating into Europe, you better believe European woman would demand they be taken back.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by GloryofGreece » Sat May 06, 2017 2:03 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:If you guys want to discuss female infidelity in an evolutionary psychology thread, that's cool. The main point I am making here is that these "refugee welcome" policies are hardly compassionate. They arise from collectivized selfish interest on the part of females, supported by the hopelessly fruitless support from weaker men who comprise most of the males on the left.

The vast majority of "refugees" to Europe are men.

This is what happened to the females:



This crap espoused by Monty is nothing more than a beta virtue signaling attempt to gain affirmation from females. If you want compassionate foreign policies.. you probably need to limit decisions to men. Just saying. The idea that any of this garbage is compassionate, and those of us opposing it "hate brown people", is fucking ridiculous.
can you start that thread so we can in a more specific applicable thread then? Also, what does a guy like Jack Donavan (except your not gay) believe socially and philosophically that you do not?
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