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Post by BjornP » Sun May 27, 2018 12:13 am

Haumana wrote:
Sat May 26, 2018 11:51 pm
BjornP wrote:
Sat May 26, 2018 11:48 pm
"Even"? Moon is logically speaking the most likely person to understand that there's a disconnect. The NK demands or requirements for any peace talks, can't have been too much of a secret given how peace has been tried before.
Peace hasn't been tried before between these two individuals. Popcorn worthy, imo.

Edit: I do trust that Trump won't be honey dicked though.
NK's nuclear program quite literally collapsed so loudly even state propaganda couldn't disguise the fact. Interestingly the first one's to report on their failure was the Chinese, who probably are tired of their antics, too. Kim's not the clueless dictator type. He may strap his own family to cannons and shoot their torsoes off, but he ain't stupid or ignorant. He was in good when he could deliver a nuclear deterrant, but I think if the top military brass and the top party officials start to see (but obviously don't publicly voice) him as a failure, as less of a guarentee against instability... he may face a coup. Which is not to mean change of system, or a re-unification with SK. Maybe put his sister on the "throne", if they want to preserve the weird hereditary "Juche" thing they got going on.

And I expect the same thing of Trump that I did during the campaign. That he's a weak-willed idiot who will be handled by more intelligent people able to take advantage of his insecurities. I've not been wrong so far. That has been pop-corn worthy. It's like an episode of "The Tudors", only with a more clueless king and more sycophants.
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Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sun May 27, 2018 12:17 am

Anything of substance is being worked out by the desk jockeys as we speak. Drumpf and Kim Pow just show up and smile at each other.

We stop our war games for now, and get some prisoners. The real purpose of this is to open up trade, and “normalize relations”. Nothing more.
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Post by BjornP » Sun May 27, 2018 12:27 am

"Nothing more" than opening up for trade... Yeah, that sounds, like, almost insignificant. Whoever had use for more markets to sell one's country's products to?
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Post by Montegriffo » Sun May 27, 2018 12:33 am

Haumana wrote:
Sat May 26, 2018 11:43 pm
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Sat May 26, 2018 11:37 pm
My prediction: Good photo op, nothing changes.
That's always your prediction, Glum.

Good photo op for whom?
For meme creators.
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Post by Haumana » Sun May 27, 2018 12:58 am

BjornP wrote:
Sun May 27, 2018 12:13 am
NK's nuclear program quite literally collapsed so loudly even state propaganda couldn't disguise the fact. Interestingly the first one's to report on their failure was the Chinese, who probably are tired of their antics, too. Kim's not the clueless dictator type. He may strap his own family to cannons and shoot their torsoes off, but he ain't stupid or ignorant. He was in good when he could deliver a nuclear deterrant, but I think if the top military brass and the top party officials start to see (but obviously don't publicly voice) him as a failure, as less of a guarentee against instability... he may face a coup. Which is not to mean change of system, or a re-unification with SK. Maybe put his sister on the "throne", if they want to preserve the weird hereditary "Juche" thing they got going on.

And I expect the same thing of Trump that I did during the campaign. That he's a weak-willed idiot who will be handled by more intelligent people able to take advantage of his insecurities. I've not been wrong so far. That has been pop-corn worthy. It's like an episode of "The Tudors", only with a more clueless king and more sycophants.
Now there is some speculation. Any link to actual evidence that he strapped family to cannons and shot their torsos off? 2nd or 3rd hand offerings are what I remember about the ordeal. How much of the monster is just hype?

So you totally expected that weak-willed idiot to win the Presidency because he was handled by more intelligent people who took advantage of his insecurities? You haven't been wrong yet. Did you also expect that there would potentially be a historic face to face meeting between NK and the US? What if Kim Un just wants an out? Has that factored into your calculus? He basically grew up in Europe.

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Post by Haumana » Sun May 27, 2018 1:17 am

The Weak-willed idiot who created a worldwide brand based on his last name. The Weak-willed idiot who created a popular tv series based on him. The Weak-willed idiot who was talking about a presidential run 20 years ago on Oprah. I am having a hard time buying your weak-willed idiot assessment. It could be something that is lost in translation though. I am not saying the guy is playing 4D chess but clearly, he isn't an idiot either. That's just some kind of weird sour grapes or some shit.

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Post by BjornP » Sun May 27, 2018 7:00 am

Haumana wrote:
Sun May 27, 2018 12:58 am
BjornP wrote:
Sun May 27, 2018 12:13 am
NK's nuclear program quite literally collapsed so loudly even state propaganda couldn't disguise the fact. Interestingly the first one's to report on their failure was the Chinese, who probably are tired of their antics, too. Kim's not the clueless dictator type. He may strap his own family to cannons and shoot their torsoes off, but he ain't stupid or ignorant. He was in good when he could deliver a nuclear deterrant, but I think if the top military brass and the top party officials start to see (but obviously don't publicly voice) him as a failure, as less of a guarentee against instability... he may face a coup. Which is not to mean change of system, or a re-unification with SK. Maybe put his sister on the "throne", if they want to preserve the weird hereditary "Juche" thing they got going on.

And I expect the same thing of Trump that I did during the campaign. That he's a weak-willed idiot who will be handled by more intelligent people able to take advantage of his insecurities. I've not been wrong so far. That has been pop-corn worthy. It's like an episode of "The Tudors", only with a more clueless king and more sycophants.
Now there is some speculation. Any link to actual evidence that he strapped family to cannons and shot their torsos off? 2nd or 3rd hand offerings are what I remember about the ordeal. How much of the monster is just hype?

So you totally expected that weak-willed idiot to win the Presidency because he was handled by more intelligent people who took advantage of his insecurities? You haven't been wrong yet. Did you also expect that there would potentially be a historic face to face meeting between NK and the US? What if Kim Un just wants an out? Has that factored into your calculus? He basically grew up in Europe. ... e-reports/

Ok, anti-aircraft gun.. not cannon.

Don't think I bothered predicting who won at the time. I just said he was the "Hope and Change"'y president for the US right, and that once he'd be sitting in the president's seat, not only would he abandon his major promises, but his absolute cluelessness about the world and insecure narcisstic personality would mean that he'd be easily manipulated. Like GWB, just more stupid and less aware of it.

There hasn't been a face to face meeting between the leaders of the US and NK yet, but being photographed while being in the same room as the NK leadership isn't my idea of "historic", really. Maybe I just need to set my standards really low. If the US and NK sign a peace deal, and NK definitively abandons its nuclear program, instead of simply putting it on hold... then it will be historic. I have absolutely no expectation of that happening, but I'm prepared to be positively surprised. South Korea has been aggressively pursuing peace, so if they manage to bring NK to the table, it would look odd for the US to not be there, too.

As for the latest Kim. Sure, he got a Western education. Getting a Western education doesn't mean he ever showed any respect for any Western ideals of liberty or democracy. How he runs his country kinda, oughtta, be a clue there. But sure, he might want an out. Not because of any European/Western sympathies, but simply for the stability of his country's (his regime's) sake.
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Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sun May 27, 2018 7:29 am

BjornP wrote:
Sun May 27, 2018 12:27 am
"Nothing more" than opening up for trade... Yeah, that sounds, like, almost insignificant. Whoever had use for more markets to sell one's country's products to?
Well, since we closed it, yeah... it’s not very significant to anyone but the Norks.
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Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sun May 27, 2018 7:31 am

As for Kim being a good guy.... wow man.
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Post by BjornP » Sun May 27, 2018 7:44 am

Haumana wrote:
Sun May 27, 2018 1:17 am
The Weak-willed idiot who created a worldwide brand based on his last name. The Weak-willed idiot who created a popular tv series based on him. The Weak-willed idiot who was talking about a presidential run 20 years ago on Oprah. I am having a hard time buying your weak-willed idiot assessment. It could be something that is lost in translation though. I am not saying the guy is playing 4D chess but clearly, he isn't an idiot either. That's just some kind of weird sour grapes or some shit.
I'm talking personality, his individuality. Weak willed as in lacking the ability to resist other people's influence or to control one's own impulses. Yes, he's weak willed and he's an idiot in the sense that he's an ignoramus either without the ability to understand how little he knows, or (more likely, I think) he knows he knows very little but feels massively insecure about admitting it, and instead lashes out.

I can't envy him as a person, as an individual. I am confident that if I inherited a couple of million dollars from my father, I would have been able to invest it more intelligently than he did with further bankruptcies along the way. As a person, I simply consider him on par with a greasy-haired beggar in a stolen-valor uniform who charges a buck for licking people's vomit off the sidewalk. I know the concepts of "dignity" and "honor" sound old-fashioned to some, but he has absolute none of either. His victimhood mentality, his perpetual whininess during the campaign and now, and his need to brag about things he hasn't actually accomplished... I hate those kinds of people. Loathe them. The notion that something like that can become a president isn't "sour grapes" for me, it's a profound anger at how he's painting all of you as Americans. But it fits the times - victimhood culture on the rise = Victimhood president gets elected, though Obama had already thrown the kindling that would start that fire.
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