Fitness Thread

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Martin Hash
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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Martin Hash » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:25 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:Do the much maligned fat
Your consumption of "fat" is often confused with the fat around your middle. For clarification, most health experts refer to the extra pounds you don't want to carry as "adipose tissue," so get used to seeing that word, chunky-boy. However, eating fat does not make you fat, quite the opposite, eating fat triggers the same receptors as sugar, satiates your appetite better than sugar, and doesn't contribute any carbs at all.

How did this misinformation about fat get started: the public was intentionally confused by the sugar industry to mask the fact that sugar is the real culprit of weight gain, diabetes, and health deterioration; and that misdirection lasted for three decades. It has only been recently that doctors have fought back against the claim that consuming fat is bad for you.
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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:28 pm

I get endorphins, but mostly when I do gymnastics, especially when I go vertical in handstands, flips, and things like that. I also get endorphins from parallettes and rings training. Weight training mainly gives me testosterone boost. I alternate between them each day.

I think running is starting to give me a tiny endorphin boost as well, but it's not really in the same league as what happens when you are playing around with gymnastics and mobility training. With gymnastics and mobility training, training is more like play, which I think is what generates it.

I am definitely addicted. I am also addicted to watching my body change and my capabilities improve.

If you adopt a serious training program, and commit for about a year, you will see enough improvement that you likely will get addicted to. The problem is that it's really like a year for this to kick in for most people because they are so incredibly weak and out of shape to begin with. If you are young, I think it might be more like six months for males, because your muscles will grow pretty fast and you at least will see visible results faster.

I never would have gotten to that point without the motivation of not being in total debilitating pain. If I don't train for about four days in a row, ALL the pain starts coming back like a truck hitting me. That's pretty effective motivation for the beginning. But now I am just addicted to getting better.

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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by TheReal_ND » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:33 pm

Martin Hash wrote:
TheReal_ND wrote:Do the much maligned fat
Your consumption of "fat" is often confused with the fat around your middle. For clarification, most health experts refer to the extra pounds you don't want to carry as "adipose tissue," so get used to seeing that word, chunky-boy. However, eating fat does not make you fat, quite the opposite, eating fat triggers the same receptors as sugar, satiates your appetite better than sugar, and doesn't contribute any carbs at all.

How did this misinformation get started: the public was intentionally confused by the sugar industry to mask the fact that sugar is the real culprit of weight gain, diabetes, and health deterioration; and that misdirection lasted for three decades. It has only been recently that doctors have fought back against the claim that consuming fat is bad for you.
Uh did you just call me.... never mind who cares

The first diet was done by a doctor for a morbidly obese Englander some hundred or two years back. They knew that carbs had the least amount of calories per gram while fat and proteins had much more so they simply put him on a carb diet. That didn't work so they reversed it and he began to lose weight. I don't recall the reason why eating a high protein and fat diet (keto) makes you lose weight but it does.

Another misconception was that plaque on the arteries was caused by fat because it's made of a lipoid (not a lipid I think.) People assumed that the fat (lipids) were causing the build up but the reality is that plaque is like a scab that is produced to kind of protect the arteries when they are damaged. This can be other causes but some think it could be from processed foods. When doctors operated on Vietnam soldiers they were shocked at the amount of plaque was found in their arteries at their age. One theory is that it was due to their diet, which was heavily processed foods.

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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:33 pm

Martin Hash wrote:
TheReal_ND wrote:Do the much maligned fat
Your consumption of "fat" is often confused with the fat around your middle. For clarification, most health experts refer to the extra pounds you don't want to carry as "adipose tissue," so get used to seeing that word, chunky-boy. However, eating fat does not make you fat, quite the opposite, eating fat triggers the same receptors as sugar, satiates your appetite better than sugar, and doesn't contribute any carbs at all.

How did this misinformation about fat get started: the public was intentionally confused by the sugar industry to mask the fact that sugar is the real culprit of weight gain, diabetes, and health deterioration; and that misdirection lasted for three decades. It has only been recently that doctors have fought back against the claim that consuming fat is bad for you.

Nukedog has the opposite problem. He needs to drink a gallon of milk per day to gain mass. Skinny guys are a completely different issue because their metabolisms have not yet taken a giant shit on their lives. Once you built up a fair amount of fat, your metabolism isn't ever going to be like that again. You can lose it, but you need to work at keeping it off. Which I suppose is a gift, since it forces you to remain fit.

For fat guys.. it's really not hard to lose a shit ton of fat in a diet. Keeping it off is another story. I am of the opinion that you are better off doing it in stages of rapid fat loss of about 10-20 lbs at a time (for about 1-2 months) and then about 2-3 months of maintenance in order to allow your metabolism to adjust and your body to get used to the new weight. Then repeat until you are done. Think of it like an iceberg. The actual fat loss is just the tip of the iceberg. Once you do that part, you still have a very LONG period of time where you have to slowly increase calories and focus on maintaining your fat levels. Build muscle, but be very vigilant about your diet and exercise. Otherwise, it's all coming back and more.

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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:35 pm

Also, if you lose more than 10-20 lbs at a time, and you do it too fast, you are going to end up with a super nasty ass case of loose skin.

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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by TheReal_ND » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:39 pm

It's true I've noticed significant gains from drinking a gallon of milk nearly every day. I'm not even working out yet that's just from doing my normal work. It's good.

I think my t-levels are even up. My usually short temper has gotten even worse and I'm balling out workers on the floor twice my size
Last edited by TheReal_ND on Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:41 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:It's true I've noticed significant gains from drinking a gallon of milk nearly every day. I'm not even working out yet that's just from doing my normal work. It's good.

My understanding is that this is the most unappreciated old-school technique out there. For skinny guys, GOMAD, gets the best results. It's like a constant IV drip of protein, fat, and carbs to build muscle throughout the day.

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Martin Hash
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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Martin Hash » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:46 pm

Clogged arteries (never veins which is the tell) comes from high blood pressure which tears your vessels, then the cholesterol in your blood squeezes into the tears, which heal over leaving a plaque, layer upon layer.
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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:46 pm

Martin Hash wrote:Clogged arteries (never veins which is the tell) comes from high blood pressure which tears your vessels, then the cholesterol in your blood squeezes into the tears, which heal over leaving a plaque, layer upon layer.

What do I do for low blood pressure?

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Martin Hash
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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Martin Hash » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:47 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Martin Hash wrote:Clogged arteries (never veins which is the tell) comes from high blood pressure which tears your vessels, then the cholesterol in your blood squeezes into the tears, which heal over leaving a plaque, layer upon layer.

What do I do for low blood pressure?
Unless you're passing out, who cares?
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