Fitness Thread

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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by TheReal_ND » Thu Jan 11, 2018 7:00 pm

Just going to leave this here

Musonius Rufus joins this podcast. Rebel Yell still going. ... -syndrome/

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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by doc_loliday » Thu Jan 11, 2018 7:50 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:These Goddam new years resolution faggots.
Surely they're almost gone?

Yo, what do you do for cardio/endurance?
Last edited by doc_loliday on Fri Jan 12, 2018 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Martin Hash
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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Martin Hash » Thu Jan 11, 2018 7:52 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:He's just joking around, but what he is saying is true.

Got any good vegan recipes?
I drink mad Dr. Pepper. It’s about as inert a substance there is, plus it has caffeine!
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Speaker to Animals
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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Jan 11, 2018 8:01 pm

Martin Hash wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:He's just joking around, but what he is saying is true.

Got any good vegan recipes?
I drink mad Dr. Pepper. It’s about as inert a substance there is, plus it has caffeine!

What he is saying is: diet sodas are used by elite professional body builders to get cut for competitions. If the aspertame causes an insulin spike, and you don't feed it with sugar, you get a crash, followed by increased fat burning. But it shouldn't even cause a spike because it's not sugar.

The sweetener I know you should stay far away from is sucralose because it wipes out about half the good bacteria in your gut. Which is what most pre-workouts are sweetened with.

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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Jan 11, 2018 9:50 pm

This is fucking crazy flow. I want to get as good as this.

That's King David dancing before the Ark.

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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Jan 12, 2018 10:22 am

doc_loliday wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:These Goddam new years resolution faggots.
Surely they're almost gone?

Yo, what do you do for cardio/endurance?

No. They will be around for a few weeks. It will start to peter out in February. The people who make it to around April have a good chance of sticking to their routine and achieving their goals. I don't know what the percentage is, but I suspect it's maybe 5% of the resolutioners. Actually, a new year resolution is the worst way for somebody who is out of shape to do it. It seems to work best for people who already went to the gym a lot in the past, fell away, and want to get back in shape.

As far an cardio/endurance.. mainly running and movement practice. You can drastically increase the intensity of those animal movements to get into the aerobic range. Sometimes I jump rope. Mainly running, though.

This type of exercise, at the right intensity, will provide plenty of conditioning:

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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by doc_loliday » Fri Jan 12, 2018 4:29 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
That's pretty crazy for 30 days of pushups.

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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Okeefenokee » Fri Jan 12, 2018 5:35 pm

Martin Hash wrote:Ghrelin is the hunger neuropeptide produced in gastrointestinal tract. I learned somewhere that fat in your food not only replaces your desire for sugar, has less calories than sugar, but it also inhibits Ghrelin production, so it lowers your appetite. Not eating when you're hungry requires will-power, which remarkably enough, is in finite quantity, so I'd rather use my will-power for other things rather than not eating. Peanuts and natural cheese of all kinds have lots of fat so I included them in my diet. After a couple months, it seems to work!

p.s. Leptin, which comes from adipose cells (body fat), inhibits hunger. I have no experiment for it yet.
We talked a lot about this last summer. When I went keto, I was eating only protein and fat, and after the first week, I ate very little and was never hungry except the two times a day I normally ate.

My first meal of the day was one little cup of sausage about like this,


I'd have that at noon, and eat once more when I got home at around seven. Usually vegetables with some meat.

I was in the mindset of a drought. Long time to get into one, long time to get out. Wasn't the case with weight loss. The post-army weight came off fast.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Jan 12, 2018 6:09 pm

doc_loliday wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:
That's pretty crazy for 30 days of pushups.

He didn't gain that much muscle, and he was obviously on a cut, but what interested me was the percent increase in his reps. That greasing the groove technique really works to help you get through a plateau and increase volume, which helps you eventually increase strength and hypertrophy.

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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by doc_loliday » Fri Jan 12, 2018 6:11 pm

He looks like he gained a pretty good amount of muscle for only 30 days.