China, A Communist Nation

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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by DrYouth » Thu Jan 19, 2017 5:40 pm

The idea that the left and the right are being played off each other so that elites can stay in control... is not wild speculation.

The left blames the Republicans and forgives the Democrats when nothing changes...
while the right blames the Democrats and forgives the Republicans in equal measure...

Isn't the duopoly exactly that?

Isn't that what we hoped The Donald could break up... coming from the outside.
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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by Martin Hash » Thu Jan 19, 2017 5:45 pm

DrYouth wrote:Isn't that what we hoped The Donald could break up... coming from the outside.

And it's happening. Yesterday I received an email from my local Dem Party where I ran as a candidate for State House (got 38% in the Nov election). After Trump, the entire leadership structure dissolved, and they're rebooting. This may be an opening for my brand of ideology? (The old group was almost entirely Progressives.)
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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by TheReal_ND » Thu Jan 19, 2017 5:53 pm

DrYouth wrote:The idea that the left and the right are being played off each other so that elites can stay in control... is not wild speculation.
I've heard this line my entire life. Do you have any examples that can validate it? I can't really think of any except perhaps both sides having some policy overlap.

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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by DrYouth » Thu Jan 19, 2017 5:58 pm

Dan Carlin has pretty much devoted his entire Common Sense podcast to this topic...

Have you heard of it?

Lobbyists play both sides and basically write the policy proposals... Obamacare is a perfect example of this.
Big banks play both sides...
Both parties are pretty much play acting more than 50% of the time... they both make promises while lying through their teeth.

The party faithful don't notice... the other party gnashes their teeth... and of course everyone expects them to.... so they get ignored too.

The status quo doesn't change... the average citizen takes it up the you know where.

It's all smoke and mirrors... the fat cats win either way.

The idea is to smarten up, call a truce and figure out a way to expose the scam....
But no... we are too busy calling each other fuck sticks.
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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by TheReal_ND » Thu Jan 19, 2017 6:07 pm

Si you're against the AFCA? That's a conservative position here state side.

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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Jan 19, 2017 6:54 pm

The red pill for what constitutes the so-called left in our civilization consists of realizing a few simple facts:

(1) The left in the west is entirely predicated and fueled by hatred. They hate people more successful than them, white people, men, whatever. The entire thing is predicated upon dividing society into oppressors and oppressed, the haves (thieves) and have-nots (victims), and inflicting as much violence on the hated group as possible. Here in America, the common theme for the democratic party, throughout its entire history, has been hate. Pick a major social issue in our history, and you will find the democrats on the side of hate. That includes slavery, jim crow, civil rights, women's right to vote, etc. Today the hate is directed towards whites and white men in particular. Something about that mindset appeals to hatred in a person causing that hate to blossom into all its ignoble non-beauty. What makes this crazy is how they constantly play interference and gas-lighting to make it seem like everybody else hates. One of the most valuable lessons you can learn about them is that whatever they are accusing other people of, they are probably projecting and speaking about themselves.

(2) The left is not some legitimate counterbalance to the "right". There exists no such spectrum in politics. The left is a hateful, pernicious, and cancerous strain of political thought in western civilization that threatens to bring us to ruin if we do not grapple with it openly and honestly, which means confronting it as it actually is rather than the bogus frame they want to impose on us.

People who still feel attachments to the left as I once did will find these truths difficult to accept. Even the historical facts that the left has been behind every hateful movement in our nation's history will be difficult to accept, even though this is a matter of historical record. They will attempt to deflect and shift blame. But this is the truth! Truth is the biggest enemy of the left. I would argue that the left does not hate the conservative, white, or white men nearly as much as they hate truth.

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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by Penner » Thu Jan 19, 2017 6:57 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:The Irish mostly came during the civil war to fight the south.

Actually, they Irish fought on both sides but most of those Irish immigrants came over to Northern cities like Boston, NYC, Philly, and a bit later spread to places like Chicago.

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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by Penner » Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:03 pm

They fought for the North- mostly for the North but sure the South had a few Irish.









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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:04 pm

More than a few.

It was a tragedy. The fuckers on both sides sent Irish to slaughter each other.

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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by Penner » Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:11 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:More than a few.

It was a tragedy. The fuckers on both sides sent Irish to slaughter each other.
Well, rich Southern slave owners also sent their slaves to fought for them, as their replacement in their daft, as well. The Irish (and a few other groups, like our German ancestors) were immigrants at the time. And also both sides allowed a draftee to send a "replacement" to fill in their spot (in the South it was the Irish immigrant and/or slaves) or to pay his way out. The poor on both sides couldn't do it (couldn't afford a fee nor have a sponsor to replace them).