Trump and Giuliani threaten Cohen’s family? Thoughts?

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Re: Trump and Giuliani threaten Cohen’s family? Thoughts?

Post by PartyOf5 » Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:41 am

JohnDonne wrote:
Thu Jan 24, 2019 7:43 am
Change the subject much?
OK, on the subject. We get a drive-by thread about a troll post. Weeeeeee! Because the best way for he most public figure in the world to get away with threatening someone is to post is on Twitter. "watch this guy" is not a threat. I think you know this and just want to act like this is a serious thread.

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Re: Trump and Giuliani threaten Cohen’s family? Thoughts?

Post by PartyOf5 » Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:43 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Thu Jan 24, 2019 7:50 am
No, it's 100% on target. You want to know why we think you are a joke. There it is.

My thoughts: liberals want me to get upset about their fake news lies while they actively threaten to burn children alive for daring to wear a MAGA hat. I remain skeptical that you possess agency and reason at this point. Those are my thoughts.

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Re: Trump and Giuliani threaten Cohen’s family? Thoughts?

Post by DBTrek » Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:48 am

Anyone have some kind of historical evidence of “watch this guy” being used as a threat? Let’s open it up to 10,000 years of global history across all human civilizations. I can’t think of any incident where “watch this guy” was used as a threat, but surely there must be at least one, eh?

Then again, I can’t think of a time when wearing the hat of a sitting president was used to excuse the victimization of children either - so it may be that we’re on the cusp of something new for humanity. Maybe Trump is boldly threatening witnesses on social media. Maybe hats really do excuse violence.

Or maybe the political left is crazy and full of shit.

Tough call.
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Re: Trump and Giuliani threaten Cohen’s family? Thoughts?

Post by PartyOf5 » Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:51 am

If JD thought about it for even a second. Hmmmm, person making threat of "watch this guy". If everyone is watching him, that would make him pretty safe, right?

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Re: Trump and Giuliani threaten Cohen’s family? Thoughts?

Post by clubgop » Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:58 am

SuburbanFarmer wrote:
Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:20 pm
TheReal_ND wrote:
Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:16 pm
I mean what's the real difference anyway? We've collectively assumed all our politicians and especially presidents as of late are criminals. Why does Trump get this kind of reaction from the system and their NPC drones? I was somewhat politically aware back in the halcyon days of W and king nigger. I don't remember there being any reaction like this. Was I just not paying attention? Clue me in here. This whole thing seems unprecedented to me. Maybe I finally started giving a shit once I had a presidential candidate that started talking to me and told the system to go fuck itself.
W was considered an idiot, but not a criminal. Obama was when shit went off the rails.
Look at this lying bitch hack shit like google doesn't exist. Like we are just supposed to accept this bullshit.

There is a bunch of cases in which overzealous bitchass Democrats like dirty dick tried criminalize every single act of their political opponents.

We have Tom Delay, ... ctiveness/ ... urned.html

he charged because he did something wrong he was charged because he was effective.

We have Ted Stevens, ... sal-alaska
Ruling comes six days after justice department admitted its attorneys had withheld evidence
This was under Robert Mueller, doing the usual hack bitch things.

We have Rick Perry, ... perry.html
All because this bitch wouldn't resign on a criminal drunk driving charge where she tried to get out of it because she was a county prosecutor.
SuburbanFarmer wrote:6/10, Would bang!
These people play for keeps and always have. Dirty dick pretending not to notice because he has an IQ of single digits isn't just stupid, it malicious. He should know better but he tries to undercover hack bitch and gaslight those so much superior to him.

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Re: Trump and Giuliani threaten Cohen’s family? Thoughts?

Post by C-Mag » Thu Jan 24, 2019 11:08 am

Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:
Thu Jan 24, 2019 5:52 am
I'm going to blow some minds here:

Trump is not a 5d criminal mastermind, he is just an insufferable retard.
Trump is a retard compared to what ?
It's a fav of Trump haters that the man is stupid, but getting beat by the stupid guy makes you smart and able to judge him?

What's the Trump haters case for this ?


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Re: Trump and Giuliani threaten Cohen’s family? Thoughts?

Post by DBTrek » Thu Jan 24, 2019 11:10 am

Trump is a racist, dottering, bankrupt, brain-dead, idiot ... who smashed the Democrat’s goddess in 2016.
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Re: Trump and Giuliani threaten Cohen’s family? Thoughts?

Post by Martin Hash » Thu Jan 24, 2019 11:16 am

I’m a retard and an idiot. I hope I can be half as successful as Trump. One-tenth even.
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Hanarchy Montanarchy
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Re: Trump and Giuliani threaten Cohen’s family? Thoughts?

Post by Hanarchy Montanarchy » Thu Jan 24, 2019 11:17 am

C-Mag wrote:
Thu Jan 24, 2019 11:08 am
Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:
Thu Jan 24, 2019 5:52 am
I'm going to blow some minds here:

Trump is not a 5d criminal mastermind, he is just an insufferable retard.
Trump is a retard compared to what ?
It's a fav of Trump haters that the man is stupid, but getting beat by the stupid guy makes you smart and able to judge him?

What's the Trump haters case for this ?
He constructs thoughts like a retard, and then expresses them like a retard. To claim Trump is just speaking like a working man is to insult every working man who has ever laid tool to craft.

Now, in my life as a big city degenerate, I have had more than a few friends who are alternative types, musicians and the like. Being able to read a crowd and engage them is a valuable talent, and Trump has a genius for it... but it is a talent that you find in people who are some of the absolute dimmest fucking bulbs you will ever meet.

Her needs America so they won't just take his shit away like in some pussy non gun totting countries can happen.

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Re: Trump and Giuliani threaten Cohen’s family? Thoughts?

Post by C-Mag » Thu Jan 24, 2019 11:23 am

That's it ?

Maybe he's just a person. Ever have meeting notes taken verbatim and read back to you ? Pretty much everyone sounds like an idiot.

IMO, people have gotten programmed by years of elitist politicians colluding with the press as to what leaders are supposed to sound like. BHO was magical at reading a teleprompter, take away his speech writers and the teleprompter and he sounded like a blithering, stuttering fool.

Got anything concrete other than feelz about the man to demonstrate he's anymore or less a retard as any of our leaders ?


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