Moral Hazard

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Moral Hazard

Post by Fife » Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:08 pm

Maybe a thread is necessary as an add-on to the only rule of ECON 201 you really need to learn: Whatever we subsidize, we get more of.

When we lose sight of the basic rule, the big thing that bites us on the ass is "moral hazard."

Recent discussions about UBI, state "healthcare," &c., are all good case studies about moral hazard.

In economics, moral hazard occurs when one person takes more risks because someone else bears the cost of those risks. :

The Political Economy of Moral Hazard
Moral hazard is the incentive of a person A to use more resources than he otherwise would have used, because he knows, or believes he knows, that someone else B will provide some or all of these resources. The important point is that this occurs against B's will and that B is unable to sanction this expropriation immediately. The mere incentive to rely on resources provided by others is not per se problematic. For example, the announcement of a future inheritance might prompt the prospective heir to spend more in the present than he would otherwise have spent. In such cases we would not speak of moral hazard. A genuine moral-hazard problem appears however if A has the possibility to use B's resources against B's will and if he knows this. Laymen would call A's incentives a "temptation to steal" or a "temptation to act irresponsibly." Economists, ever weary of moralizing, have espoused the technocratic expression "moral hazard."

Thus the essential feature of moral hazard is that it incites some people A to expropriate other people B. The B-people in turn, if they realize the presence of such a moral hazard, have an incentive to react against this possible expropriation. They make other choices than those that they would consider to be best if there were no moral hazard.


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Speaker to Animals
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Re: Moral Hazard

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:11 pm


UBI is not the moral hazard. It doesn't subsidize anything.

Moral hazard corresponds to bailing out bad behavior (i.e. child support to women who divorce their husbands and no-interest loans to failing investment banks).

UBI is tabled as a possible solution to the problems of post-capitalism we will see around the end of the century.
Last edited by Speaker to Animals on Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Moral Hazard

Post by TheReal_ND » Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:12 pm

Stupid UBI aside:

Being economically, culturally and ethnically replaced isn't amoral.


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Re: Moral Hazard

Post by Fife » Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:13 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:Stupid UBI aside:

Being economically, culturally and ethnically replaced isn't amoral.

Non comprende.

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Re: Moral Hazard

Post by Fife » Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:14 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:Negative.

UBI is not the moral hazard. It doesn't subsidize anything.

Moral hazard corresponds to bailing out bad behavior (i.e. child support to women who divorce their husbands and no-interest loans to failing investment banks).

UBI is tabled as a possible solution to the problems of post-capitalism we will see around the end of the century.

Think for just a moment about what UBI subsidizes.

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Re: Moral Hazard

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:16 pm

Fife wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:Negative.

UBI is not the moral hazard. It doesn't subsidize anything.

Moral hazard corresponds to bailing out bad behavior (i.e. child support to women who divorce their husbands and no-interest loans to failing investment banks).

UBI is tabled as a possible solution to the problems of post-capitalism we will see around the end of the century.

Think for just a moment about what UBI subsidizes.

The idea is not a subsidy.

We are talking about a way to deal with post-scarcity society in which most labor is automated.

If you don't solve that problem, then you get revolution. People won't willingly starve to death while those who own all the capital assets live like demigods. Go home lolberg. You're drunk.

Try giving a shit about your own people and your nation's destiny instead of worshiping at the tits of mammon for a change.

I am perfectly willing to entertain alternatives, but right here and right now, the UBI seems like the only viable solution anybody has yet proposed.

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Re: Moral Hazard

Post by TheReal_ND » Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:18 pm

Fife wrote:
TheReal_ND wrote:Stupid UBI aside:

Being economically, culturally and ethnically replaced isn't amoral.

Non comprende.
I didn't read the OP but I'm assuming you are shilling for international free markets.

I'm not a fan of them. I would rather give up this nigger wealth you guys keep telling me I'm lucky to have for a lower standard of living that ensured my people were not economically, culturally and ethnically replaced with. Yeah give me that. It would probably help with my over all well being. Keep your cheap Chinese work boots thanks.

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Re: Moral Hazard

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:24 pm

On top of that, the only other alternative we have suggested is expanding the welfare state. That's fucking scary enough.

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Re: Moral Hazard

Post by Fife » Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:24 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:I didn't read the OP but I'm assuming you are shilling for international free markets.
I know you didn't, it's OK. I also know that you have no idea what I'm "shilling for," and that's OK. It's not like I come to this no-rent forum for discussion, I just post here for my own entertainment.

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Re: Moral Hazard

Post by Martin Hash » Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:28 pm

If Job Czar & Money-Printing Czar were the same person, there wouldn't be a shortage of things for people to do.

p.s. And we'd need to bring back the lash.
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