by SuburbanFarmer » Sun May 14, 2023 9:53 pm
Wow, just realized I haven't updated this thread in a month. So much has happened...
Meat chicks arrived a week after the egg birds. 30 Red Rangers to brood, along with all the chaos of moving and getting the old place ready for sale. It's been busy.
Managed to replace the siding and floor on the coop, and waterproof the new plywood with roof sealant (Blackjack 57 - good shit). Installed doors to access the nesting boxes, and attached a rain barrel to the gutter. Got an automatic door that works on a timer to let them out in the morning.
This week we received another 8 hens from FIL, everybody was too crowded, so they all went to the coop. Deep bedding on the floor - 4 inches to start, eventually building to 12-14" as needed.
I started out buying feed from TSC for $30/bag. Eventually sourced it from a grain mill in Amish country - $14/bag! Given an expected 15lbs per bird, and $4/bird, we get $9 for a whole organic chicken. I can save an extra couple bucks with the "fry pan special" from Meyer hatchery. Going to try that for the second batch in a few weeks. You get unwanted baby roos for $1.50 each, no availability issues.
Chicken tractor just needs a few finishing touches, and some warmer weather. I'll be moving the Rangers out there next weekend.
It's been a lot of work, but from here it's just going to be rinse/repeat. Chickens are EASY! Looking at starting my pork operation this summer/fall, after some more research and infrastructure. For now, just focusing on cleaning out yard trash from the previous owners, and clearing out undergrowth from the woods/creek area.
Best time of my life.