So looking at that, only one of those graphs even has a correlation with the iPhone. The rest were already trending that way before the iPhone. Some of them you may be able to claim the iPhone accelerated things, but isn't the root of the issue.
1. Not hanging out with friends started trending downwards in the mid-90's, seems to correlate with the internet.
2. Not having as much sex the whole graph is trending downwards before the iPhone. (also I wouldn't trust any survey on high schoolers having sex, there is a strong pressure to lie)
3. Again trending downwards well before the iPhone. This trend looks to have really started in the late 80's or early 90's, then took a steep dive just before the iPhone.
4. Feeling left out or lonely definitely has a correlation with the iPhone, most likely due to the increased access to social media.
5. Again trending downwards since the 80's, if anything looks like the iPhone may have slown down the trend for a few years.
6. This trend started in the early 90's, probably around the time when home video games really became popular, and doesn't seem the iPhone had an affect. Looks like this trend really took off around 2011 or 2012 when streaming really started to become big.