Common Sense 322 - Betting on Long Shots

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Re: Common Sense 322 - Betting on Long Shots

Post by Smitty-48 » Thu Sep 02, 2021 5:37 am

doc_loliday wrote:
Wed Sep 01, 2021 11:35 pm
Smitty-48 wrote:
Wed Sep 01, 2021 8:06 am

he's apparently just discovered that the Soviet invasion was provoked by the CIA six months beforehand back in 1979

it's a lot of old news, he's talking to people who don't follow these things at all

he doesn't really have any specific analysis of what is happening in real time
That's probably my biggest gripe of the show, (I listened to about 20 minutes). There's really nothing all that substantive about the show. My second biggest gripe is how boring it is.

I can deal with boring, if there's good information. I can even deal with shitty information if its entertaining. But, the thrust of the show seems to be we got sucked in and there's no good way to get out. I mean, everyone knows that, everyones saying that. Does the show get any better after the half way mark?
it seemed like a pretty typical Carlin show to me

I never found the shows that interesting

the interesting part for me was always the unregulated free speech forum

the Libleral media only has two stories, Vietnam & Watergate

about half the CS shows were about Vietnam, and the other half were about Watergate

Dan already did this show years ago, the Graveyard of Empires Vietnamistan

then he came on the forum and got into an argument with me & Trek, Dan saying the Taliban were like the North Vietnamese

my argument was that they're not the North Vietnamese, they're not in that class, the North Vietnamese were much more formidable

the North Vietnamese inflicted 60,000 Americans killed, the Taliban has inflicted 2000 killed in 20 years, so it's not the same

the Taliban have never launched a Tet Offensive, the Taliban are not shooting B-52's down

this pullout was a political stunt, there weren't heavy casualties being suffered, there were no protests in the streets about Afghanistan

all that was left was this small garrison in Kabul and Bagram, the Taliban were not even forcing the issue, they were negotiating

the story is really that the Democrats are giving Dan what he demanded, which was to react to it as if it was Vietnam, when it wasn't

the left not only wants it to be the Graveyard of Empires, they need it to be, otherwise their narrative falls apart

so the left is making it into the Graveyard of Empires, they are forcing that result on America, because the Taliban couldn't do it

so Carlin is taking a victory lap on behalf of the Democrat narrative, based on a stunt by the Democrat party to facilitate a "Disaster"

but Carlin always was a Hollywood Liberal Democrat, just because he was disgruntled, didn't make him a conservative

I mean, he didn't even know who Thomas Jackson was, and this is supposedly a military history expert

Carlin claimed to be a "true believer" in America

yet he said he has never studied the Civil War, the single most defining event in American history

he's basically a two trick pony, he can talk Watergate Nixonian conspiracy, or every war is a Vietnam Graveyard of Empire

because he is the Liberal media and always has been, and that is all the Liberal media ever talks about

see, while Trump was in office, they had the Nixonian Conspiracy story running non stop

now that Trump is out of office, they have switched to their other story, which is Vietnam

Afghanistan wasn't actually like Vietnam, but they got Biden to make it into a Vietnam-eque humiliation; in order to fit their narrative
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Re: Common Sense 322 - Betting on Long Shots

Post by Smitty-48 » Thu Sep 02, 2021 6:44 am

C-Mag wrote:
Wed Sep 01, 2021 11:41 pm
doc_loliday wrote:
Wed Sep 01, 2021 11:35 pm
Does the show get any better after the half way mark?
However, he is taking on the snotty, condescending attitude of Lefties who think they are smarter than everyone else.
but he always was that, he's always been a sneering Hollywood Liberal

he's always been Hanoi Dan Fonda

but notice how they co-opted him the same as they do all the Liberal media

they invited him to the "CENTCOM Meeting"

that's what the Pentagon does, they offer access in return for obedience

and it worked, soon as MAGA rode into town, Hanoi Dan flipped back to the side of the Washington - Wall Street Axis
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Re: Common Sense 322 - Betting on Long Shots

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Thu Sep 02, 2021 6:51 am

Right at the beginning, he mentions that he’s giving a talk soon at a government agency. Don’t know what in hell they could need to learn from a history podcaster…
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Re: Common Sense 322 - Betting on Long Shots

Post by Smitty-48 » Thu Sep 02, 2021 6:55 am

what is more telling is that he felt the need to mention that he is on the payroll

Dan just seems afraid to me, he is afraid of being cancelled by the Democrats

so he makes sure to tell you he is with the government not against

it's like when I called him Hanoi Dan, he came to me and said I was going to get people coming after him

I said, what people ?

he said the military

I said, oh, I thought you just said that they were on your side about this

next thing you know, he's gone to some CENTCOM meeting just shore up his NatSec bona fides it seemed

now he is working for them full time apparently, so he can't get cancelled and have his MICC money too
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Re: Common Sense 322 - Betting on Long Shots

Post by Fife » Thu Sep 02, 2021 7:06 am

Tucker provides more insight and receipts about the last 20 years in 5 minutes than Dan would provide in 1,000 hours of S&M submissive mewling about How To Fix Everything.

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Re: Common Sense 322 - Betting on Long Shots

Post by Smitty-48 » Thu Sep 02, 2021 7:08 am

Fife wrote:
Thu Sep 02, 2021 7:06 am
Tucker provides more insight and receipts about the last 20 years in 5 minutes than Dan would provide in 1,000 hours of mewling about How To Fix Everything.
Tucker is the real deal

he even admits that he used to be a shill, he admits to shilling early in his career

he just says, he was young, he didn't get it back then

but now that he's old, he gets it, and he doesn't give a fuck anymore what they think about him neither
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Re: Common Sense 322 - Betting on Long Shots

Post by Smitty-48 » Thu Sep 02, 2021 7:16 am

this is how all military's work

they don't abide boat rockers, they can't stand a barracks room lawyer

it's like I was highly critical of the military when I was in the military, I was calling shit out in the platoon room

and I was punished for it

all my peers are Sergeant Majors & above

yet I am just a lowly Master Corporal (ret.)

that's the price you pay for bucking the chain of command

but I never joined for the job, I joined for the adventure, and to impress girls, so I was never bucking for promotion in the first place

I think Caporal Chef is an honourable rank, to me, the senior NCO's were like a bunch of old grannies
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Re: Common Sense 322 - Betting on Long Shots

Post by C-Mag » Thu Sep 02, 2021 7:30 am

Fife wrote:
Thu Sep 02, 2021 7:06 am
Tucker provides more insight and receipts about the last 20 years in 5 minutes than Dan would provide in 1,000 hours of S&M submissive mewling about How To Fix Everything.


Would Dan say Tucker going after Graham is too partisan ?

Partisanism isn't the problem, lack of partisanism in Congress is.


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Re: Common Sense 322 - Betting on Long Shots

Post by Smitty-48 » Thu Sep 02, 2021 7:42 am

I notice that Carlin doesn't criticize the military anymore

he went from indicting them for war crimes, straight to the CENTCOM meeting

the utter incompetence & corruption of the Woke military is not mentioned

it's not their fault, it's the Graveyard of Empires, it was always going to be a "disaster", the Liberal media has made sure
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Re: Common Sense 322 - Betting on Long Shots

Post by C-Mag » Thu Sep 02, 2021 7:48 am

Smitty-48 wrote:
Thu Sep 02, 2021 7:42 am
I notice that Carlin doesn't criticize the military anymore

he went from indicting them for war crimes, straight to the CENTCOM meeting

the utter incompetence & corruption of the Woke military is not mentioned

it's not their fault, it's the Graveyard of Empires, it was always going to be a "disaster", the Liberal media has made sure
Used to be, All these Generals are the same........ now its, Mattis is such a cool guy, and the bomber mafia fixed their problems.


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