The Gulab story line is tragic though.
Yes, it is.
Most all the big 'War Stories' of 20 years of GWOT are total bullshit, and most all surround JSOC.
Jessica Lynch rescue was all manufactured, regular troops could have gotten them back the same day but were prevented.
Pat Tillman death story was bullshit.
Chris Kyle confirmed sniper numbers and his stories were greatly exaggerated.
Now, this Marcus Latrell thing has holes in it.............. don't tell Marky, Mark and the fun bunch though.
The twitter poster raises good questions. In this war they rarely let regular troops fight, he mentions Fallujah, the one big exception and we kicked ass. We never really brought much of our military power to bear after the fall of Bagdhad. Why ?
Fallujah was a victory, why wasn't it duplicated ?