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Post by Montegriffo » Tue Apr 14, 2020 6:05 am

Zlaxer wrote:
Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:47 am
Except there are multiple reports from people who worked that market and said no bats were sold - only people claiming bats sold at market are members of PRC - who has an excellent record of credibility.

The video I posted has testimony from alleged eye witnesses that a lab worker was shit on by some of the bats.
Since it is against the law to sell live bats in that market it is hardly surprising that workers would deny the trade.
IIRC there were plenty of customers who said they had seen bats for sale.
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Post by Montegriffo » Tue Apr 14, 2020 6:15 am

The Chinese food market at the centre of the deadly Sars-like virus outbreak has claimed they sold live koalas, snakes, rats and wolf pups to locals to eat.

The Huanan Seafood market in Wuhan in China is under investigation with officials believing the coronavirus originated from a wild animal that was sold at the venue.

So far the highly-contagious virus has killed 17 people and infected hundreds around Asia.

According to the South China Morning Post, the market’s advertising board had live foxes, crocodiles, wolf puppies, salamanders, snakes, rats, peacocks, porcupines, bats and koalas.
https://awesomejelly.com/chinese-market ... -and-more/
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Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Apr 14, 2020 6:26 am

Zlaxer wrote:
Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:15 am
Plausible based on what we know - but what does Occam's razor say?

If this came from NC lab, I think NC would have been epicenter - not seeing that.
Occam's razor is a heuristic. It is actually called parsimony in science. It essentially says you should look first at hypotheses that require the least assumptions (it does not mean the simplest explanation as many people misuse the heuristic do).

In this case, the genomic data for some reason shows that the pandemic actually began in the United States. The virus comes from bats that live in caves in Yunnan province in China. For this to begin in China, your assumptions have to include weird chains of transmission that start in China, but really spread across the US, and then land in Wuhan where it mutates to type B and then we all notice something is going on. If you assume it escaped the lab in North Carolina, then there are no such additional assumptions. It escapes the lab, spreads across the United States as type A and causing our strange "influenza" season, hopping across the Pacific to mutate into type B and the rest is history. Much less assumptions.

Montegriffo wrote:
Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:34 am
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:27 am
Yet another reason to be suspicious of common assumptions..

RaTG13 is the name, rank and serial number of an individual horseshoe bat of the species Rhinolophus affinis, or rather of a sample of its feces collected in 2013 in a cave in Yunnan, China. The sample was collected by hazmat-clad scientists from the Institute of Virology in Wuhan that year. Stored away and forgotten until January this year, the sample from the horseshoe bat contains the virus that causes Covid-19.

The scientists were mostly sampling a very similar species with slightly shorter wings, called Rhinolophus sinicus, in a successful search for the origin of the virus responsible for the SARS epidemic of 2002-03. That search had alarming implications, which were largely ignored.

In Shitou Cave, south of Kunming, the capital of Yunnan, they found viruses in the bats’ droppings and anal swabs that were more similar to human SARS than anything found in palm civets, the small mammals that until then were presumed to be the source of human infection. Back in the laboratory, they found that one of the viruses from bat droppings, called WIV1, could thrive in monkey and human cells specially engineered to activate the gene for ACE2 receptors, the lock to which a coronavirus’s spike protein can fit as a key. This suggested that people could catch SARS directly from a bat dropping.

Then in 2016, Ralph Baric and colleagues at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill showed that the same bat virus could infect live mice that had been engineered to express the human gene for the ACE2 receptor. The virus was “poised for human emergence,” as the title of Dr. Baric’s paper put it.

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.co ... 1586440959


So if you go back to that chart, the original bat virus they used as the precursor to type A coronavirus, if I am not mistaken, came from bat RaTG13. Sure, that bat was collected from a cave in Yunnan province, but it also made its way to that research lab in North Carolina. Now, given that the first cluster of mutations (type A) are monopolized by Americans, and it is mostly found in samples taken here in the United States, I would argue for the possibility (maybe even the higher likelihood) of this actually starting from a lab leak in North Carolina.

Obviously the genomic data is sparse. But I think there are too many coincidental interactions between humans and this virus to dismiss a lab leak, and the assumption that any lab leak had to be from a Chinese lab unsupportable based on evidence. It is possible it leaked from one of these two labs, but also possible it leaked from the lab in North Carolina.
Seems to me that this paper just adds credence to the theory that it may have started in a wet market that illegally sold live bats.
Back in the laboratory, they found that one of the viruses from bat droppings, called WIV1, could thrive in monkey and human cells specially engineered to activate the gene for ACE2 receptors, the lock to which a coronavirus’s spike protein can fit as a key. This suggested that people could catch SARS directly from a bat dropping.
Theories about the virus escaping from bio-research labs are fun n'all but Occam's razor still suggests that poor hygiene in a crowded market full of live animals is the most likely source of the spread.
Wouldn't even need to have patient zero catching it at the market. The guys who go into batshit filled caves to catch the bats could have caught it first and then spread it person to person when they went to the market to sell their wares.
If we are going to speculate we might as well start at the most likely explanation rather than worry about those which are far less likely.

Right now, simple probability says that it is much more likely to have escaped a lab than jumped from bats to humans. The fact that we already sampled this virus in 2013 and were playing with it in labs in China, Canada, and the US leading up the pandemic does not bode well for the idea that it is somehow a "conspiracy theory" to suggest this actually leaked from a lab. These things leak from labs occasionally. It's not some bizarre conspiracy theory.

If this were a random virus that hopped over from bats, I would not expect that the random virus that just happened to hop over just happened to have been collected by humans in 2013 and has been experimented on for nearly seven years in labs distributed around the world.

That's not to say it is impossible it as all a coincidence and it really did make the jump AND we just happened to have been experimenting on it. It's just that "OMG the lab theory is a conspiracy nutcase ideas" is on par with "This is the CHINA virus!!". You don't know either way and the evidence we have right now kind of indicates you could very well be wrong.

Prepare yourselves for the possibility that at some point it comes out the virus leaked from the UNC Chapel Hill lab. It certainly is NOT a crazy hypothesis and it actually requires less assumptions than anything else. If you adhere to parsimony then this is the hypothesis you should check out first.

If this is indeed what happened, I suspect they will find the antibodies for type A in blood samples across America going back to late Summer. That's step one. Eventually they will work it backwards towards some connection to that lab.

That's not to say it is impossible it didn't leak from labs in China, made it's way to the US, circulated, and then migrated back to China to mutate into version B and start the epidemic in Wuhan. It is also not to say that the genomic data might not change (it's extremely sparse) and this would alter the probabilities. You'd expect, if this begins in China, for type A to be prevalent somewhere in China. Start with that problem.

And everybody should stop misusing "Occam's Razor". It's one of the most annoying errors out there. I can tolerate all sorts of shit, including misusing their/they're/there no problem. Something about people using the term "Occam's Razor" but not really understanding what parsimony actually means bugs me.

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Post by Montegriffo » Tue Apr 14, 2020 6:52 am

I'm not discounting the possibility that it escaped from a lab but to me, there seems to be less need for assumptions once you learn that the virus can transfer from droppings to humans.
You need no assumptions if the guys who carry out this horrid trade go into caves full of batshit and then bring live animals to a crowded market where hygiene standards are appalling.
Under those conditions, the chance of someone ingesting or inhaling the virus via droppings seems exceedingly high.
The hygiene standards at a high-level bio-lab are much more likely to be higher and whilst it may be fun to speculate about a deliberate escape from a lab I can see no motive for anyone other than possibly some sort of long shot by dissidents attempting to bring down the Chinese regime.
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Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Apr 14, 2020 8:10 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Tue Apr 14, 2020 6:52 am
I'm not discounting the possibility that it escaped from a lab but to me, there seems to be less need for assumptions once you learn that the virus can transfer from droppings to humans.
You need no assumptions if the guys who carry out this horrid trade go into caves full of batshit and then bring live animals to a crowded market where hygiene standards are appalling.
Under those conditions, the chance of someone ingesting or inhaling the virus via droppings seems exceedingly high.
The hygiene standards at a high-level bio-lab are much more likely to be higher and whilst it may be fun to speculate about a deliberate escape from a lab I can see no motive for anyone other than possibly some sort of long shot by dissidents attempting to bring down the Chinese regime.
You are making several assumptions right there.

Assumption: the virus jumped from bats to humans via exposure to bat guano.
Assumption: the virus then somehow traveled to America as type A
Assumption: the virus then traveled back to China to mutate into type B

The hypothesis that it leaked from the lab at UNC Chapel Hill requires just one assumption: the virus we know was being toyed with there leaked. That's it. Everything else falls into place.

Then there is the problem of probabilities. The probability that the worst pandemic bug to hit our civilization since the 14th century jumped from bats to humans naturally AND it just so happened to be the very same virus that scientists were toying with in at least three labs around the world is quite a lot higher than the probability that the existing virus we already discovered leaked from one of those three labs.

Don't you find it a bit odd that nobody in government dares mention the weird fact that we just happened to have been experimenting with this virus in a lab in North Carolina before this began?
Last edited by Speaker to Animals on Tue Apr 14, 2020 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by DBTrek » Tue Apr 14, 2020 8:11 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:20 pm
...and I resisted handing you 10 links to show how Trump's failures have made the situation worse than it could have been.
His own words about how it was no big deal and 15 cases would miraculously become 0 ought to have been enough but if you can't see it I can't make you.
But sure, continue to blame the out of power ''lefties'' while giving a free pass to the denier in chief.
I haven't given a free pass to anyone, I've simply framed the historical event with context you're either unaware of or loathe to admit. And "blame the out of power lefties"? Blame them for what? Saying what they said? Doing what they did? That's called attribution, not blaming :lol:

Anyway, my point was already made with the first post. You can continue to ride on the medias' BS "Trump was so inept and America was so mismanaged" train if you want. But you can no longer do it comfortably ignorant of the fact that the left was completely wrong in its estimations of coronavirus, and horribly inept when given resources to deal with it.

Somewhere deep inside that well-conditioned mind, a small part of your conscience will remind you "damn dude, we're kinda full of shit" whenever you dutifully repeat the talking points. That's all I was after.
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Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Apr 14, 2020 8:37 am

23,000 dead and counting says our federal government fucked up pretty badly. I don't know how many thousands of unnecessary deaths you need to accept reality, but for me that threshold was somewhere around 40 deaths per million population. We could have been like South Korea, taking it seriously from day one instead of saying it was a democratic party "hoax" (Trump), or "it's just a flu, bro" (most dumbass democrats prior to Trump taking the hoax position). Remember the "masks will only increase your risk and you should save them for us who need them more" bullshit? I do. We have a government that has repeatedly lied to us and whose incompetence has literally destroyed the lives of tens of thousands of people and counting.

South Korea took it seriously day one. Strict contact tracing. Widespread testing. Forced quarantines. 4 deaths per million population compared to our 72.

Look at the UK. Remember the herd immunity plan? "Let it burn through", they said. Now the guy behind that plan damned near died from it (possibly the only inept leader in the West to yet be held accountable for their poor leadership, even if only being held accountable by Mother Nature) and they reached a whopping 178 deaths per million population they are starting to isolate and do proper testing. That's a bit too late for 12+ thousand people who died in the UK.

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Post by DBTrek » Tue Apr 14, 2020 8:51 am

Our federal government isn't a South Korean banana republic, and it doesn't have the luxury of only having to police 51 million people withing 36.5k square miles.

You know what 23k people out of 315 million is?

Doesn't meet my threshold for disaster.
Opinions will vary.
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Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Apr 14, 2020 8:53 am

Exactly. It's supposed to be the most advanced government in the world, with the most resources at hand, and the best minds. What we got was "It's just the flu", followed by "It's a democrat hoax", followed by "don't buy masks", followed by a bureaucratic state that actually did everything possible to stop people from testing until it was too late.

A total fucking shit show. We'd have been lucky to have a South Korean banana republic.

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Post by DBTrek » Tue Apr 14, 2020 9:01 am

Jake Tapper admits Trump didn't call coronavirus a 'hoax' after failing to correct AOC's claim

The media loves to craft a false narrative.

There was no single point of failure.
Where failure existed, it existed in both parties from top to bottom.
And personally, I think the term failure applied to an incident that has caused death in less than seven hundreths of one percent of the population is a bit melodramatic.

We actually did pretty good, especially compared to the initial projections.
"Hey varmints, don't mess with a guy that's riding a buffalo"