MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Who will be the Democrat Nominee for POTUS

Poll ended at Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:48 pm

Creepy Joe Biden
Bernie 'the Commie' Sanders
'Nipple Stud' Cuomo
Gavin Newsome
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Tulsi Gabbard
Sensible Shoes Klobachar - OUT - Karens now for Biden
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Hildaghost Clinton
Total votes: 10

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sun Feb 09, 2020 9:53 am

heydaralon wrote:
Sun Feb 09, 2020 8:50 am
SuburbanFarmer wrote:
Sat Feb 08, 2020 8:37 pm
heydaralon wrote:
Sat Feb 08, 2020 4:43 pm

I can't take them seriously man. They have predicted hundreds if not thousands of times that the US economy is going to collapse. I would compare them to Left Behinder's who say that Christ is coming back on a certain date. Then the date keeps changing.

Also can you elaborate on Petro$ and fake stock market?

Is there a time in history where you think the stock market was accurate?

I think you have said that you believe the 80's were when the elites started fucking over everyone. I didn't live through the 70's, but I have read enough about them and talked to people who lived through them. It doesn't make me nostalgic. Lines miles long to get gas etc. The fact that we both have the time to waste (for me during work even) debating frivolous shit on this forum tells me that we have a standard of living that most Americans in history would kill for. There is fuckery at the top, and numbers are fudged, but there has never been a time where this wasn't so.
Petro-dollar is the Chinese oil contract, sold in Yuan rather than dollars. Essentially breaking our global monopoly on oil. The last few guys to try this were Saddam and Ghaddafi. But we can’t ‘regime change’ China so easily.

As for the market, the fall probably began after WW2 with the absurd levels of MIC spending that Ike warned about. Nixon made money into a fiction, and Clinton finished the job by repealing Glass-Steagal - allowing banks to gamble with their savings accounts. Once that happened, there was no longer any legitimacy to equity trading. The Fed has been printing money like Zimbabwe to keep the ball rolling, but it’s only a matter of time now before collapse.

Regarding inequality, yours is t he most common argument - that we have it better than anyone in history. That’s not debatable - of course we do.

However, consider the change in human productivity over the past few decades. It’s exponential. A picture being worth a thousand words, this is my favorite:


The gap between those lines is waste, corruption, and ‘executives’ taking 300x their average employees pay.
Where is this chart from? It looks like the Piketty one to me.
There are plenty of them, just google ‘wage production gap’.

This one is from the BLS:

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by GloryofGreece » Sun Feb 09, 2020 9:57 am

heydaralon wrote:
Sun Feb 09, 2020 9:30 am
We are arguing about this on an internet forum from air conditioned houses with full fridges. I don't think that resembles the Solyzneitzen experience very much. Fast food workers in our evil market society live vastly better than Pyongyang's elite class.
Not yet . Scientism /technocracy has to acquire complete systematic control similar to communism . It has to " centrally plan" . People who created these ideas like what came from HG Wells and Huxley and science bros from England's royal society or whatever equivalent like the council on foreign relations here. They certainly see it as the uptopian future and see it as the only way to manage billions of people. Full spectrum control . they already program the masses to accept bug eating , pod beds , and other soyboy shit . The masses won't want to fight bc of inertia and pharmaceuticals . Huxley was right .
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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by heydaralon » Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:04 am

SuburbanFarmer wrote:
Sun Feb 09, 2020 9:51 am
heydaralon wrote:
Sun Feb 09, 2020 8:49 am
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Sun Feb 09, 2020 8:31 am

Just let the magical invisible hand of free market capitalism handle it, guy. Pay no mind to the fact that the market religion is why China is the producer of the drugs we need, as well as the basic kit like disinfectant, masks, and gloves.
Centrally planned economies don't have shortages of food or medical supplies either. It worked out pretty well during the 20th century. My one regret is not living in Russia during the 30's or China during the 50's and 60's. Land of plenty that.

Likewise, Centrally planned economies handle famines really well too. North Korea, Ethiopia, China, Ukraine, and Russia were all known for their impressive response to these calamities and the care and expedience they had for their civilians.

Ironically, both of you all hating market based economies would have all of the food you accumulated get confiscated by the Centrally planned economic government if a famine or crisis occured. This has happened every time a famine occured in commie land. You would be called hoarders or kulaks and would be severely punished for not sharing with the people.
Ask the Irish or the Indians about the glories of free market food supply. There are plenty of examples of famine in capitalist systems.
Not really sure how "free market" Imperialism was, but ok. Seems like the governments were involved militarilty. Anyway, if the government is bought out by big business, why would you expect it to safeguard your wellbeing any better? If you think it is utterly corrupt you are essentially giving it even more power over your economic decisions and resources. Here's a hint, that doesn't end well. Kiss that wheat crop you have been growing goodbye Kulak. Socialists do at home what Imperialists do abroad.

As an aside, just about every Marxist govt of the 20th century was Imperialist also. Vietnam occupied Cambodia, Ethiopia had Eritrea, Russia had Eastern Europe. China became a unified country when Mao took over Tibet and Xianjang etc. So it seems like Central Command economies go hand in hand with Imperialism.

You'd get all the bad shit you complain about, but you'd also be poorer and not have any food. But Zero Hedge amirite?
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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by heydaralon » Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:11 am

GloryofGreece wrote:
Sun Feb 09, 2020 9:57 am
heydaralon wrote:
Sun Feb 09, 2020 9:30 am
We are arguing about this on an internet forum from air conditioned houses with full fridges. I don't think that resembles the Solyzneitzen experience very much. Fast food workers in our evil market society live vastly better than Pyongyang's elite class.
Not yet . Scientism /technocracy has to acquire complete systematic control similar to communism . It has to " centrally plan" . People who created these ideas like what came from HG Wells and Huxley and science bros from England's royal society or whatever equivalent like the council on foreign relations here. They certainly see it as the uptopian future and see it as the only way to manage billions of people. Full spectrum control . they already program the masses to accept bug eating , pod beds , and other soyboy shit . The masses won't want to fight bc of inertia and pharmaceuticals . Huxley was right .
There are 2 narratives here. One of economics and one of control. If their goal is control, then they will have shit economics. Zimbabwe's economy sucks, as does all commie countries. The economics of dystopia are bad man. Having a bunch of pisspoor proles does not make for growth. Even before communism the Russian gov't struggled with this issue and the serfs.While I do think Govts do shady shit and have clandestine goals, they are not capable of control in the ways you are claiming, even if they adhere to ideologies.

Our own govt and intelligence agencies are divided over politics and issues many frivolous. They are desperately trying to capture the public's changing moods. You can see the Democratic Party shitshow atm in Iowa and elsewhere. That to me is not some diabolical bond genius. It is incompetence and chaos.
Shikata ga nai

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:08 am

30% of American farmland is owned by corporations who lease out the land or employee people to work the farmland, and most of the really valuable arable land in the Midwest is in that 30%.

Of the farmers who do own their land, many of them are beholden to corporations as sole suppliers. Chicken farmers, for instance, sign contracts to produce for Tyson and Tyson only.

Our entire economy is centralized. You are snowing yourself.

Centralized capitalism is what threatens a pandemic right now. They can't stop the flying and trading without collapsing the fragile economic system they built. All the shit we will really need if this goes pandemic is made in China. Two days ago Chinese trade began to shut down. Most American corporations have halted operations. Right now you are basically operating on what was already in the supply chain.

If we still had a national economy rather than globalism, we'd have shut down travel by now. Bet that.

A centralized capitalist system really is not very different from a centralized communist system where it comes to the managerial class. You could argue the communist system is more evil because human life is overtly subordinated to the vitality of the state. That's another issue. The salient point I am making here is that both our systems are run by people who don't do the work, don't really pay the costs of failure, and go out of their way to take away control from the people who do. Managerialism.

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by heydaralon » Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:24 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:08 am
30% of American farmland is owned by corporations who lease out the land or employee people to work the farmland, and most of the really valuable arable land in the Midwest is in that 30%.

Of the farmers who do own their land, many of them are beholden to corporations as sole suppliers. Chicken farmers, for instance, sign contracts to produce for Tyson and Tyson only.

Our entire economy is centralized. You are snowing yourself.

Centralized capitalism is what threatens a pandemic right now. They can't stop the flying and trading without collapsing the fragile economic system they built. All the shit we will really need if this goes pandemic is made in China. Two days ago Chinese trade began to shut down. Most American corporations have halted operations. Right now you are basically operating on what was already in the supply chain.

If we still had a national economy rather than globalism, we'd have shut down travel by now. Bet that.

A centralized capitalist system really is not very different from a centralized communist system where it comes to the managerial class. You could argue the communist system is more evil because human life is overtly subordinated to the vitality of the state. That's another issue. The salient point I am making here is that both our systems are run by people who don't do the work, don't really pay the costs of failure, and go out of their way to take away control from the people who do. Managerialism.
There has never been a time in America's history where wealthy people didn't control large amounts of agriculture. The thing is, most people don't farm anymore, so it doesn't surprise me that corporations own a bunch of fertile land. Whether that is a good or bad thing is up in the air. I know that I don't want to spend 60-75 hours a week tilling crops, and most people on this forum wouldn't either.

You may be right, the entire economy may collapse. The thing is though, is that I've been hearing that economy was going to collapse for years on here, and it hasn't happened. This isn't the first epidemic to even hit China. Its like the 3rd one in 10 years. The world didn't end then either.

Don't eat bats, visit China, or dip your meat in sewage and you'll be fine.

On some level I'm glad China is taking an economic hit atm. They are an evil regime. Good.
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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by heydaralon » Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:26 am

China is a horrid place. This may just be God's way of getting revenge for them throwing out those Christian Missionaries decades ago.

Who am I to stand in the way of God's divine plan? That country is a modern day Tower of Babel.
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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by Haumana » Sun Feb 09, 2020 3:58 pm

With optics like this, it ain't gonna much matter who the nominee is. :lol:

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sun Feb 09, 2020 7:06 pm

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by TheReal_ND » Sun Feb 09, 2020 9:33 pm

Pete is the new establish candidate. He will be a bottom to Buffet. Buffet will sweep up a ton of California delegates with millions of dollars and Pete will VP him. Buffet will say it's fair because the guy that won all the early states is on the ticket and Pete will be happy being a bottom to a 70 yo kike.