Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is the psychiatric term for having multiple personalities which may or may not exist IRL (In Real Life) but are definitely a big thing online. For sites that still allow anonymity, it's not such a big thing, but on Social Media apps it's a thing. I, for one, have many online personas, each with their own Avatar; you can think of them like multiple personalities that mostly stay within their own boundaries of medicine, education or economics, but by their very nature, they are inherently political, which bumps me up against the Facebook gods. If I don't self-center, they'll censor for me.
The strategy is for each persona to be an expert in their defined area, which is self-explanatory by the Avatar's name: Libertyist, Nonpartisan, Dr. Healthcare, Prof. Education & Scimonoce (economics spelled backwards). Mr. Wysdom, importantly, is not political, and gets 5 times the Page Likes as any of the semi-political avatars.
For my part in online censorship, I have to police my pages pretty heavily so that sincere readers don't have to wade through the typical online detritus to hear what I have to say. For example, I delete all religious & anti-Trump memes by detractors are immediately, and of course any ad hominem comments. What I post are quotes I've made over the decades that are entertaining because they are clever or insightful or both. My biggest goal is for that quote is good enough that somebody else wants to Share it. I never Share anything, and have never had one of my posts Shared before, so I know how rare that is.
Regularly, my posts are denied Boosting, which is wider, paid for dissemination, but Facebook lets me know with an explanation that I have violated their guidelines; for example, yesterday the quote, “There always seems to be another good reason to support the 2nd Amendment,” was denied a Boost. However, when I was going over the results, I was surprised how many times Facebook started to run a quote then stopped the campaign. I assume somebody complained, and I was never notified when this happened. Also the results reports are terrible; incredibly misleading and probably downright wrong, but they're better than nothing. In my yearly analysis for 2019, I received 34,326 Page Expressions, that's a combination of Likes, comments & Shares. That's from 98,373 Page Impressions; the number of individual Pages the quotes were seeded on. In total, I spent $1600.85; which breaks down to 5 cents per Expression or 2 cents per Impression; or my main goal of getting Page Likes, which totaled 1456.
One other number of interest is Followers: these are people who read my quotes but don't Like my Page; I assume it's to keep tabs on what I'm saying, in case they objected to a quote and want Facebook to stop running them. They must be very vigilant self-appointed censors because Facebook will give me notice they're running the quote then stop it within a couple hours without telling me.
The take-away is that it cost me $1.10 per Page Like; that’s about what it cost per vote I received when I ran for the U.S. House. I wonder if there’s a correlation?
p.s. Below are links to my Facebook Quote pages:
Mr. Wysdom
Dr. Healthcare
Prof. Education
Quote Personas
- Posts: 18997
- Joined: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:02 pm
Quote Personas
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Shamedia, Shamdemic, Shamucation, Shamlection, Shamconomy & Shamate Change