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Re: Revolutions

Post by heydaralon » Tue Jan 07, 2020 12:29 pm

StCapps wrote:
Tue Jan 07, 2020 11:26 am
Fuck the French Revolution and the horse it rode in on. The American Revolution gave them a false sense that revolution was the solution to their problems, and it just made everything worse. The French Revolution is great example of change for the sake of change being a bad idea, but communists never learn, they always assume society will be better if they just start over from scratch, as long as they are in charge, and it always goes horribly wrong.
Most revolutions turn out like shit. French, Russian, Iranian, Ethiopian, Cambodian, Libyan etc. In almost all cases, the new boss is worse than the old one. Best case scenario you get a ruler just as shitty.
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Re: Revolutions

Post by Smitty-48 » Tue Jan 07, 2020 12:38 pm

The War of Independence was successful because it did not overthrow the existing power structure.

The British Crown was not the power in the Colonies, the Virginia Company was the power in the colonies

The War of Independence kept the successful British imperial model, it just placed it under new management,

Bottom line, King George Washington was simply the better King, he beat George III at his own game.

The Civil War was actually the more revolutionary war, the Civil War was the more populist uprising.

It was Wall Street who overthrew the Kings of Virginia in the end, Democratic Capitalism FTW.

Wall Street then went on to overthrow the British Empire as well, by default, in 1916

Wall Street beat the German's twice, Wall Street beat the Japanese, Wall Street beat the Soviets.

Wall Street is the most decisive military force in history, the Flight to Quality the source of all America's power.

Being the Global Hegemon is all about finance and logistics.

The thing that causes most revolutions to fail, is money, or rather a lack thereof

Most revolutions drive capital away, causing the revolters to go broke.

In the case of America, it was the opposite, the British were actually the ones preventing money from flowing in.

The British were holding vast tracks of land (Ohio Valley) for their Indian military allies

The Virginia Company actually liberated this land and then parceled it off for a massive profit

The War of Independence was highly profitable, that was the secret to its success.

In the case of the Confederacy, John Cotton didn't have a Wall Street, there was no capital flow

The money chose to side with Manhattan, and that continues to this very day.

Manhattan doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be a better place to park money than everywhere else

Which is not that hard, when everywhere else is basically a quasi Bolshevist confiscatory police state.

The only way to compete with America is to go even more laissez faire, but nobody has the balls to it.

The knee jerk tyrannical impulses of other would be hegemons props America up, with minimal effort.

China can rise from being a Third World country to being a Second World country with a ruling elite

But they'll never be the Global Hegemon so long as they are being run by a Communist Dictatorship.

The only threat to American dominance is somebody beating America at its own game.

This is what America did to the British, but there's nobody out there right now who is remotely inclined to do it

Contrary to popular hysterical sentiment, the Chinese are not actually doing it, the Communists can't allow it

The Chinese are simply dining out on King Dollar within the American Hegenomy

An actually competing hegenomy to dethrone Wall Street ? It simply doesn't exist at this juncture

The capital flow to these tyrannical countries is not secure, it can flee at a moment's notice, to Wall Street

The way to win it to not only attract capital, you have to make yourself into the global safe harbor for capital

In the case of the War of Independence, it actually attracted more British capital flow to America

The British actually made more money off America with the Americans running things instead of Parliament.

Maybe someday the Chinese will overthrow the Communists and impose the rule of law.

At which point they could become a serious competitor, but there's no sign that is at hand anytime soon.
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Re: Revolutions

Post by heydaralon » Tue Jan 07, 2020 6:09 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:
Tue Jan 07, 2020 12:38 pm
The War of Independence was successful because it did not overthrow the existing power structure.

The British Crown was not the power in the Colonies, the Virginia Company was the power in the colonies

The War of Independence kept the successful British imperial model, it just placed it under new management,

Bottom line, King George Washington was simply the better King, he beat George III at his own game.

The Civil War was actually the more revolutionary war, the Civil War was the more populist uprising.

It was Wall Street who overthrew the Kings of Virginia in the end, Democratic Capitalism FTW.

Wall Street then went on to overthrow the British Empire as well, by default, in 1916

Wall Street beat the German's twice, Wall Street beat the Japanese, Wall Street beat the Soviets.

Wall Street is the most decisive military force in history, the Flight to Quality the source of all America's power.

Being the Global Hegemon is all about finance and logistics.

The thing that causes most revolutions to fail, is money, or rather a lack thereof

Most revolutions drive capital away, causing the revolters to go broke.

In the case of America, it was the opposite, the British were actually the ones preventing money from flowing in.

The British were holding vast tracks of land (Ohio Valley) for their Indian military allies

The Virginia Company actually liberated this land and then parceled it off for a massive profit

The War of Independence was highly profitable, that was the secret to its success.

In the case of the Confederacy, John Cotton didn't have a Wall Street, there was no capital flow

The money chose to side with Manhattan, and that continues to this very day.

Manhattan doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be a better place to park money than everywhere else

Which is not that hard, when everywhere else is basically a quasi Bolshevist confiscatory police state.

The only way to compete with America is to go even more laissez faire, but nobody has the balls to it.

The knee jerk tyrannical impulses of other would be hegemons props America up, with minimal effort.

China can rise from being a Third World country to being a Second World country with a ruling elite

But they'll never be the Global Hegemon so long as they are being run by a Communist Dictatorship.

The only threat to American dominance is somebody beating America at its own game.

This is what America did to the British, but there's nobody out there right now who is remotely inclined to do it

Contrary to popular hysterical sentiment, the Chinese are not actually doing it, the Communists can't allow it

The Chinese are simply dining out on King Dollar within the American Hegenomy

An actually competing hegenomy to dethrone Wall Street ? It simply doesn't exist at this juncture

The capital flow to these tyrannical countries is not secure, it can flee at a moment's notice, to Wall Street

The way to win it to not only attract capital, you have to make yourself into the global safe harbor for capital

In the case of the War of Independence, it actually attracted more British capital flow to America

The British actually made more money off America with the Americans running things instead of Parliament.

Maybe someday the Chinese will overthrow the Communists and impose the rule of law.

At which point they could become a serious competitor, but there's no sign that is at hand anytime soon.
Holy shit. Great post. As an aside, fuck China.
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Re: Revolutions

Post by DrYouth » Wed Jan 08, 2020 9:23 am


Capps wants to vilify the French Revolution because of its emboldening of the social radicals... and glorify the American Revolution...

Smitty is opposed to any and all Revolutions and wants to disqualify the American Revolution as a revolution at all.

Revolutions are merely a dance with Chaos... where they end up right, left, or centre is not a given from the outset...

Duncan illustrates this well in his Mexican Revolution series:

As Porfirio Diaz commented on Madero's revolution... "he has released a Tiger, now let us see if he can control it"
spoiler alert: He couldn't
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Re: Revolutions

Post by StCapps » Wed Jan 08, 2020 9:36 am

If you don't want to glorify the War of Independence and shit on the French Revolution, there must be something wrong with you.

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Re: Revolutions

Post by DrYouth » Wed Jan 08, 2020 10:01 am

StCapps wrote:
Wed Jan 08, 2020 9:36 am
If you don't want to glorify the War of Independence and shit on the French Revolution, there must be something wrong with you.
The Americans didn't have the Ancien Regime to contend with.

The early settlers were largely fleeing the old regimes back in Europe in one way or another... inspired by Enlightenment sentiments.
They had more of a clean slate and no real established nobility to unseat... other than that back in the old country.
They had all the trappings of corporate legal bourgeois freedoms without the nobility and clergy holding ancient rights...
They also didn't have much in the way of disenfranchised industrial workers... at the time of the revolution it was mostly small landholding yeomen...

So it was certainly cleaner... less unruly rabble... less entrenched privilege...
The French came away with less... and much more shit to shovel and choke on...
And the dirty problem of "working class consciousness" manipulated by the "revolutionaries" was there from the get go.
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Re: Revolutions

Post by StCapps » Wed Jan 08, 2020 10:08 am

DrYouth wrote:
Wed Jan 08, 2020 10:01 am
StCapps wrote:
Wed Jan 08, 2020 9:36 am
If you don't want to glorify the War of Independence and shit on the French Revolution, there must be something wrong with you.
The Americans didn't have the Ancien Regime to contend with.

The early settlers were largely fleeing the old regimes back in Europe in one way or another... inspired by Enlightenment sentiments.
They had more of a clean slate and no real established nobility to unseat... other than that back in the old country.
They had all the trappings of corporate legal bourgeois freedoms without the nobility and clergy holding ancient rights...
They also didn't have much in the way of disenfranchised industrial workers... at the time of the revolution it was mostly small landholding yeomen...

So it was certainly cleaner... less unruly rabble... less entrenched privilege...
The French came away with less... and much more shit to shovel and choke on...
And the dirty problem of "working class consciousness" manipulated by the "revolutionaries" was there from the get go.
The French tried to throw the baby out with the bathwater and it backfired, America didn't. The French had too many commies trying to grab power, America didn't. America didn't try and wipe the slate clean with that Tabula Rasa bullshit, France did. It's not hard to see why America overthrowing the British monarch went so much better than France overthrowing their monarch.
Last edited by StCapps on Wed Jan 08, 2020 10:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Revolutions

Post by Montegriffo » Wed Jan 08, 2020 10:15 am

What was so bad about eating cake anyway?
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: Revolutions

Post by StCapps » Wed Jan 08, 2020 10:16 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Wed Jan 08, 2020 10:15 am
What was so bad about eating cake anyway?
Better than eating grapeshot or a guillotine.

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Re: Revolutions

Post by heydaralon » Wed Jan 08, 2020 10:37 am

If there is a takeaway it is that Americans are just plain better than everyone else.
Shikata ga nai