MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Who will be the Democrat Nominee for POTUS

Poll ended at Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:48 pm

Creepy Joe Biden
Bernie 'the Commie' Sanders
'Nipple Stud' Cuomo
Gavin Newsome
No votes
Tulsi Gabbard
Sensible Shoes Klobachar - OUT - Karens now for Biden
No votes
Hildaghost Clinton
Total votes: 10

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:43 pm

When McGovern ran, the electorate was about 90% white. Half the electorate today are not Americans, ethnically, and they come from places where socialism very much does win elections.

McGovern wasn't even remotely socialist either. Bernie would be a Soviet by those standards in the 1970s (Bernie literally worked for a KGB front organization at the time). Bernie is hugely popular today.
Last edited by Speaker to Animals on Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by StCapps » Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:45 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:43 pm
When McGovern ran, the electorate was about 90% white. Half the electorate today are not Americans, ethnically, and they come from places where socialism very much does win elections.
Irrelevant, that just means the Democrats won't get smashed quite as badly, that shit doesn't play in the Electoral College dude. Stop projecting your belief in identity politics on everyone else. The Rust Belt and Sun Belt is also more pro-Trump than it was in 2016, despite the demographics you claim are destiny, you are talking out of your ass. If that shit worked, Trump would have lost in 2016, and it wouldn't have been close, but that shit doesnt sell.
Last edited by StCapps on Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:46 pm

StCapps wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:45 pm
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:43 pm
When McGovern ran, the electorate was about 90% white. Half the electorate today are not Americans, ethnically, and they come from places where socialism very much does win elections.
Irrelevant, that just means the Democrats won't get smashed quite as badly, that shit doesn't play in the Electoral College dude. Stop projecting your belief in identity politics on everyone else.
How is it irrelevant that half the God damned electorate comes from communist and socialist countries and supports socialist candidates? LOL

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by StCapps » Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:48 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:46 pm
StCapps wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:45 pm
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:43 pm
When McGovern ran, the electorate was about 90% white. Half the electorate today are not Americans, ethnically, and they come from places where socialism very much does win elections.
Irrelevant, that just means the Democrats won't get smashed quite as badly, that shit doesn't play in the Electoral College dude. Stop projecting your belief in identity politics on everyone else.
How is it irrelevant that half the God damned electorate comes from communist and socialist countries and supports socialist candidates? LOL
Many of them have bad feelings about communism and socialism, and came to America to get away from that. Stop your racial profiling. Trump won more Hispanics than any Republican nominee since George Bush, and he won more of the black vote as well, clearly going hardcore on that message is not yielding the Democrats any gains, while alienating white people.
Last edited by StCapps on Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:48 pm

StCapps wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:48 pm
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:46 pm
StCapps wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:45 pm
Irrelevant, that just means the Democrats won't get smashed quite as badly, that shit doesn't play in the Electoral College dude. Stop projecting your belief in identity politics on everyone else.
How is it irrelevant that half the God damned electorate comes from communist and socialist countries and supports socialist candidates? LOL
Many of them have bad feelings about communism and socialism, and came to America to get away from that. Stop your racial profiling.
No the fuck they do not. LMFAO

Dude, where do you think all this support for Bernie and Warren is coming from?

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by StCapps » Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:50 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:48 pm
StCapps wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:48 pm
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:46 pm

How is it irrelevant that half the God damned electorate comes from communist and socialist countries and supports socialist candidates? LOL
Many of them have bad feelings about communism and socialism, and came to America to get away from that. Stop your racial profiling.
No the fuck they do not. LMFAO

Dude, where do you think all this support for Bernie and Warren is coming from?
They don't have much support, not compared to Trump. You're really dumb, for real. They have support in the big cities, that's it, but they already won them, and hemorrhaging votes elsewhere. Their strategy loses more votes than it wins them, swing voters don't buy socialism and hate white men, that is a Democrat partisan only thing. Hillary lost by going too far out into left field, and the Democrats response was to go even farther left, they have no hope in hell.

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:52 pm

StCapps wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:50 pm
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:48 pm
StCapps wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:48 pm
Many of them have bad feelings about communism and socialism, and came to America to get away from that. Stop your racial profiling.
No the fuck they do not. LMFAO

Dude, where do you think all this support for Bernie and Warren is coming from?
They don't have much support, not compared to Trump. You're really dumb, for real.
Great argument.

During a CNN town hall held by Sen. Bernie Sanders last Monday, the Vermont senator and progressive icon tried to drive home a point that he has frequently made in the past: There is widespread support for most of the economic policies that he ran on, even if they were often portrayed as radical and divisive by the media.

“The overwhelming majority of the American people — including many people who voted for Mr. Trump — support the ideas that we’re talking about,” insisted Sanders. “On many economic issues you would be surprised at how many Americans hold the same views. Very few people believe what the Republican leadership believes now: tax breaks for billionaires and cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.”

Public polling tends to support his claim. A Gallup survey from last May, for example, revealed that a majority of Americans (58 percent) support the idea of replacing the Affordable Care Act with a federally funded health care system (including four in 10 Republicans!), while only 22 percent of Americans say they want Obamacare repealed and don’t want to replace it with a single-payer system. A Kaiser Family Foundation poll from last year had similar results: Almost two-thirds of Americans (64 percent) had a positive reaction to “Medicare-for-all,” while only a small minority (13 percent) supported repealing the ACA and replacing it with a Republican alternative. These are surprising numbers when you consider how the Sanders campaign’s “Medicare-for-all” plan was written off by critics as being too extreme.

On other issues, a similar story presents itself. Public Policy Polling (PPP) has found that the vast majority (88 percent) of voters in Florida, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin -- four crucial swing states, three of which went to Trump this fall -- oppose cutting Social Security benefits, while a majority (68 percent) oppose privatizing Social Security. Similarly, 67 percent of Americans support requiring high-income earners to pay the payroll tax for all of their income (the cap is currently $118,500), according to a Gallup poll. America’s two other major social programs, Medicare and Medicaid, are also widely supported by Americans, and the vast majority oppose any spending cuts to either. In fact, more Americans support cutting the national defense budget than Medicare or Medicaid.

It goes on and on. A majority of Americans, 61 percent, believe that upper-income earners pay too little in taxes. A majority of 64 percent believe that corporations don’t pay their fair share in taxes. Significant majorities believe that wealth distribution is unfair in America, support raising the minimum wage (though perhaps not as high as Sanders would like), and say they are worried about climate change.

So a consistent majority of Americans would seem to agree almost across the board with a self-proclaimed democratic socialist and object to the reactionary agenda of congressional Republicans. How, then, did we end up with a Republican-controlled Congress that is dead set on repealing the ACA without a viable replacement (let alone a single-payer type of system supported by the majority); cutting and possibly privatizing Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid; slashing taxes for the wealthiest Americans; and ignoring climate change? ... d-up-here/

That's the left's agenda. They know for a fact that a majority of Americans support most of the major policies touted by Sanders and Warren. They know they can win with it. They know the more Latinos they can stamp as "100% American citizen!" the more solid of a majority they will get for this shit.

Get real, dude. Try to form an argument backed by facts for a change.

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by StCapps » Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:55 pm

They think Americans support their policies, but they live in an echo chamber, and that's why they are under that mistaken impression. Voters do not agree with their major policy positions, they believe in vague ideas until they hear any small detail whatsoever, and then they recoil in horror. They do not have Trump's branding ability, they are dead in the water.

Green New Deal, Free Health Care for Illegals, Open Borders, Impeach Kavanaugh and Impeach The Bad Orange Man, that simply ain't getting it done. That is dead on arrival in the Electoral College.

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Sep 24, 2019 4:28 pm

Over 50% of the electorate does support those policies. LOL

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Re: MHF Democrat Primary Poll

Post by TheReal_ND » Tue Sep 24, 2019 6:21 pm