It did barely move. I am explaining the bare amount of movement that there was, is clearly unrelated to the phenomenon that you think it is. Stop the gun jumping, you aren't going to get any fucking credit from me if you are wrong 100 times before you are right, that's broken clock right twice a day territory.
There will be a market correction eventually, but that doesn't mean that GCF claiming the economy is going to collapse any day now, every other day, will make him right when the correction finally happens. Don't be a GCF SIFCLF about Joe Biden, looking for any little negative to pretend that will finally be the end of Biden, it just makes you look like one those Trump haters always saying that anything they see as a negative will finally be the end of Trump for the thousandth time.
Don't emulate those idiots, unless you want to look like one of those idiots.