Game of Thrones - mostly

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Re: Game of Thrones - mostly

Post by StCapps » Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:35 pm

Kath wrote:
Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:13 pm
StCapps wrote:
Tue Apr 30, 2019 12:59 pm
The Ice Zombie ending was never going to big climax that a lot of the shows fans were expecting it to be, there is a reason they got the ice zombies out of the way, because if you make that the ending of the show, it's impossible to nail the landing, bullet dodged. Not seeing a better way to kill off the ice zombies in an episode, than what they came up with. The more we learned about the ice zombies, the less interesting they became, solving mysteries is a helluva drug, especially when the mystery was key to making the ice zombies cool in the first place, and the payoff usually isn't worth it in those circumstances, Lost knows.
Without the zombies, there's no story. The Wall was literally a main character in this story. No wall or zombies to worry about? Still a story, but far less interesting. No reason for Jon to exist; no reason for Samwell to exist. We don't get to meet Jorah's father, who is the reason Sam saves Jorah; all sorts of plot lines are less in-depth without the wall.
I'm not saying get rid of them completely, I'm saying less of them would have been more, their only use was to keep us interested in characters that are important for the endgame, the more we learned and less mysterious they became, the less cool they got, and the more the writers wrote themselves into a corner with how they had to killed, to the point where it was obviously never going to pay off in a way that satisfied a lot of the fans of the show.

Not dissimilar to the problems Lost had when solving too many mysteries that didn't need solving, and even attempting to solve them wrote them into a corner they couldn't write their way out of. The Leftovers fixed that issue and nailed it's fucking ending with a truly fantastic final season, but Lindelof had to learn that lesson by fucking up Lost's final season and ending.

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Re: Game of Thrones - mostly

Post by StCapps » Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:44 pm

Anyway, Dany kill Jon or Jon kills Dany.
The Hound kills The Mountain.
Arya or Jaime kills Cersei.

If anyone else kills those characters, that's bad writing.

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Re: Game of Thrones - mostly

Post by Kath » Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:49 pm

StCapps wrote:
Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:35 pm
I'm not saying get rid of them completely, I'm saying less of them would have been more, their only use was to keep us interested in characters that are important for the endgame, the more we learned and less mysterious they became, the less cool they got, and the more the writers wrote themselves into a corner with how they had to killed, to the point where it was obviously never going to pay off in a way that satisfied a lot of the fans of the show.
Personally, I'm glad they told the whole story. Jon leaving after he got undead with a, "see ya fellas; good luck," would have been lame. There was only one way for this battle to happen, and they did exactly that. Everyone knew killing the NK would end it all immediately, and nobody wanted to see it THAT easy. It did what every other fantasy/sci-fi does; build and build to situation, "failure is imminent," status, and then go in the for the easy kill.

The ending of 50% of Star Trek episodes:

Captain: We're going into the nebula and we're all gonna die in 15 seconds

Engineer: It's never been tried before, but I can re-route the thing to the other thing and send a tachyon pulse to this third thing, creating another thing, which might fix everything.

Captain: Do it!

Engineer: Pushes 3 buttons and saves the day with 4 seconds to spare.
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Re: Game of Thrones - mostly

Post by DrYouth » Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:50 pm

StCapps wrote:
Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:44 pm
Arya or Jaime kills Cersei.
Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes, Green Eyes...

Cersi has green eyes...

So I guess we know how that goes...

Flying leap over the red guard... pointy end goes in.
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Re: Game of Thrones - mostly

Post by DrYouth » Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:55 pm

Kath wrote:
Tue Apr 30, 2019 12:55 pm
I'm not a fan of over-correcting to make up for past mistakes, but it's also not fair to claim that women can never be the badass of a story. The world has known quite a few badass female rulers throughout mankind's history.
Hey I like a good female villain as much as the next guy.
A good female hero is equally good.

But GOT seems to be taking this to an extreme...

All males are cucks or dead... or both (Theon)
Only women are bad ass.

It's starting to have a compensatory feel to it...
Last edited by DrYouth on Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Game of Thrones - mostly

Post by StCapps » Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:56 pm

DrYouth wrote:
Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:50 pm
StCapps wrote:
Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:44 pm
Arya or Jaime kills Cersei.
Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes, Green Eyes...

Cersi has green eyes...

So I guess we know how that goes...

Flying leap over the red guard... pointy end goes in.
Like just think of it this way, if anyway else kills Cersei other than Arya or Jaime, how would it be anywhere near as good as if they killed her instead? Answer: It wouldn't be, so if Cersei is killed any other way, that's just stupid as fuck.

Same with The Mountain being killed by anyone but The Hound. That would be flat out retarded.

Same with Jon not being killed by Dany, or Dany not being killed by Jon, the only way they get away with that being a good writing, is if the surviving one is killed by someone after they betrayed the other. Otherwise they fucked up something epic.

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Re: Game of Thrones - mostly

Post by DBTrek » Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:06 pm

DrYouth wrote:
Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:55 pm
Kath wrote:
Tue Apr 30, 2019 12:55 pm
I'm not a fan of over-correcting to make up for past mistakes, but it's also not fair to claim that women can never be the badass of a story. The world has known quite a few badass female rulers throughout mankind's history.
Hey I like a good female villain as much as the next guy.
A good female hero is equally good.

But GOT seems to be taking this to an extreme...

All males are cucks or dead... or both (Theon)
Only women are bad ass.

It's starting to have a compensatory feel to it...
Not to mention they just killed all the whites ... walkers.
I see what’s happening here. :think:
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Re: Game of Thrones - mostly

Post by Kath » Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:09 pm

StCapps wrote:
Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:56 pm
Like just think of it this way, if anyway else kills Cersei other than Arya or Jaime, how would it be anywhere near as good as if they killed her instead? Answer: It wouldn't be, so if Cersei is killed any other way, that's just stupid as fuck.

Same with The Mountain being killed by anyone but The Hound. That would be flat out retarded.

Same with Jon not being killed by Dany, or Dany not being killed by Jon, the only way they get away with that being a good writing, is if the surviving one is killed by someone after they betrayed the other. Otherwise they fucked up something epic.
We agree again; how about that?

I can make a good case for either Arya or Jamie. She was #1 on Arya's nightly "prayer"/death list. Jamie is about as pissed as someone who loves his sister can be. He wants her dead-dead, now. I can also make a case for Tyrion, which would also be okay.

There's zero chance they screw up Mountain v Hound. It's been building since episode 3, I think. (Whenever that stupid and expensive tourney was.)

Jon and Dany definitely have to duke it out. It's a song of ice & fire, after all. If ice & fire aren't duking it out at the end, there was no point to that title.
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Re: Game of Thrones - mostly

Post by Kath » Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:16 pm

DrYouth wrote:
Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:55 pm
Kath wrote:
Tue Apr 30, 2019 12:55 pm
I'm not a fan of over-correcting to make up for past mistakes, but it's also not fair to claim that women can never be the badass of a story. The world has known quite a few badass female rulers throughout mankind's history.
Hey I like a good female villain as much as the next guy.
A good female hero is equally good.

But GOT seems to be taking this to an extreme...

All males are cucks or dead... or both (Theon)
Only women are bad ass.

It's starting to have a compensatory feel to it...
I don't think we're watching the same show. Tons of very strong male leads. Explain how Jon is not a bad ass? Dany is no longer a bad ass. She's an example of a very strong character who is turning into a douche bag. She's no longer a true bad ass; she is just power hungry, at this point. She's Cersei light. Cersei is not a bad ass, she's just an ass. A strong ass, but still a jerk.

Shows leadership potential: Jon, Tyrion, Sansa ....

Dany had it, but lost it. She doesn't want to break the wheel anymore. She wants to be judge, jury & use her dragons as the executioner.

Arya's not a leader; she's strong & willing to collaborate, but she mostly does her own thing. Kinda like Bronn, but for pleasure instead of cash.
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Re: Game of Thrones - mostly

Post by DrYouth » Tue Apr 30, 2019 3:46 pm

Kath wrote:
Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:16 pm
Explain how Jon is not a bad ass?
Jon bent the knee to Danaerys...
Therefore not a bad ass.

Danaerys had dragons, an army of buff barechested horsemen and an army of castrated slaves...

Jon was basically second fiddle to his sister... his people were pissed at him for giving away the North.

Mormont... in love with Danaerys... not his own man.... dead now.

Jaime... a cuck to his sister for most of the series...

Tyrion a drunk dwarf...

Theon - lost his cock... his sister is the boss now... also dead

Where are the bad ass men?
The Hound... afraid of fire... beat up by his big brother... left for dead by Arya after getting schooled by Brienne.
Bronn - taking orders from Cersi
Euron - a clown looking for some action with Cersi
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