Zlaxer wrote: ↑Sat Apr 13, 2019 12:32 pm
https://www.freep.com/story/money/busin ... 414226002/
"What is socialism? It’s worker control over the economy, basically," Hayes said. "Instead of all of our factories and offices and means of production basically being owned by two or three dudes, everyone who works there owns that facility and operates it and manages it, and decides how much people get paid."
They really believe in collective ownership - tragedy of the commons has no meaning to them.
Collective ownership...of a company operating in a capitalist economy, is a problem, or a "Socialist" threat to capitalism...
how, excatly?
The strength of the capitalist system is precisely its flexibility. You want to form a co-op, or you want to be small single-owner business owner, or a shareholder in a multi-million dollar company? No matter how you organize within the system, it can accomodate that. Why? Because it's not meant to be an ideology, not meant to be a political system, belief system, any of that shit. It's an economic system and that's all it needs to be. You want to pretend that you're a "Socialist" company, hey... you're in good company with the astrologist who believes her fate is laid down by the stars. Capitalism won't mind, because as long as you play the game, it keeps winning.
For someone with a "better dead than red" avatar, you don't really seem to have all that much confidence in capitalism, dude. It's... suspicious.

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