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Re: Brexit

Post by Ex-California » Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:16 am

The Bremain people amaze me on so many levels

1. They are giving up sovereignty to unelected Brussel bureacrats
2. They are allowing for a German-dominated Europe. In the EU, Germany has finally gotten what its always wanted. The EU is the Fourth Reich
3. They are ignoring millennia of British history in favor of the last couple decades when they screech about how Britain NEEDS the EU.

But I guess this shouldn't be surprising in a population that has given up nearly all of the rights they gained over the past couple centuries in an effort to be "civil"

I'm just glad we divorced them in 1781
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Re: Brexit

Post by Otern » Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:16 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2019 10:48 am
Well that just ignores the opinions of the millions who voted to stay. In a population of 65 million the difference between leave or stay was a few hundred thousand votes.
Under those circumstances it is far from undemocratic to ask again. Especially now that the consequences are better known.
Again, you're flogging the dead horse. The referendum was about one thing; should Britain leave the EU or not. And you chose to leave. You have taken the decision to leave. You are going to leave.

Now you need to work on how you're going to leave. Leave with or without a deal. It would be better to leave with a deal, but you're leaving anyway.

Of course the entire premise for the referendum might have been a bit fucked up, when it was a simple majority decision, and it was rushed, and people weren't informed on either side. But this is how the referendum was set up, and it's too late to change the rules, once the game is over. You're going to leave, and that's it. You should have made the rules of the referendum better before entering it. Maybe going for at least 2/3 to get to a decision. But you didn't, so you can't.

Even the EU realize this. They're at least trying to appear democratic, and they realize pulling out now is way too late. They can't let you just have another referendum, leaving the original referendum irrelevant. You made the choice to leave, and so you're leaving, whatever that means.

And don't think I say this just because I wanted Brexit. I also wanted Scotland to be independent. But they voted against independence, so they're stuck. It would've been better for everyone if Scotland was independent, as they want to remain in the EU, and then the Brexit support would be even more solid. More people would get whatever they wanted this way. But they chose not to, and now they have to live with it.

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Re: Brexit

Post by StCapps » Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:22 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:12 am
StCapps wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2019 10:53 am
"Lets only ignore the votes when they don't go my way", say the pro-EU crowd. "When the vote goes my way, then the voice of the people has finally been heard, because this is evidence they are finally informed".

If you can't recognise that the margin of victory was tiny and that the public was misinformed you haven't been paying attention.
If you are so sure the British public still wants to leave the EU why are you so opposed to a second vote?
You just know that Brexit will be rejected so you are running scared.
The public now has a clear choice between May's deal, no deal or remain.
That is an informed decision not an uninformed decision.
Not one Brexit campaigner had any idea of what Brexit would mean so they played on exaggerated fears of immigration and some notion of sovereignty which bore no relation to the truth.
A vote based on lies and misinformation is not democracy. It is a distortion of democracy based on fearmongering and lies motivated by personal gain for the Brexit leaders.
If you think the only reason people voted for brexit, is because they weren't informed, you aren't paying attention. Any new vote will be based on lies and misinformation, fronting like people are informed now because polls are saying they are more likely to agree with you, does not mean people are becoming more informed.

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Re: Brexit

Post by Montegriffo » Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:23 am

Smitty-48 wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2019 10:57 am
The national security police state is happy to have the state propaganda arm undermine democracy.

That simply incites more extremism from all quarters.

Which is the bread and butter of the British national security police state tyranny.

The classic Self Licking Ice Cream Cone.
The extremism comes only from one quarter.
The murder of a democratically elected MP was not propaganda.

This is why the far-right National Action group was banned and the Neo-Nazi thug James Goddard is now facing prosecution for harassing and intimidating Anna Soubry, another democratically elected MP.

Killing MPs is how you undermine democracy.
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Re: Brexit

Post by StCapps » Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:25 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:23 am
Smitty-48 wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2019 10:57 am
The national security police state is happy to have the state propaganda arm undermine democracy.

That simply incites more extremism from all quarters.

Which is the bread and butter of the British national security police state tyranny.

The classic Self Licking Ice Cream Cone.
The extremism comes only from one quarter.
The murder of a democratically elected MP was not propaganda.

This is why the far-right National Action group was banned and the Neo-Nazi thug James Goddard is now facing prosecution for harassing and intimidating Anna Soubry, another democratically elected MP.

Killing MPs is how you undermine democracy.
Undermining democracy with lame anti-free speech measures that won't stop MPs from being killed, is a bad idea.
Last edited by StCapps on Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Brexit

Post by Smitty-48 » Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:26 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:23 am
Smitty-48 wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2019 10:57 am
The national security police state is happy to have the state propaganda arm undermine democracy.

That simply incites more extremism from all quarters.

Which is the bread and butter of the British national security police state tyranny.

The classic Self Licking Ice Cream Cone.
The extremism comes only from one quarter.
HM UK Government is extreme; national security police state permanent martial law.

Tyrannical Self Licking Ice Cream Cone.
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Re: Brexit

Post by StCapps » Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:27 am

You want more right-wing extremist backlash? Ban more right-wing "extremist" groups, and then use the backlash as an excuse to crush dissent, self licking ice cream cone is obvious.

As usual Montegriffo's suggested policies are counter-productive to the goals he claims to want to achieve, but he feels like he's "doing something". Actual results are irrelevant to him because all that matters is that "something" is done, not wanting to implement counter-productive policies he considers to be "doing nothing".
Last edited by StCapps on Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Brexit

Post by Haumana » Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:32 am

What is good about being in the EU? Sell it, Monty.

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Re: Brexit

Post by Smitty-48 » Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:32 am

The national security police state born of the Second World War was given broad latitude in the face of the Provisional Irish Republican Army.

This resulted in martial law for all intents and purposes.

It was never rescinded, it was never demobilized.

It is now simply running amok, inciting lawless chaos, which is entirely to its own entrenched interests.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Otern » Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:34 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:23 am
The extremism comes only from one quarter.
The murder of a democratically elected MP was not propaganda.

This is why the far-right National Action group was banned and the Neo-Nazi thug James Goddard is now facing prosecution for harassing and intimidating Anna Soubry, another democratically elected MP.

Killing MPs is how you undermine democracy.
That murderer is behind bars, as he's supposed to. Which means the justice system works.

Britain is leaving the EU, which means the democratic process works. And if the remainers had the majority, Britain would remain, and the democratic process would still work.

You're kind of making points that were outdated three years ago. You need to work on a deal with the EU now. No matter fighting the battle that is already lost, but work on the things you can change, like the future relationship with the EU from outside the union.

Maybe even work on rejoining the EU, even though I'd think it would be a bad idea. But first you need to leave.