When I was a youngin', 18 years old to be specific, I met my to be wife, Gwynne, and was absolutely smitten by her looks. One of the first things I told her is that I knew she was Swedish. She said she was Welsh but I never backed off that I thought she was Scandinavian. There was never any way to prove it until for Christmas, my new DIL bought us matching DNA test kits. We couldn't wait to know from hence we came, so we spit into little tubes and sent them in.
99.7% European descent, more specifically: 65% British & Irish, 16.6% French & German, and 2.5% Scandinavian. Just 5 generations ago, someone from Denmark mixed into my family tree. In the weeds, because of sentimentality and today’s diversity culture, everybody wants to claim they're a little bit Injun and Black, so there's a gratuitous fractional amount of both. However, I was surprised how specific the location is: Liberia. Also, because my son presumably inherited my .2% Native Americanism, that would make my grandson 50.05% Incan. My analysis included a “health check:” lactose tolerant, no elite athlete muscle, process alcohol normally, 4% higher weight than average, etc. There was also a map that showed where my distant relatives live: I've got a 2nd cousin who lives is the same city, and a dozen or so in the general area, which means they share the same great grandfather; I remember my great grandfather.
Gwynne's test missed the release date then missed it again twice but she finally received her test results about a month after me:
99.8% European descent, more specifically 61.6% British & Irish, 13.8% French & German, and 5% Swedish; just like I always said! Plus, she's related to Benjamin Franklin, my hero. Her Black component was Congolese which makes us so closely related I worry we might be arrested?
My test came back almost right away; I must be easy to sequence:DNA
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There isn't a part of you that thinks companies like 23 and others that claim to do this dna testing thing are possibly 1) pandering inaccurate data (French/German are combined a long with Irish and British), or just categorizing it in mostly haphazard ways of any number of configurations and 2) could late hoc it for nefarious reasons down the line?
Thanks and good luck.
Thanks and good luck.
The good, the true, & the beautiful
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What he say about the biases? I didn't see links or his posts in this thread.Martin Hash wrote: Mon Feb 18, 2019 10:21 pm I’ve included links of tests of these products, and clubgop has correctly commented on the biases. I’m sure they’re technically valid.
The good, the true, & the beautiful
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viewtopic.php?p=239937#p239937GloryofGreece wrote: Tue Feb 19, 2019 7:57 amWhat he say about the biases? I didn't see links or his posts in this thread.Martin Hash wrote: Mon Feb 18, 2019 10:21 pm I’ve included links of tests of these products, and clubgop has correctly commented on the biases. I’m sure they’re technically valid.
Shamedia, Shamdemic, Shamucation, Shamlection, Shamconomy & Shamate Change
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What is the baseline they use in these declarations? Any Anglo-Saxon is actually North German, the "Danes" spread their DNA all over from Spain to Russia during the Viking era, how do they figure this stuff? Seems impossible to me. I cannot credit you sniffing 5% Swedish in a woman, I doubt a person could detect 5% chihuahua in a dog, it's been proven even dog experts fail miserably at guessing what's the heritage of a mixed breed, and dogs differ far more than humans.Martin Hash wrote: Mon Feb 18, 2019 10:21 pm I’ve included links of tests of these products, and clubgop has correctly commented on the biases. I’m sure they’re technically valid.
We are only accustomed to dealing with like twenty online personas at a time so when we only have about ten people some people have to be strawmanned in order to advance our same relative go nowhere nonsense positions. -TheReal_ND
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Genetics is one of the core classes in Med School. Many of the new drugs are specific to DNA. It's not like we don't understand this shit to a great degree. I don't understand the resistance to the field? It's like Anti-vaxxers.
Shamedia, Shamdemic, Shamucation, Shamlection, Shamconomy & Shamate Change
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It's almost like we don't understand this shit to a great degree.
- Posts: 1848
- Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2016 6:33 pm
Brandon Stark is the Kwisatz Haderach.TheReal_ND wrote: Tue Feb 19, 2019 2:39 pmAnd we won't either until the Bene Gesserit unlock the Kwisatz HaderachFife wrote: Tue Feb 19, 2019 2:36 pm It's almost like we don't understand this shit to a great degree.
We are only accustomed to dealing with like twenty online personas at a time so when we only have about ten people some people have to be strawmanned in order to advance our same relative go nowhere nonsense positions. -TheReal_ND