Fake News

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Re: Fake News

Post by C-Mag » Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:06 am

A new fighter has entered the ring
Atty. Robert Barnes: Major Media, Celebrities have 48 Hours to Retract and Apologize to Covington Kids or Face Libel Lawsuit
Because these are all private citizens and many of them minors and kids the law is that saying anything about them is libel. And you don’t have a defense of actual malice all you have to prove is negligence. So a lot of these journalists who have been saying false statements about these kids, false statements about the kids at the Lincoln Memorial, false statements about various photographs that are related to the school, slurring and libeling the entire school and all the alumnae of the school and all you have to prove is that they were negligent in doing so. At this standpoint at this point in time it is clear that anyone who continues to libel about these kids has done so illegally and can be sued for it.
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/0 ... uit-video/

I appreciate this guy stepping up to protect the falsely accused.


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Re: Fake News

Post by DBTrek » Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:28 am


Covington Catholic lawyer adds Rep. Ilhan Omar to ‘libel,’ ‘get sued’ list

Rep. Ilhan Omar is the latest public figure to catch the attention of the attorney for the Covington Catholic students, Robert Barnes, who is threatening to sue just about anyone who he thinks spread “libel” against his clients.

“This is libel. Retract, or get sued,” Barnes tweeted, quoting a now-deleted tweet from the Minnesota Democrat in which she claimed the teens were at fault for the confrontation Saturday at the Indigenous People’s March in Washington, D.C., between the students from the Northern Kentucky school and Native American Nathan Phillips....
https://www.rollcall.com/news/congress/ ... -sued-list

Representative posted last night, well after clarifications had hit the news cycle for over 24 hours.

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Re: Fake News

Post by C-Mag » Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:32 am

We need to make these kids Navy Seals right now...……….. they are some Bad MoFo's. Taking down all those groups and their nuts have barely dropped. Can you imagine how bad ass they would be with some training.


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Re: Fake News

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:44 am

Please let this be real. I hope this guy takes dozens of them to the cleaners.

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Re: Fake News

Post by Fife » Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:54 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:44 am
Please let this be real. I hope this guy takes dozens of them to the cleaners.
He's legit. He's a Chattanooga kid who has made it big in L.A. He's got the dough to fuck with these weasels and he clearly sees the payoff in publicity for representing these plaintiffs for free.

The libel claims are legit. (The plaintiffs are not "public figures" under the SCOTUS jugde-made-up law in NYT v. Sullivan, so ordinary negligence, rather than actual malice, is the standard.)

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Re: Fake News

Post by Fife » Wed Jan 23, 2019 12:03 pm

Check out this hashtag: #48HoursTilJustice

Pretty epic shit.

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Re: Fake News

Post by BjornP » Wed Jan 23, 2019 12:10 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Wed Jan 23, 2019 6:31 am
Yeah, state-controlled news is always the better source for information. Fucking clown.
U mad? Public service broadcasting does not equal that the state controls the news.

If we are talking about Sweden you have the huge problem of leftism among journalists. This poll was taken among journalists in general.

The situation in public broadcasting is even worse.
That's a rather extreme disparity you're listing, yeah. The only reference to a similar survey as yours, is this one from back in 2010, so assuming you can somewhat understand it (or just put it in Google Translate), it should give you some insight::

https://videnskab.dk/kultur-samfund/rod ... urnalistik


In the above, there's a very strong overrepresentation of Radikale Venstre, a liberal progressive party, compared to the rest of population. Since 2010,

Here's also a list of past DR (name of the channel) journalists and show hosts that went into politics and their parties:

4 former employees became or ran as Conservative MP's.
2 former employees became or ran as Liberal Party MP's
1 former employee tried and failed to run for the Unity List (radical Socialists + Communists)
2 former employees are now Liberal Alliance MP's (mix of Classical and neo-Liberals, with a few Libertarians in their youth wing)

However, you say it's a "huge problem" that there so many leftist journalists in general. That to me is like saying it's a "huge problem" that women are underrepresented among corporate board members or in the STEM fields. Well their solution is the same as yours: If you want more representative media (not that I accept the premise that journalists have to share our values to be good journalists), then become a journalist, or encourage those who represent the underrepresented, to become journalists. So, while I agree it's a problem on some scale... huge? No. The problem isn't the political beliefs. Your Social Democrats are nothing like our Social Democrats. I think just a feature of your culture:
‘It is perhaps the mutism of the Swedes, their silence and their habit of talking with elliptical sobriety, which prompted me to start speaking [writing?] and develop this endless chatter that I believe can only irritate a Swede. [… In Sweden], a human is but a moving dot, obeying laws, patterns and forms in the midst of a traffic that is more powerful and defeats him/her. In its calmness, Sweden reveals a brave new world where we discover that the human is no longer necessary.’ (Interview with Michel Foucault by I. Lindung Bonniers Litteräre Magasin, Stockholm, 1968).
See? You make even Marxists shiver in fear of too much social control... If you became more Liberal, you'd just go around shushing people who spoke too loudly about Socialism, and no matter which private TV show hosted the election debate they would tell their viewers how sorry they were for letting people with "problematic" opinions voice theirs. Oh, and you'd tell poor little girls who drew drawings of Jews getting killed by elephants that: "Dear, you know that elephants drawn like that are African elephants and those are too hard to train to kill Jews... You do understand we can't have you drawing such fantastical and disruptive drawings? It should wouldn't do, you see? You should have drawn a nice house for the Jews to die in, instead. Now you have to walk the plank. Yes, be a good girl, now...". :violin:

So you've chosen your favorite propaganda.
Let's make a deal. If you are able to tell me what the propaganda DR news is propagating is, I'd be willing to answer if I've chosen it. Here, get cracking:

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Re: Fake News

Post by Fife » Thu Jan 24, 2019 5:36 am

CNN has finally had just about enough of your bullshit, Trump.

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Re: Fake News

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:37 am

That's Bjorn's "journalism" on display.

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Re: Fake News

Post by BjornP » Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:59 am

StA, your ability to honestly and accurately recount what other people believe, or even post , is and has always been much more inferior than any MSM journalist's, including those who think they can accurately gage what happens at an event by simply looking at what hat some kids are wearing and what skin color they have. :roll:
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