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Post by DBTrek » Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:40 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:26 am
DBTrek wrote:
Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:20 am
One minute people are defending democracy, the next they’re cheering a re-vote because they didn’t get their way.
Shit is so confusing.
Or, they're cheering a revote because that is what the people want.

If the original result had been emphatic you may have had a point, but it wasn't so anyone objecting to a 2nd referendum might just be running scared...
I am scared for the U.K. I’m afraid that it’s losing its grip on the foundations of western civilization. I’m afraid it’s turning into the socialite NY housewife of nations that has no core values, but is constantly acting out based on a hodge-lodge of Marxist talking points surrounding race, sexuality, and income. I’m afraid if they abandon western civilization to embrace the white guilt form of globalism, we’ll lose a nuclear ally and gain a shady-ass, unreliable antagonist.

Mostly I’m concerned about your influence on our own leftist who look to you as a model of socialism and cheer every time you guys go further over the edge of the cliff. Then they want to import your failures here.
"Hey varmints, don't mess with a guy that's riding a buffalo"

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Post by Fife » Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:47 am

It's time for POTUS to take out the Pompeo and Bolton trash; and get Assange out of that London shithole.


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Post by PartyOf5 » Sat Jan 19, 2019 9:07 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:26 am
DBTrek wrote:
Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:20 am
One minute people are defending democracy, the next they’re cheering a re-vote because they didn’t get their way.
Shit is so confusing.
Or, they're cheering a revote because that is what the people want.

If the original result had been emphatic you may have had a point, but it wasn't so anyone objecting to a 2nd referendum might just be running scared...
Which people? How many want a revote? Maybe the UK should hold a vote on whether or not they should hold a revote.

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Jan 19, 2019 9:08 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:27 am
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:19 am
My take: the lying "journalist" somehow tried to push a lie that would somehow conflict with some bullshit lie Mueller is cooking up, and Mueller needed to strike it down before he advanced his own story through some leaks to his MSM allies. Mueller's entire purpose is to fuck with Trump so, by itself, the lying article shouldn't concern him at all. He has to have a reason to want to discredit it.

Buzzfeed likely is not in the circle.
So you're saying...
He told the truth because he's a liar?

4d chess at its best...


Please just quote what I actually post instead of your "so you're saying" bullshit.

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Post by Montegriffo » Sat Jan 19, 2019 9:09 am

DBTrek wrote:
Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:40 am
Montegriffo wrote:
Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:26 am
DBTrek wrote:
Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:20 am
One minute people are defending democracy, the next they’re cheering a re-vote because they didn’t get their way.
Shit is so confusing.
Or, they're cheering a revote because that is what the people want.

If the original result had been emphatic you may have had a point, but it wasn't so anyone objecting to a 2nd referendum might just be running scared...
I am scared for the U.K. I’m afraid that it’s losing its grip on the foundations of western civilization. I’m afraid it’s turning into the socialite NY housewife of nations that has no core values, but is constantly acting out based on a hodge-lodge of Marxist talking points surrounding race, sexuality, and income. I’m afraid if they abandon western civilization to embrace the white guilt form of globalism, we’ll lose a nuclear ally and gain a shady-ass, unreliable antagonist.

Mostly I’m concerned about your influence on our own leftist who look to you as a model of socialism and cheer every time you guys go further over the edge of the cliff. Then they want to import your failures here.
So you're saying,
Fucking Conservative government,what a bunch of socialist bastards?

Leave majority was 500k.
So if 250k would have voted differently if they had known that you can't have free trade with Europe and have no free movement of people (like they were told) the result would have been different.
How many people who believed there would be £350 million a week to spend on the NHS would have voted differently had they known there would be a £40 billion divorce bill?

That's 250k out of 35 million voters.

Get outta here with your ''not democratic'' talking point.
It holds as much water as a sieve.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Jan 19, 2019 9:11 am

"So you're saying.."


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Post by Fife » Sat Jan 19, 2019 9:49 am

The BuzzFeed bubble is gone, so the federal city can get back to good old-fashioned warmongering for the time being. Russia!!! is a well they never tire of.


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Post by pineapplemike » Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:16 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:16 am
pineapplemike wrote:
Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:41 am

man i was surprised how quickly this story flipped

Buzzfeed -1
Mueller +1
So does this mean we don't have to keep listening to everyone saying that Mueller is a political appointment out to get Trump, no matter what the truth is, anymore?
Does this show his objectivity or is he still a lying hack?
I've lost track. It's like Comey all over again. One minute he was the hero of the people for announcing that the Hillary email investigation was re-opening 10 days before the election and thereby handing victory to Trump but now he's the villain for going after him.
yknow, i'll call jim comey a weasel and mueller and clapper and all but i still hold a certain amount of respect for these people. the same way i can admit that trump is smart, and it isn't an accident that he's president, i can admit that all of these people are highly qualified and sit at the top of their food chain for a reason. you don't just *become* director of the FBI or rise through the military ranks to general. these are all great men and my own criticisms of them are only to highlight the deficiencies they do lack.

i've made this point several times about jim comey and re-opening the hillary case 10 days out, ive watched congressional testimony of jim comey make the point himself, yet people still approach that story thinking he was a hero or villain in that scenario- as if he had a choice in the matter. he had personally closed the investigation with congress- and told them he would notify them if anything changed. something changed, they found additional classified emails on an outside device (derp) and he was forced to notify congress, or risk an FBI agent leaking it to the press. to put it in his own words, "a tough choice but not really that tough at all."

as far as that specific scenario goes, there's no hero, there's no villain, thats extreme right/left idiocy, there was just a reasonably intelligent man that had to play the hand he was dealt, so the fact you're even looking at our arguments through the hero/villain frame is depressing and indicative and hinders conversation on the MHF


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Post by GloryofGreece » Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:18 am

Lindbergh's America: The Road Not Taken
The good, the true, & the beautiful

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Post by pineapplemike » Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:35 am