Social Justice Warriors Thread

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by GloryofGreece » Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:22 pm

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Ph64 » Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:30 pm

My GF from 20+ years ago wanted to be polyamorous... As in to still live with me and have all her stuff in my house, but be free to fuck another guy and still keep me as a storage unit for her stuff and to provide a shoulder to cry on when they argued. Needless to say that arrangement didn't work for me. Boy was she pissed when I had the locks changed one Friday morning and then asked when she was showing up with a U-haul to get all her stuff. :twisted:

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by heydaralon » Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:44 pm

Ph64 wrote:
Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:30 pm
My GF from 20+ years ago wanted to be polyamorous... As in to still live with me and have all her stuff in my house, but be free to fuck another guy and still keep me as a storage unit for her stuff and to provide a shoulder to cry on when they argued. Needless to say that arrangement didn't work for me. Boy was she pissed when I had the locks changed one Friday morning and then asked when she was showing up with a U-haul to get all her stuff. :twisted:
She just assumed that you would be cool with that, and actually had the gall to get angry and confused when you explained to her that most men aren't cool with working 40+ hours per week to come home to a woman who can't even be faithful but still wants free shit and housing? This is why I hate Feminism. She probably ran this idea by her circle of idiot friends, and they probably encouraged it too. Revolting.
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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by heydaralon » Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:49 pm

Its a good thing you broke up with her, because my suspicion is that she already was seeing another guy on the side, and was just trying to get approval from you. True story, I had a buddy from college whose "fiance" sprung this open relationship business on him less than 3 months before the wedding. Turns out, she already had an open relationship, but he was in the dark about it. lol. Women will sometimes act clueless in these situations and pretend they don't understand why men get angry about shit like this, but they know exactly what they are doing. They get their stability via a male viewed as an ATM machine, and their thrills from the jobless deadbeat who is "dangerous." It has become a cliche, but cliches often started from a common practice. In fact, they always do. Imagine how much worse this attitude has gotten over the past two decades...
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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by The Conservative » Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:53 pm

GloryofGreece wrote:
Sat Dec 22, 2018 10:36 am
jediuser598 wrote:
Sat Dec 22, 2018 10:11 am
Being in college right now, man a lot of the students have therapists and nearly all of them have psychological "issues." I don't think it's their fault per se, more they're actively telling their parents that look, they don't need therapy, but it's being forced on them and so is medication. It was a poetry class so we got to read some people's internal thoughts on this (work shopping and all).

My takeaway is it is the parent's fault.

Kids don't learn how to manage stress because their parents don't teach them, so they have to come up with their own methods in dealing with it knowing that having a therapist the rest of your life isn't ideal, neither is being on all of that medication.

The greatest generation told my parents, look you make choices now you face consequences, don't coming running to me when your consequences show up at your door, deal with them. That's real life. Parents these days won't let kids face the consequences of their actions.

There's plenty of blame to offer up. Institutions like School and to some degree actual policies and laws but for the most part its the role of parenting to help their kids grow up.
If you can't take responsibility after the age of 18, you don't deserve to call yourself an adult. And yes, I'm being harsh... but if you are going to college, you should be considered an adult by then. If their parents are paying the students way through college, they are still children and will be treated as such until they stand up on their own two feet and act like adults.

If they allow their parents to push them into something they don't want to do, then they are children and should be treated as such.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by C-Mag » Sat Dec 22, 2018 4:02 pm

Ph64 wrote:
Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:30 pm
My GF from 20+ years ago wanted to be polyamorous... As in to still live with me and have all her stuff in my house, but be free to fuck another guy and still keep me as a storage unit for her stuff and to provide a shoulder to cry on when they argued. Needless to say that arrangement didn't work for me. Boy was she pissed when I had the locks changed one Friday morning and then asked when she was showing up with a U-haul to get all her stuff. :twisted:
............. and she can't understand why the two of you can't be live in friends :lol:

Nice Move.


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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sat Dec 22, 2018 7:22 pm

Solid dude.

:fist bump:
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by jediuser598 » Sat Dec 22, 2018 11:36 pm

The Conservative wrote:
Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:53 pm
GloryofGreece wrote:
Sat Dec 22, 2018 10:36 am
jediuser598 wrote:
Sat Dec 22, 2018 10:11 am
Being in college right now, man a lot of the students have therapists and nearly all of them have psychological "issues." I don't think it's their fault per se, more they're actively telling their parents that look, they don't need therapy, but it's being forced on them and so is medication. It was a poetry class so we got to read some people's internal thoughts on this (work shopping and all).

My takeaway is it is the parent's fault.

Kids don't learn how to manage stress because their parents don't teach them, so they have to come up with their own methods in dealing with it knowing that having a therapist the rest of your life isn't ideal, neither is being on all of that medication.

The greatest generation told my parents, look you make choices now you face consequences, don't coming running to me when your consequences show up at your door, deal with them. That's real life. Parents these days won't let kids face the consequences of their actions.

There's plenty of blame to offer up. Institutions like School and to some degree actual policies and laws but for the most part its the role of parenting to help their kids grow up.
If you can't take responsibility after the age of 18, you don't deserve to call yourself an adult. And yes, I'm being harsh... but if you are going to college, you should be considered an adult by then. If their parents are paying the students way through college, they are still children and will be treated as such until they stand up on their own two feet and act like adults.

If they allow their parents to push them into something they don't want to do, then they are children and should be treated as such.
You ain't wrong.

For good or bad, you get to own your own decisions and their consequences.
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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sun Dec 23, 2018 5:06 am

Nobody is an adult at age 18. It's a silly myth we created to rationalize pressing boys into military service.

Most European cultures independently came upon age 21, which probably has merit, but in my experience I would say a few years later.

Being an adult and being accountable are two different things. We currently hold males accountable even when they really are just children, almost never hold women fully accountable for anything no matter what age, and then pretend like 18 year olds are adults and then wonder why college campuses are so fucked up.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Ph64 » Sun Dec 23, 2018 5:33 am

C-Mag wrote:
Sat Dec 22, 2018 4:02 pm
Ph64 wrote:
Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:30 pm
My GF from 20+ years ago wanted to be polyamorous... As in to still live with me and have all her stuff in my house, but be free to fuck another guy and still keep me as a storage unit for her stuff and to provide a shoulder to cry on when they argued. Needless to say that arrangement didn't work for me. Boy was she pissed when I had the locks changed one Friday morning and then asked when she was showing up with a U-haul to get all her stuff. :twisted:
............. and she can't understand why the two of you can't be live in friends :lol:

Nice Move.
Oh yeah, a bunch of her friends came to help load the truck (I told her "anyone but him", I knew all her friends), and just before she drove away she tells me "I still love you and want to be friends, go shoot pool together and hang out...". I said, yeah, I don't think so - you say you love me but what, you love him more? "No, he's just a friend." :?: Ummm, yeah, ok?! You go have fun with your "just a friend" then. Don't call me and I won't call you.

...and she looks all hurt... Like wtf? Who would cheat on their SO and not expect consequences?

Funny enough a couple of her friends pretty much disowned her after that and stayed friends with me. He was pretty much cheating on her the whole time, didn't even last a year before her "just a friend" had knocked up a 24y/o (a decade+ younger than her) and dumped her ass. Karma :)