"So now the Dems go to a simple private transaction"

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Re: "So now the Dems go to a simple private transaction"

Post by Montegriffo » Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:00 am

TheReal_ND wrote:
Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:55 am
Nigga its yuletide. Sol Invictus. The seasonal equinox. I dont care if you dont like Jesus just do what you want and don't let some fucking kike ruin the holidays for you.
Solstice, not equinox you blasphemous heathen.

For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: "So now the Dems go to a simple private transaction"

Post by TheReal_ND » Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:05 am



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Re: "So now the Dems go to a simple private transaction"

Post by Montegriffo » Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:10 am

How is the winter solstice celebrated?

Winter solstice is an important time for cultures across the globe. Under the old Julian Calendar, the winter solstice occurred on 25 December. With the introduction of the Gregorian calendar the solstice slipped to the 21st, but the Christian celebration of Jesus’s birth continued to be held on 25 December. Here are some of the festivals celebrated internationally, past and present:
Yule (Neopagan)

The pre-Christian festival, the Feast of Juul, was observed in Scandinavia at the time of the December solstice. Fires would be lit to symbolise the heat and light of the returning sun and a Yule log was gathered and burnt in the hearth as a tribute the Norse god Thor.

Present day Christmas customs and traditions such as the Yule log, Yule boar, Yule singing, and others stem from pagan Juul. Today the event is celebrated in some forms of Modern Paganism.
Saturnalia (Ancient Rome)

In Ancient Rome, the festival of Saturnalia began on 17 December and lasted for seven days. As the name suggests, the festival was celebrated in honour of Saturn, the father of the gods, the same deity after which the sixth planet in our solar system is named. People would make sacrifices at the Temple of Saturn, before banqueting and giving gifts. The usual law and order would be suspended, schools and businesses would close, and quarrels would be forgotten.

In China and East Asia, the Dongzhi Festival is one of the most important times of the year. It celebrates the return of longer daylight hours and ultimately an increase of positive energy. The festival’s origins can be traced back to the yin and yang philosophy of balance and harmony.

During this time for getting together, families in southern China often make and eat tangyuan, balls of glutinous rice, occasionally brightly coloured, cooked in a sweet or savoury broth.
Yaldā (Iran)

Shab-e Yalda ‘Yalda night’ or Shab-e Chelleh ‘night of forty’ is an Iranian festival celebrated on the ‘longest and darkest night of the year’. Friends and family get together to eat, drink, and read poetry until the early hours. Pomegranates and watermelons are particularly significant.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: "So now the Dems go to a simple private transaction"

Post by TheReal_ND » Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:20 am

http://penelope.uchicago.edu/~grout/enc ... ictus.html
"Bruma is so named, because then the day is brevissimus 'shortest'....The time from the bruma until the sun returns to the bruma, is called an annus 'year'....The first part of this time is the hiems 'winter.'"

Varro, On the Latin Language (VI.8-9)

In the Julian calendar, December 25 marked the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, after which the days begin to lengthen, cf. Vitruvius, "This time from the shortness of the days, is called Bruma (winter) and the days Brumales" (On Architecture, 9.3.3). In calculating the seasons, Pliny, too, remarks that the days begin to increase immediately after the winter solstice (bruma) on a.d. VIII kal. Ian (XVIII.221). For Ovid, bruma was the first of the new sun and the last of the old (Fasti, I.163), as it was for Servius, who equates the new sun (sol novus) with the eighth day before the Kalends of January (Commentary on the Aeneid of Virgil, VII.720; also II.472, "Bruma, that is, winter")—and Censorinus, who in turn identifies the new sun with the bruma, "a novo sole, id est a bruma" (De Die Natali, XXI.13)


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Re: "So now the Dems go to a simple private transaction"

Post by jediuser598 » Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:22 am

PartyOf5 wrote:
Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:52 am
jediuser598 wrote:
Sat Dec 15, 2018 9:43 pm
Live and let live. Do what you enjoy.
Most people generally live this way , but not most leftists. I have my doubts you live this mantra yourself.
Guy, I don't think you know shit about liberals.

Boss comes up to me yesterday, in the back room alongside another employee (I'm the only white dude there and we're all liberals). He goes "Hey, know any racist jokes?" I go "sure, ever hear of the racist pledge?" "No" "It goes, faggot, nigger, kike." They bust out laughing.

Other guy says some joke about Obama, I forgot what it was, and I ask my boss, why are brown people so bad at racism? There are people even saying that brown people can't be racist, that's how bad yall are at racism. Then this other guy (brown as well) is talking about how much middle age white women get to profit from getting offended for other people, like they're cashing that check for themselves. Again, this guy didn't vote for Trump.

Maybe middle class liberals are different, but working class liberals? Hard to offend. Did have this one gal, different hair color every day, call me sexist for telling a joke, try to get me in trouble. We were talking about dating at work, and I'm in the middle of a department of not skinny ladies. We were talking about bad first dates, and it got around to me, I tell them this one time I took a date to an apple orchard. She looks at me and she says "Jediuser598, if I fell would you catch me?" I'm like "Look, let us be realistic here, you weigh what, maybe 220, 230? There is no way I'm catching a 220 flying object, I got a bad back, I gotta work. It's not that I don't like big girls, I do, but some romantic gestures have weight limits."

Neither of those gals had a sense of humor.

Everyone involved was liberal, all hate Trump.
Last edited by jediuser598 on Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "So now the Dems go to a simple private transaction"

Post by TheReal_ND » Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:27 am

When you understand that everyone is a race realist except the people actually drinking the koolaid and that liberals were the OG racists.

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Re: "So now the Dems go to a simple private transaction"

Post by jediuser598 » Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:30 am

TheReal_ND wrote:
Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:27 am
When you understand that everyone is a race realist except the people actually drinking the koolaid and that liberals were the OG racists.
it's a mixed bag, man. You travel a bit you realize that Becky would be conservative if raised in Alabama, but she's liberal because she was raised in Washington.

You tell working class liberals that people of color can't be racist, they'll say "anyone can be racist." Haven't found one yet that disagrees with that (even though purple hair might disagree, I didn't ask). The idea that power+predjudice=racism is a fabrication from those that have wealth.
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Re: "So now the Dems go to a simple private transaction"

Post by TheReal_ND » Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:38 am

We live in a society.

I actually have a running theory that White people are amazingly simple to socially engineer. Probably due to social pressures unique to our race for thousands of years in Europe. Not a fully formed theory mind you, but some races are so stupid it isnt really a question of social engineering it is more like "here is a shiny thing." White people seem to have some kind of altruism or something that is being gamed.

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Re: "So now the Dems go to a simple private transaction"

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:45 am

I think the problem has less to do with altruism and more to do with the loss of group selection by urbanite whites. There seems to me to obviously exist some kind of allele in the white gene pool that will somehow limit or down-regulate our group selection behavior. Our altruism behaviors, when coupled with strong group selection, don't hurt us at all. But once you lose your group selection, you lose pretty much everything that caused homo sapiens to become intelligent in the first place, but you also end up with altruism that is completely unrestrained.

The way altruism evolves is that you have altruistic behavior for your own offspring. That is widely observed in the animal kingdom. When a parent sacrifices for its offspring, it increases the odds of their genes propagating through their offspring. The next step is in a kind of kin-bonding where your extended family and close social group are affected by the altruistic behavior. The other step is called reciprocal altruism, in which we sacrifice for another with the assumption that our sacrifice will be reciprocated in the future. That is seen in several other species.

Humans universalized the altruism at some point in the paleolithic (probably when we lost kin-bonding). That works out for all of us, and is ideal, but only when we are still strongly group-selected.

If, in the case of multi-generational white urbanites, you end up with people who are actually averse to group selection to the point where they hate their own in-group and constantly try to become the other, then altruism gets out of hand really fast.

Urbanites in the western world, in my opinion, are mostly a genetic dead end.

Most of recorded history shows this to the case. It's even a major feature in the major religious branches (i.e. Soddom).

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Re: "So now the Dems go to a simple private transaction"

Post by jediuser598 » Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:47 am

TheReal_ND wrote:
Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:38 am
We live in a society.

I actually have a running theory that White people are amazingly simple to socially engineer. Probably due to social pressures unique to our race for thousands of years in Europe. Not a fully formed theory mind you, but some races are so stupid it isnt really a question of social engineering it is more like "here is a shiny thing." White people seem to have some kind of altruism or something that is being gamed.
What is a white person?

We're all pretty much mutts. People call me white but I'm Irish, Indian, German, Polish and Bohemian. Folk are just folk, regardless of color.
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