Dude a bunch of Dams built from the Mao era broke a few years later and killed tens of thousands. The Party knew they were shit, talked about it among themselves, and didn't bother fixing them. They are pieces of shit. I don't just hate China out of Xenophobia. They truly are a cancer upon this world. And there are so many of them.
What worries me quite a bit is the fact that one of the greatest arguments for the Western system is our economic growth. Even elite Russian officials questioned the USSR system in the 70's when they saw that a lower middle class family in Liverpool England had a far better standard of living than them. The thing is, on paper at least, it appear that China is dynamic at the moment, and the West is stagnating. Non stop on TV you hear stuff about how the American workers wages have not increased in decades, how inequality and economic crisis are the defining part of this era, and how the EU govt is spineless and rudderless, falling into one crisis after another. Contrast that to much of the news you hear about China. It is building solar farms. It has achieved record numbers of buyers in a new market. Its tourists are travelling the world. I am not stupid. Its not a better place to live than the West, and many if not all of their numbers have undergone a sort of Chink financial alchemy. They aren't real. But perception is a huge deal. If the electorate sees these stories and gives a cursory glance to those figures, how long will it take for them to believe China is the better system? Add that to DNC and Euro Socialist politicians who have no far range planning beyond the next election cycle+Western universities who don't even have a problem with Mao and Stalin, and pretty soon countries worldwide, including those of the West, will be looking to Chinese economics, Chinese politics, and Chinese culture to guide them through the 21st century. This isn't crazy talk. Throughout the 19th and 20th century, shitty turd world countries in turmoil borrowed all the worst ideas from Communism, Capitalism, and Occidentalism as long as they originated in countries percieved as being more successful than them. This could happen to us. We aren't immune from the allure of yellow growth and streamlined tiannamen square politics. Mimetics is a real thing. Fuck China.