Literal Odds and Ends

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Re: Literal Odds and Ends

Post by TheReal_ND » Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:26 am

Hastur wrote:
Mon Oct 22, 2018 3:45 am
TheReal_ND wrote:
Sat Oct 20, 2018 7:48 pm
I have a very faint idea of what I am supposed to be doing.....
Is that a man-sized cooler? Why?
Back when I was a foreman in a moving company I snagged this from a public school move. Its Texas I think its obvious why.

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Re: Literal Odds and Ends

Post by Montegriffo » Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:33 am

TheReal_ND wrote:
Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:26 am

Back when I was a foreman in a moving company I snagged this from a public school move. Its Texas I think its obvious why.
Is that Nancy Mitford?
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: Literal Odds and Ends

Post by TheReal_ND » Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:40 am

Angela Merkel

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Re: Literal Odds and Ends

Post by Montegriffo » Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:44 am

You sure it isn't Pope Benedict's sex slave?
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: Literal Odds and Ends

Post by TheReal_ND » Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:50 am


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Re: Literal Odds and Ends

Post by TheReal_ND » Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:08 pm

David is the real deal,ive astral projected many times and faced these demons/reptilians on the astral plains and their most defiantly evil,kundulini is the dormant energy at the bottom of the spine waiting to be released to the crown chakra and evolve our consciousness,kundulini is what gave the man jesus his christ consciousness and activated all his chakras and 3rd eye to the highest degree giving him complete control of the vessel the soul is encased in called the human body and is what gave him the ability to heal,revive the dead,dematerialize the bod,walk on and water,yogis in the Himalayas know these techniques but will rarely reveal them to anybody in the west because of our want for power,greed,hate etc,we all have to his ability as jesus said "greater things than I shall you do" but its up to every individual to awaken and realise what we really are,where we come from and why were here and the dark energy"luciferic consciousness/satan which is the opposite to god wants to keep us hostage in these physical bodies and keep this knowledge away from us so we will keep living like animals killing each other and feeding the dark energy to evil one,this is what david speaks of when he talks of the demonic bloodlines,these are same familys who have been placed in power to control the planets thinking,they have always and still control the governments,medical schools,food industries specifically the meat industries,the use the news to tell us we need meat to be healthy to continue the slaughter of billions of animals every year to feed their"god" satan,this dark consciousness created the reptilian ETs that were on the planet in the time of atlantis and the Egyption empire,how else do you think pyramids were built,the same with the Mayans,the sacrificed human's to feed the death energy to satan in return for power,macu pichu,Egyptian pyramids,Stonehenge,grand Canon,Antarctic etc are the power points which create a forcefield on the planet like meridians in acupuncture,the illuminati is just a name for the heads of the demonic bloodline,these are the same family's that sacrificed jesus for going to battle with them and revealing their secrets and revealing the truth,he was gaining too big a following for their liking but little do they know good will prevail soon,god has a plan but we all have to play are parts for it to work ,whoever dosent will be left behind the illuminati will continue to create "terrorist" organizations around the world to provoke civilians into believing they are the bad guys ,they have to keep the wars going to feed the death energy of milllions of humans to the demon gods,love is the only way to stop them and bring the real god back into power they created religion to keep the battle going,brought desease to us for the same reason,this isnt just happening on this planet,there is an intergalactic war raging in the higher dimensions and Plaines of the universe,these dark entities dwell on the lower plaines and are trying the bring us all there for eternity,everything in existence is consciousness heaven and god being the highest and hell and satan being the lowest but there are many levels in between but physical and non physical/energetic which is why I faced the demons on the astral plains before as I was a negative place of thought- anger,depression,hate,our emotions are what decides our place of being,the more positive happy and loving we our the higher our consciousness goes which is the why we are being controlled and influenced by the illuminati controllers who in turn our controlled by demons who have no mercy,no empathy,no love just hate,death and evil,they feed on this Energy like vampires,people who say david is crazy have been programmed to believe this because our parents knew no better and theirs before them etc,this is the generation to change this and awaken but of course the dark forces wont like this and will go the drasic measures to stop us which is where ww3 comes in,death and destruction the likes the world has never seen,I will raise kundulini when the time is right,the real kundulin that 99 percent of the west have never heard of not the crap delusional teachers our preaching,kundulini is not a joke,it will drive most people insane if not kill them outright as 50,000 volts are shot up the spine into the 1000 petal lotus and the serpent is uncoiled 3 and a half times around the spine with the cobra head exiting the 3rd eye,you might have saw this before on the Egyptian gods cobra headgear,all fully raised kundulini,david had a spontaneous kundulini awakening which slower evolved his consciousness but this is not the same kundulini raising that jesus had through spiritual effort fasting and the ancient kriya yoga techniques of the yogi Christ babaji who forever dwells in the Himalayas observing and directing the good of humanity,I could go on forever here but I need not,just be prepared for whats coming,peace.

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Re: Literal Odds and Ends

Post by pineapplemike » Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:10 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:
Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:08 pm
David is the real deal,ive astral projected many times and faced these demons/reptilians on the astral plains and their most defiantly evil,kundulini is the dormant energy at the bottom of the spine waiting to be released to the crown chakra and evolve our consciousness,kundulini is what gave the man jesus his christ consciousness and activated all his chakras and 3rd eye to the highest degree giving him complete control of the vessel the soul is encased in called the human body and is what gave him the ability to heal,revive the dead,dematerialize the bod,walk on and water,yogis in the Himalayas know these techniques but will rarely reveal them to anybody in the west because of our want for power,greed,hate etc,we all have to his ability as jesus said "greater things than I shall you do" but its up to every individual to awaken and realise what we really are,where we come from and why were here and the dark energy"luciferic consciousness/satan which is the opposite to god wants to keep us hostage in these physical bodies and keep this knowledge away from us so we will keep living like animals killing each other and feeding the dark energy to evil one,this is what david speaks of when he talks of the demonic bloodlines,these are same familys who have been placed in power to control the planets thinking,they have always and still control the governments,medical schools,food industries specifically the meat industries,the use the news to tell us we need meat to be healthy to continue the slaughter of billions of animals every year to feed their"god" satan,this dark consciousness created the reptilian ETs that were on the planet in the time of atlantis and the Egyption empire,how else do you think pyramids were built,the same with the Mayans,the sacrificed human's to feed the death energy to satan in return for power,macu pichu,Egyptian pyramids,Stonehenge,grand Canon,Antarctic etc are the power points which create a forcefield on the planet like meridians in acupuncture,the illuminati is just a name for the heads of the demonic bloodline,these are the same family's that sacrificed jesus for going to battle with them and revealing their secrets and revealing the truth,he was gaining too big a following for their liking but little do they know good will prevail soon,god has a plan but we all have to play are parts for it to work ,whoever dosent will be left behind the illuminati will continue to create "terrorist" organizations around the world to provoke civilians into believing they are the bad guys ,they have to keep the wars going to feed the death energy of milllions of humans to the demon gods,love is the only way to stop them and bring the real god back into power they created religion to keep the battle going,brought desease to us for the same reason,this isnt just happening on this planet,there is an intergalactic war raging in the higher dimensions and Plaines of the universe,these dark entities dwell on the lower plaines and are trying the bring us all there for eternity,everything in existence is consciousness heaven and god being the highest and hell and satan being the lowest but there are many levels in between but physical and non physical/energetic which is why I faced the demons on the astral plains before as I was a negative place of thought- anger,depression,hate,our emotions are what decides our place of being,the more positive happy and loving we our the higher our consciousness goes which is the why we are being controlled and influenced by the illuminati controllers who in turn our controlled by demons who have no mercy,no empathy,no love just hate,death and evil,they feed on this Energy like vampires,people who say david is crazy have been programmed to believe this because our parents knew no better and theirs before them etc,this is the generation to change this and awaken but of course the dark forces wont like this and will go the drasic measures to stop us which is where ww3 comes in,death and destruction the likes the world has never seen,I will raise kundulini when the time is right,the real kundulin that 99 percent of the west have never heard of not the crap delusional teachers our preaching,kundulini is not a joke,it will drive most people insane if not kill them outright as 50,000 volts are shot up the spine into the 1000 petal lotus and the serpent is uncoiled 3 and a half times around the spine with the cobra head exiting the 3rd eye,you might have saw this before on the Egyptian gods cobra headgear,all fully raised kundulini,david had a spontaneous kundulini awakening which slower evolved his consciousness but this is not the same kundulini raising that jesus had through spiritual effort fasting and the ancient kriya yoga techniques of the yogi Christ babaji who forever dwells in the Himalayas observing and directing the good of humanity,I could go on forever here but I need not,just be prepared for whats coming,peace.
what time's that trump rally? i read people were lining up yesterday

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Re: Literal Odds and Ends

Post by TheReal_ND » Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:11 pm

Tonight. 80k people signed up last I heard. Probably more than that going in all. I decided against going because I remembered I hate crowds.

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Re: Literal Odds and Ends

Post by pineapplemike » Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:18 pm

you should dress up like a SJW and start yelling shit at Trump to try and get him to tell you to "run home to your mommy," that'd be hilarious

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Re: Literal Odds and Ends

Post by TheReal_ND » Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:25 pm

"Take his coat"

I'm going to start doing uber delivery in a while. Tonight should be a good haul with all the Beto fags staying home to watch Maddow.