Responses to Matriarchy vs. Patriarchy

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Re: Responses to Matriarchy vs. Patriarchy

Post by Kath » Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:36 am

C-Mag wrote:
Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:34 am

Kath, please stop following me around, look at your post history for the last 24 hours. Most of your posts involved me. My posts show a variety of interests, curiosities and humors. You look like a spurned needy girl, it's not a good look.

Just calm down and leave me alone. There's a safe space for you to post on now.
If you need to feel safe from my posts, put me on iggy. I didn't realize how easily you can be triggered by words.
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Re: Responses to Matriarchy vs. Patriarchy

Post by Fife » Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:40 am


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Re: Responses to Matriarchy vs. Patriarchy

Post by Montegriffo » Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:47 am

Hastur wrote:
Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:31 am
Montegriffo wrote:
Thu Oct 11, 2018 9:41 am
Hastur wrote:
Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:56 am

.... you end up with a society without aim, truth or ideals. Like Gypsies, Pikies or Roma. Not striving for anything.
Not sure why you think this.
It's not my experience of Gypsies.
Show me a gypsie cathedral, castle, monument or other example of phallic accomplishment.
I think you can have aim,truth and ideals without having great architecture.
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Re: Responses to Matriarchy vs. Patriarchy

Post by Martin Hash » Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:49 am

Tell that to the Egyptians and Romans.
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Re: Responses to Matriarchy vs. Patriarchy

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Oct 11, 2018 11:06 am

I think it also not helpful to per se call this a war between us and women. I think it is more the case that we are at war with other men.

Inner circle power is necessarily soft power. Women get what they want through manipulation. This is chiefly being done with the special victimization act (they are not victimized by rape and sexual assault more than men, but they pretend like they have some special status as victims here). They use this victim act to manipulate men into doing things for them. This also is why women tend to vote for male politicians. That's not patriarchy. That's smart as fuck. They know how their power works at some subconscious level. The politicians we get are mostly the product of women voters, who are the majority demographic, I might add. This is all them though, even here, they pretend as though they are special victims with men dominating politics (the men those women installed in power because those men keep the gibs train running).

You saw this here when Milspecs earlier laid it on with that ridiculous post about how women live in constant fear of being raped and sexually assaulted. She is trying to manipulate you. These kinds of women are just using this act because they know lots of men are trained to respond and do shit for them.

Those men are the enemies. You saw a shit ton of them in the Senate when they all walked on eggshells around that rape hoaxer. To this day, none of them are demanding she be prosecuted for her crimes and the terrible suffering she inflicted on the Kavenaugh family. The male senators who were not complicit in this atrocity were fucking terrified of female disapproval if they dared to call this bitch out for the lying criminal that she is.

Notice how the guy who won the presidency against all the odds said fuck that this bitch is a liar and probably needs to go to prison. That's what the patriarchy means. We men are not supposed to derive our self-worth from our utility to women and their approval. This is a phenomenon in men I find utterly revolting.

If men became men again and stopped worrying about all the whining from women, and derived their self-worth from the affirmation of their competency from other competent men, then this shit ends. Women shouldn't be able to extend soft power this far. It should go as far the household or maybe local community. But when their soft power extends into government with feminized men, you get what the same old Puritan farce of witch hunts. This is what causes witch hunts in the first place: men not standing up to hysterical women.

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Re: Responses to Matriarchy vs. Patriarchy

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Oct 11, 2018 11:10 am

For instance, when I look at alternative media, the people I mostly see calling for this lying rape hoaxer to be prosecuted are other women like Ann Coulter. Men are fucking terrified of these out-of-control liberal females.

But even those who are cautious not to openly push back against it do so only because of the threat of these blue-pilled men who gleefully throw other men under the bus for female approval. These are your enemies. They are fucking legion too.

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Re: Responses to Matriarchy vs. Patriarchy

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Oct 11, 2018 11:15 am

And another thing, statistically, just as many of you have been sexually assaulted in your lifetimes. You just don't make a big deal out of it, most likely. But consider you are no different than this woman who was sat in front of the Senate and has the liberal media fawning over her (assuming she was even telling the truth, which at this point seems almost zero probability, given all the contradictions and lack of evidence). If you did that with respect to the times you were assaulted by women, society would ridicule you. You would be destroyed, socially.

I am not saying you should be a victim or that it's some terrible crime that society doesn't give a fuck. I am saying let that put their ramblings and hysterics into perspective.

Women assault men just as much (I actually believe more these days). It's wrong, but it's not the end of the world. We all get on with our life.

If women want to make it into a big deal, they need to stop covering for their women sexual assaulters and rapists. They need to speak out against the legion of female rapists when we all know we see about one per month raping some teen boy.

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Re: Responses to Matriarchy vs. Patriarchy

Post by MilSpecs » Thu Oct 11, 2018 11:49 am

C-Mag wrote:
Thu Oct 11, 2018 9:17 am
Random thoughts on this crap

* I was just minding my own business, and society told me I'm in a war against women because guys are mean, bad, evil and are abusing women, doubly bad if you are a white male. I didn't think I did anything wrong. I've worked my entire life, paid taxes, I've been active in charity organizations and supported my community. My mom is a woman, I have 2 sisters, both women, I have a wife that is a woman, I have raised 2 daughters that are women, I have worked for women, I have worked with women, I have supervised women. I have never had a complaint against me that I know of. But I've been told I'm in a war with women, I'm not sure why, but I guess it's like getting attacked on 9-11, you are in a war and you didn't know. Been there before, so that's OK, we can do this if you want.


* I've been told by society since I was in high school that there likely something wrong with me, that has increased year by year over my life. At first I was charged with being too 'macho', then I was told I was not allowed to have images of the female form anywhere near work, then I had to watch my language at work, now I'm toxic if sit with my legs spread or make clear right and wrong distinctions during a conversation. Society has changed the work place to make females comfortable, with no regard on whether they were making the males at the work place less comfortable. No one considers that spending hours talking about feelings is equally as offensive to me as a pinup might be for a female. No, I don't have a choice. I'm the one that has to change, therefore there must be something wrong with me and I need to be fixed.
We have similar backgrounds and outlooks. All things being equal, we should have similar outcomes. Yet, I remain at a disadvantage solely on account of sex. You’ve made it clear that you don’t want change that inconveniences you while expecting me to remain inconvenienced.

Multiple things jumped out at me about your work experience. First, the one that pisses me off the most (rant commencing) and is IMO at the heart of the problem: you have pinups at work? WTF? Work is not the place for sexual interest. And why are so many men unable to interact with women without sexual interest being in the mix? Or at least being able to keep it to yourself like an adult? And that’s how women see it: as immaturity. I love men and enjoy masculine attributes but not 24/7 and not at work, because I’m an adult and that’s how adults behave.

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Re: Responses to Matriarchy vs. Patriarchy

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Oct 11, 2018 11:52 am

Special victim act incoming.

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Re: Responses to Matriarchy vs. Patriarchy

Post by Fife » Thu Oct 11, 2018 11:53 am

If men aren't allowed masculine attributes at work, are they at least allowed them at the MHF?