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Post by Okeefenokee » Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:29 pm

pineapplemike wrote:
Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:13 pm
as much fun as it is boosting my post count repeating the same arguments i made several pages ago, i'll pass this time
I'll make this real simple for you, because homosexuality was normalized, the state of california is now voting on a law that will make outlaws of ministers who counsel gays according to their faith, and they are voting on another law that will allow the state to drug and mutilate children against the will of the parents.

That is the resulting freedom that came from normalizing gays.

Here's the next issue on the docket, legalized pedophilia is on the way.

Normalizing pedophilia: Disgusting TEDx Talk declares it's a 'natural sexual orientation'

Normalization of Pedophilia Goes Mainstream, Child Molesters Rebranded as ‘Minor Attracted Persons’

The Racist New York Times,
Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime
Make no mistake: the left understands well how to take taboo behaviors and turn them into grievance groups, legal battering rams, and political power. That's why it is important to keep an eye out for attempts to start the chain of acceptance, such as one being protested by this grass roots uprising in Chicago. Alex Nitkin of reports:
  • A group of Northwest Side residents will hold a "peaceful protest" Sunday night condemning a Fringe Festival performance they say gives pedophiles a pass.

    "A Virtuous Pedophile," one of 50 performances happening at the Chicago Fringe Festival running through Sept. 10 in Jefferson Park, questions whether pedophiles deserve sympathy if they don't act on their urges.

    The play unleashed a torrent of outrage on social media after the festival published this year's list of shows. Its head-scratching title was enough for some neighbors to condemn it, but the play's description is even more provocative: "Can liberals accept that pedophilia is a legitimate sexuality?" ... hilia.html
Check it out, here's an entire website devoted to articles about pedophilia written by pedophiles,

This so-called expansion of freedom is going to lead to a lot of people dead.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Post by pineapplemike » Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:38 pm

Fife wrote:
Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:19 pm
pineapplemike wrote:
Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:06 pm
This is a fun topic if it wasn't derailed over vocabulary choice and constant name-calling. I don't think "abandoned" is the right word in every circumstance. "Giving up" seems more appropriate, as in, "giving up" any inherent influence you want to have over the child's life. If the adoptive parents are ok with the unfit mother being present than have at it, otherwise pound sand. Be responsible for your child or don't, no? I don't know if you get to have it both ways
How about putting "placement" in our vocabulary here? Consider the voluntary contract between the birth parent(s) and the adoptive parents regarding the placement of the child.

AFAIK, the state doesn't make us take a test or something before fucking raw dog and making an IRL baby. Why should the state make us take a test or something before having an IRL child placed with us?
Well the state (or my state atleast) will seize your child if living conditions aren't up to par, so in a way there is a test of whether or not parents are fit.

I'm not a pro-state guy by any measure but I think there are special cases when this is justified. In fact a local situation arose a few years back where Social Services was negligent and the kid was killed by the unfit parents.

To answer your question I think the fact that it takes nearly a year to give birth to a child vs. "placing" as many as you want under your care through the state suggests there should be some check on adoptive parents. Unless you can only adopt once every 9 months.

Honestly I don't know much of the adoption process but I assume you aren't very present in the child's life on a regular basis so you don't get a ton of influence on the decisions of the adoptive parents.

Bringing the state into the equation complicates everything and in a perfect world they wouldn't be required. Maybe they are

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Post by pineapplemike » Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:40 pm

Okeefenokee wrote:
Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:29 pm
pineapplemike wrote:
Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:13 pm
as much fun as it is boosting my post count repeating the same arguments i made several pages ago, i'll pass this time
I'll make this real simple for you, because homosexuality was normalized, the state of california is now voting on a law that will make outlaws of ministers who counsel gays according to their faith, and they are voting on another law that will allow the state to drug and mutilate children against the will of the parents.

That is the resulting freedom that came from normalizing gays.

Here's the next issue on the docket, legalized pedophilia is on the way.

Normalizing pedophilia: Disgusting TEDx Talk declares it's a 'natural sexual orientation'

Normalization of Pedophilia Goes Mainstream, Child Molesters Rebranded as ‘Minor Attracted Persons’

The Racist New York Times,
Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime
Make no mistake: the left understands well how to take taboo behaviors and turn them into grievance groups, legal battering rams, and political power. That's why it is important to keep an eye out for attempts to start the chain of acceptance, such as one being protested by this grass roots uprising in Chicago. Alex Nitkin of reports:
  • A group of Northwest Side residents will hold a "peaceful protest" Sunday night condemning a Fringe Festival performance they say gives pedophiles a pass.

    "A Virtuous Pedophile," one of 50 performances happening at the Chicago Fringe Festival running through Sept. 10 in Jefferson Park, questions whether pedophiles deserve sympathy if they don't act on their urges.

    The play unleashed a torrent of outrage on social media after the festival published this year's list of shows. Its head-scratching title was enough for some neighbors to condemn it, but the play's description is even more provocative: "Can liberals accept that pedophilia is a legitimate sexuality?" ... hilia.html
Check it out, here's an entire website devoted to articles about pedophilia written by pedophiles,

This so-called expansion of freedom is going to lead to a lot of people dead.
I'll be voting no on those propositions. Or were they a part of the Supreme Count ruling? Are the two issues related at all beyond "normalization?" Will those propositions go away if gay marriage is overturned?

feels like im arguing with a sjw lefty that claims trump is "normalizing" hatred of gays or muslims

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Post by Okeefenokee » Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:52 pm

They're in the california hate thread.

The horse is out of the barn.

Think back to the fight over DOMA, and how those people on the right were warning about where this would lead. People laughed at them and mocked them, yet they were exactly right. We are exactly where they said we would be.

Just last year Jordan Peterson hit the world stage over this issue, and no one expected the same shit to be here any time soon, and it's already here. States are passing the same laws that he protested against in Canada.

Once this society relinquished the position that the correct foundation for a society was a family of a man and a woman, everything else was relinquished with it.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Post by pineapplemike » Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:58 pm

I remember people on the right claiming that after gay marriage was legalized, people will want to marry animals, "what next, a horse?" That seemed a little silly to me but I thought hay if the horse and the man are in love then who am I to tell them not to get engaged? No more whore horses, time to straighten up and fly right and stop horsing around

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Post by Okeefenokee » Thu Aug 09, 2018 2:02 pm

They said the next step would be pedophilia.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Post by pineapplemike » Thu Aug 09, 2018 2:13 pm

They said both. I don't think they're wrong. But to presume that supporting gay marriage implies an overthrow of the established order and an automatic loss of freedom is a bridge too far for me. Like I said, I'll be voting no on those propositions to keep our USFL, US Freedom Level, where it is, I assume there are many other gay marriage supporters that will too. Hopefully more than not.

I liked my gateway drug observation from several pages ago. I think marijuana is a gateway drug, but you only go through the gateway willingly. Gay marriage is a gateway to perverse pedo sexual thoughts, but only if you go there willingly. Perhaps the illegality of gay marriage until a few years ago is the reason there are so many closet pedos now, perhaps if it was "normalized" decades ago our generation would have adjusted, instead of being lured into the lifestyle by how taboo society deemed it.

Or perhaps the problem is larger than gay marriage and viewing the degeneration of society through that lens will limit your ability to see the wide landscape.

Or perhaps those studies showing pedophilia can be caused by an abnormal brain is influencing the new push for normalization.

I dont know but I have to have faith in the public to make the right choice, luckily I gained a lot of faith in the public after Trump was elected. We'll see how it goes. Also I'm not gay or religious either so I've got that going for me

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Post by C-Mag » Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:10 pm

Melania used Chain Migration to get her parents into the US :lol:
Funny, Ironical, sure to light up the Corporate News. Something for everyone.

Will Lefties be against chain migration
Will Righties be for it


Don't fear authority, Fear Obedience

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Post by The Conservative » Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:01 pm

pineapplemike wrote:
Thu Aug 09, 2018 9:59 am
the moral approval for gay behavior is not mandated by law. feel free to lobby the government to spend your tax money elsewhere if you'd like, i'll be right there with you lobbying against my tax money going to endless war, something i personally find to be immoral

or like fife says get the government out of marriage and don't unequally subsidize human behavior, im ok with that.

i like the nuclear family but if society willingly abandons it then so be it
Actually, if you live in Mass and CA it is nearly mandated that you accept gay lifestyle and if you don't; they practically try to ruin your life anyway possible. Legally or not.

Fuck, we have an entire town geared explicitly towards that kind of lifestyle.

P-Town. Look it up.

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:52 pm

All felony charges dropped against Eric "the bike lock" Clanton in a plea deal. He is getting only three years probation for brutally attacking at least four people with a bike lock.